Скачать презентацию CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE Olga Mykolaichuk The Скачать презентацию CHEMICAL INDUSTRY IN UKRAINE Olga Mykolaichuk The

Chemical industry in Ukraine.pptx

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The multi-branch chemical sector of Ukraine includes such sub-sectors as Chemical; Petrochemical; Chemical-pharmaceutic. The multi-branch chemical sector of Ukraine includes such sub-sectors as Chemical; Petrochemical; Chemical-pharmaceutic.

 The chemical sector of Ukraine includes over 1, 600 enterprises and structural units. The chemical sector of Ukraine includes over 1, 600 enterprises and structural units. The sector accounts for nearly 10% of industrial fixed assets and over 5% of all those employed by Ukrainian industrial sector. About 90% of the capital assets and about 80% employees involved in the industry are concentrated in chemical sector. Petrochemical and chemicalpharmaceutic sub-sectors account for the remaining production potential.

The structure of the chemical sector includes two groups of enterprises Chemical; Petrochemical ones. The structure of the chemical sector includes two groups of enterprises Chemical; Petrochemical ones.

 This sector is represented by production of mineral fertilizers, non- organic acids and This sector is represented by production of mineral fertilizers, non- organic acids and soda. Nitric fertilizers are manufactured in Donbas (Severodonetsk, Horlivka) and Prydniprovia (Dniprodzerzhinsk). Rivne and Cherkasy enterprises use natural gas in their production. Phosphate fertilizers are manufactured in sugar-beet producing areas (Sumy, Vinnytsia) and in Odesa and Kostyantyniv (Donetsk oblast). Production of sulfuric acid is concentrated in the regions where it is consumed and in the centers of phosphate fertilizers production. Basic chemistry is concentrated in the Crimea and comprises production of bromine, magnesium and iodine. sulfuric acid – сірчана кислота; bromine – бром; magnesium – магній; iodine – йод.

 Enterprises of the organic synthesis industry manufacturing synthetic resins, chemical fiber, man-made caoutchouc Enterprises of the organic synthesis industry manufacturing synthetic resins, chemical fiber, man-made caoutchouc and threads are located in Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, etc. The petrochemical industry manufactures a variety of products, such as car and motor-cycle tires (Dnipropetrovsk, Bila Tserkva), hoses, and consumer goods. The petrochemical enterprises are concentrated in Donbas, Prydniprovia, Prysivashia and Prykarpattya. The major centers of the sector are Kyiv, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Shostka, Sumy and Rubizhne. Resins – смоли; Threads – нитки; Hoses – шланги;

Structure of chemical industry exports in 2011, % Structure of chemical industry exports in 2011, %

Structure of chemical industry imports in 2011, % Structure of chemical industry imports in 2011, %

CONCLUSION The chemical industry as a whole remains heavily exposed to economic cycles and CONCLUSION The chemical industry as a whole remains heavily exposed to economic cycles and pretty much all of the industry’s underperformance of the last few years can be put down to the economic crisis. The global economic meltdown led to a weak industrial demand for chemicals, which led to significant regional and global production overstock, resulting in a dramatic fall in profits across the world.