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CHAPTER 9 Patterns of Inheritance
Genetics • study of science of heredity • began w/the use of wild type traits – traits most commonly found in nature • desirable traits were then bred
Sect 9. 2 Mendel’s Methods • used true breeding plant – made by self- fertilization • created hybrids by cross-fertilization (crossing 2 different true breeding plants) - P generation is parent generation - F 1 generation (1 st filial) is offspring of P generation - F 2 generation (2 nd filial) is offspring made by F 1 x F 1
Mendel’s Principles Sect 9. 3 -9. 4 (Principle of Segregation) 1. alternative forms for genes called alleles 2. an organism has 2 genes (alleles): 1 inherited from each parent - sperm & egg each carry only 1 allele for each inherited characteristic
3. when the alleles of the pair are different, 1 is fully expressed, the other is masked - dominant allele is expressed - recessive allele is masked 4. Law of Segregation states that the allele pairs separate during gamete formation (meiosis) & restored during fertilization
Punnett Square – diagram used to predict results of a genetic cross Homozygous – identical alleles for a trait ex: G = green GG g = yellow gg Heterozygous – 2 different alleles for a trait Gg Phenotype – the expressed trait (physical appearance green or yellow) Genotype – organism’s genetic makeup GG, Gg, gg
Sect 9. 5 Mendel’s Principles (Independent Assortment) • Monohybrid Cross – parents differ only in a single trait Pod Color G = green g = yellow Genotype: 50% Gg & 50% gg Phenotype: 50% green & 50% yellow
• Dihybrid Cross – parents differ in 2 different traits - it follows the law of independent assortment - each allele pair separates independently during gamete formation P generation: RRYY x rryy
Sect 9. 6 • Testcross – a breeding of the recessive homozygote w/an organism of unknown genotype Practice a testcross
Sect 9. 12 -9. 13 Complications of Genotypes to Phenotypes Incomplete Dominance – when 1 allele is not dominant over the other (snapdragon) Multiple Alleles – some genes exist in more than 2 allele forms: blood types - A, B, AB, O (phenotypes) - A & B are codominant
Pleiotropy – when a gene has multiple effects Sect 9. 14 - affects phenotypic characteristics Ex: sickle-cell anemia (single recessive allele on both homologues) causes formation of abnormal hemoglobin which in turn causes: breakdown of red blood cells, clumping of cells & clogging of small blood vessels, accumulation of sickle cells in spleen
p. 168
NOTE: each of these causes additional effects on an individual - individuals who are heterozygous are called carriers because they “carry” the disease-causing allele & may transmit it to their offspring Polygenic Inheritance – an additive of 2 or more genes on a single phenotypic characteristic (skin color controlled by at least 3 genes) Sect 9. 15 p. 169
Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance • Mendelian genes are located on chromosomes • Chromosomes undergo segregation & independent assortment Sect 9. 18
Sect. 9. 19 Linked Genes • Discovered in 1908 by William Bateson & Reginald Punnett • Found on same chromosome • The principle of independent assortment does not apply because the genes are part of a single chromosome
Sect 9. 20 Chromosomal Basis of Recombination • Genetic Recombination – production of offspring that combine the traits of 2 parents • In unlinked genes independent assortment will take place - parental types – offspring w/same phenotype as one or the other of the parents
- Recombinants – offspring having different combinations than either parent Linked Genes – independent assortment does not take place - crossing over can occur so new combinations are passed on - recombination does occur
Mapping Chromosomes Cross Over Data Relative Distance Between Genes Sect 9. 21 • Use recombination • Determined by crossover data to assign a frequency position to genes • The greater the • A map unit is equal distance between to 1% genes, the greater recombination the chance for frequency crossing over to occur
Chromosomal Basis of Sex Sect 9. 22 Determination • Humans & other mammals have XX & XY • Most insects have XX (female) & XO (male) • Birds, fish, butterflies, moths have a ZW system: ZW (female and determines sex) & ZZ (male) • Most bees & ants are haplo-diploid: female from fertilized eggs (diploid), male from unfertilized eggs (haploid) – parthenogenesis – virgin birth
NOTE: not all organisms have separate sexes -plants are monoecious (one house), ex: corn - animals are hermaphroditic – all individuals of a species have the same compliment of chromosomes ex: earthworms, garden snails
