Скачать презентацию Character Development How to create the next Chandler Скачать презентацию Character Development How to create the next Chandler


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Character Development How to create the next Chandler, Homer, Dwight, Leslie, Lucy, Sanford, Fraiser, Character Development How to create the next Chandler, Homer, Dwight, Leslie, Lucy, Sanford, Fraiser, Norm, and Buffy

Meet (blank) She likes ______ She hates ______ She wants ______ more than anything. Meet (blank) She likes ______ She hates ______ She wants ______ more than anything. She is typically _______ (mood)

Know Everything About Them: Basic History Actions and Reactions Moral Values Dreams and Ambitions Know Everything About Them: Basic History Actions and Reactions Moral Values Dreams and Ambitions Inner Life Darker Sides and Demons Consequences of Upbringing Power, alpha-ness Beliefs and Opinions Cultural Component

Meet (blank) If you called her a name what would she do? What does Meet (blank) If you called her a name what would she do? What does she believe most in? Her family inspires her to do what? How does she act around people she doesn’t know?

Sample Questions If she were waiting in the check out line at the supermarket, Sample Questions If she were waiting in the check out line at the supermarket, what candy would she want her parent to buy and why? If a stranger went up to her and promised them candy would they go with them? What would she say to the her mom on Mother’s Day?

Start Big! Give them a dramatic problem, need, compulsion. My main character wants _______ Start Big! Give them a dramatic problem, need, compulsion. My main character wants _______ more than anything else in the world. Love? Courage? Respect? Own the Dallas Cowboys? Find his missing son? Approval?

Meet (blank) The surface: Types of clothing Hair, makeup, glasses Name (should reflect your Meet (blank) The surface: Types of clothing Hair, makeup, glasses Name (should reflect your demographic)

Hit ‘em Where It Hurts Empathize with your character, don’t sympathize. Empathy is understanding, Hit ‘em Where It Hurts Empathize with your character, don’t sympathize. Empathy is understanding, sympathy lets you ease their suffering (which we don’t want to do because. . . ) We want to hit the character in their most vulnerable spot. Put them in the worst predicament imaginable. How can we get them out? How would they get themselves out?

Tips Don’t start off with a name or physical description. Write based on what Tips Don’t start off with a name or physical description. Write based on what you know