Скачать презентацию CHEMISTS IN THE USA The typical American Скачать презентацию CHEMISTS IN THE USA The typical American

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The typical American chemists has a total area - 100 square meters. Most of The typical American chemists has a total area - 100 square meters. Most of the chemist occupies a hall for visitors, where in free access are found shelves with non-prescripted medicines and related products: toys, souvenirs, greeting cards, and so on. f. Prescription drugs are placed only a few shelves located behind the fenced counter workplace pharmacist.

The heart of the chemist - it’s a computer system. Data about each patient The heart of the chemist - it’s a computer system. Data about each patient who came to the pharmacy with a prescription, are entered into computer. Within a few seconds using the modem connection on the number of insurance specified in the recipe, a connection is established with an insurance company and it turns out the amount that must be paid by the patient. The computer on each patient shoppers contains information about what drugs he acquired previously and which receives at present, on the basis of which issued an opinion on the alleged cooperation with the newly prescribed medicines.

The computer issues an instruction written out of the vehicle and prints a special The computer issues an instruction written out of the vehicle and prints a special label with the name of the drug, the patient's name, doctor, etc. , pasted on an individual container in which tablets are placed, designed for the patient. With the computer keeps track of drugs sold to insurance companies and the authorities who control prescription sales are counted the number of products sold under the provisions of various doctors, conducted a marketing analysis and others.

The main feature of the American pharmacy is the absence of inventory of prescription The main feature of the American pharmacy is the absence of inventory of prescription drugs. The necessary preparations are made in the daily application and at the end of the working day for modem communications are sent to the distributor who compulsorily executes it the next day. Thus, the patient receives the prescription drugs a day later.

A small pharmacy staff consists of one pharmacist and 2 -3 technical staff. The A small pharmacy staff consists of one pharmacist and 2 -3 technical staff. The duties of a pharmacist includes responding to all of the buyer's question about prescription drugs and assess the risk of possible adverse interactions of medicines taken by the patient.