Sect 9. 23 Morgan: Sex Linkage • Worked w/fruit flies – Drosophlia - found that the gene for eye color is on the X chromosome: R = red r = white - mated white eyed male w/red eyed female (wild) * all F 1 have red eyes, then mated F 1 x F 1
Which of the following represents the human genome project: a. The main character in Travelocity commercials 1. b. Yard art 2. c. Aimed at sequencing all the DNA on the human chromosomes
Genome • One complete haploid set of chromosomes of an organism • in humans, 23 chromosomes w/approximately 3 billion nucleotide pairs of DNA that carry between 50, 000 & 100, 000 genes • If genome’s chromosomes were uncoiled and laid end to end, they would make a very thin thread that would be approximately 3 meters long
Sect 8. 19 p. 144 Karyotype • A photographic overview of a person’s genome • cells from a person are fixed in metaphase, stained, & photographed to display all of a cell’s chromosomes • Individual chromosomes are cut out, paired w/their homologue, & arranged from largest to smallest pairs for the 22 autosomes w/the sex chromosomes placed last
• the karyotype is used to screen for abnormal numbers of chromosomes or defective chromosomes
Sect 8. 20 -8. 22 p. 145 -147 Major Chromosomal Alterations & Their Effects Chromosome Numbers • nondisjunction - when chromosomes fail to separate during Meiosis I and II • can cause aneuploidy - abnormal chromosome numbers: * monosomy (1 less chromosome) * trisomy (1 extra chromosome)
Human Disorders (nondisjunction/aneuploidy) 1. Down Syndrome trisomy on chromosome #21 *occurs in 1 of every 700 births *rounded facial features, varying degrees of mental retardation
2. Patau Syndrome - trisomy on chromosome #13 *occurs in 1 of every 5000 births *causes cleft palate, harelip, brain defects #13
3. Edwards Syndrome - trisomy on chromosome #18 *occurs in 1 of every 10, 000 births *affects almost every organ system
4. Klinefelter Syndrome - trisomy in male *occurs in 1 of every 2000 births *has male sex organs but are sterile (XXY)
5. Metafemale - trisomy in female (XXX) *occurs in 1 of every 1000 births *limited fertility but otherwise appear normal
6. Turner Syndrome - monosomy in female (XO) *occurs in 1 of every 5000 births *no mature sex organs, sterile
Chromosome Structure • Breakage of a chromosome can cause a variety of rearrangements • fragments are usually lost when a cell divides in 1 of 4 ways:
1 -DELETION = a fragment of the chromosome breaks off and is lost (only dealing with one homologue) For example, in this picture gene 3 has broken off and been lost. becomes (Where did gene 3 run off to? )
2 -DUPLICATION = chromosome fragment attaches to a homologue now one homologue has 2 sets of (same) info. and the other is missing info. (Old Homologue 2) OLD {12}3345678 (Homologue 1 is left 12345678 without genes 1 & 2. Homologue 2 ends NEW up with both copies 345678 of genes #1 & 2. ) 12{12}345678 (New Homologue 2)
3 -INVERSION = chromosome breaks off and reattaches in reverse order (only dealing with one homologue) {234} Becomes {432}
4 -TRANSLOCATION = a fragment breaks off and attaches to a nonhomologue (Example – chromosome 1 has a piece break off Chromo. #1 and attach to chromosome number 2 which is a Chromo. #2 non-homologue) (What will the new chromosome #1 look like? ) 345678 New #2
Example of deletion: Williams Syndrome – deletion of about 15 genes on 1 of the homologous chromosomes in chromosome #7 *occurs in 1 of every 20, 000 births *mild retardation, problems in grasping spatial relationships; possess extraordinary musical talent *thought to be elves/pixies in medieval folklore
Inherited Disorders Due to Gene Mutations Human Pedigree - a pedigree shows the occurrence of a trait, seen in a family tree type of style Recessively Inherited Disorders carrier - a heterozygote (Xx) that is phenotypically normal but transmits the recessive allele to the offspring
1. Deafness - severely or totally deaf Dd = carrier (normal) DD = normal dd = deaf
2. Cystic Fibrosis - excessive mucus secretions clog airways of lungs & passages of the liver and pancreas
3. Albinism - lack of (skin) pigmentation 4. Tay-Sachs - an incurable disorder in which the brain deteriorates due to lipid build-up 5. Sickle Cell Anemia - red blood cells are defective so they don’t transport O 2 tissues properly (caused by point mutation)
Dominantly Inherited Disorders 1. Dwarfism (Achondroplasia)homozygous dominant results in spontaneous abortion 2. Alzheimer’s Disease-causes mental deterioration (normally no obvious effect until late in life and effects are irreversible and lethal)
3. Huntington’s Disease - degenerative disorder of the brain cells *no obvious effect until after age 30 *effects are irreversible and lethal Why are Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s becoming so common?
Sex Linked Traits - fathers pass X linked traits on to all of their daughters and mothers can pass sex linked traits on to both sons and daughters Examples: Hemophilia - blood disorder passed from generation to generation
Color Blindness - inability to see certain colors due to malfunctioning lightsensitive cells in the eyes Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy progressive weakening and loss of muscle tissue
Risk Assessment and Therapy for Genetic Disorders • Fetal Testing Amniocentesis - needle obtains small sample of amniotic fluid *culture cells are taken from sloughed off cell floating in amniotic fluid
*done around 14 -16 weeks of pregnancy *karyotype performed *results in several weeks (risk to pregnancy - 1%)
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - small tube suctions off a small amount of tissue from the villi of the embryonic membrane (this tissue forms part of the placenta) *cells are rapidly undergoing mitosis *done around 8 -10 weeks of pregnancy *perform a karyotype *results in 1 day (risk to pregnancy 2%)
Ultrasound Imaging - high frequency sound waves (sonar beyond the range of hearing) *produces a colorenhanced image of fetus - age 18 weeks on *results are immediate (noninvasive and no known risk) *used during amniocentesis and CVS to determine position of fetus and needle or tube
Fetoscopy - needle thin tube w/viewing lens & light source *produces direct view of fetus *results are immediate (risk to pregnancy - 10%) - risks to pregnancy can be complications that can result in maternal bleeding, miscarriage, or premature birth
• Carrier Recognition Counseling Problem: parents are concerned they are carrier of a recessive genetic disorder; they do not wish to pass the disorder onto their prospective children Solution: physicians and genetic counselors now have a growing list of relatively simple biochemical tests that can check a couple’s genotype for genetic disorders
• Identification of Defective Genes and Gene Therapy - work by Dr. Nancy Wexler on Huntington’s Disease as well as ongoing research making progress in locating defective genes - her work in Venezuela produced a pedigree linking almost 10, 000 people
- this allowed her to find a genetic marker (a DNA strand signaling the presence of a specific allele) and a test to identify for HD in 1983 - she located the HD allele in 1993 and identified the allele’s operation - set up gene therapy
Problems w/gene therapy: Technical - new gene must work at the right time and throughout life, and gene therapy works only with cells that currently multiply (nerve cells do not) Ethical - who will have access to it, treat only serious diseases, enhance athletic ability/physical appearance, and treatment of germ cells (makes gametes)
www. biology. ewu. edu/. . . / Gene. Therapy. Targeted. jpg
Human Genome Project • Purpose: map all 3 billion nucleotides (international, multi-billion, multidecade long successful effort) • Potential: insight & understanding into embryonic development & evolution, aid in diagnosis, treatment, prevention of many diseases
Yeast & Fly Genomes • Reproduces by budding and doubles every 90 minutes • sequenced in 1996 • 12 million base pairs of DNA • 6000 genes, at least 31% have human equivalents • Lifespan 2 -3 months, new generation every 10 days • sequenced in March 2000 • 165 million base pairs of DNA • 13, 600 genes, 50% have human equivalents
Mouse & Human Genome • Lifespan 2 years, new generation every 9 weeks • sequenced in 2001 • 3 billion base pairs of DNA • 40, 000 genes • equivalents to human and some blocks proved impossible to tell apart from human • Lifespan in U. S. 60 -70 years, new generation every 20 -25 years • preliminary draft in June 2000 • Close to final draft in 2004 • 3 billion base pairs of DNA • 50, 000 genes
Ethical Issues • Who has access to your genome? • How far, if at all, do we go to re -engineer someone? • How do we prevent genetic discrimination in the workplace, insurance companies, social settings, etc. ?