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Chapter 8: Pavilion Design Group: Time & Billing
Pavilion Design Group When you installed Peachtree Complete Accounting 2003, Release 10, two sample companies were included with the software: Bellwether Garden Supply and Pavilion Design Group. In Chapters 1 -7, you worked with Bellwether Garden Supply. In this chapter, you will focus on how the second sample company, Pavilion Design Group, uses PCA’s time and billing feature. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 2
Time & Billing gives you a way to track expenses and time when working with your customers. For example, there are daily services that you perform for your customers like making copies, designing a proposal, and out-of-pocket expenses. These expenses can be tracked and documented using PCA’s time and billing feature. The purpose of PCA’s time and billing feature is to give you the tools to record customer-related work or expenses. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 3
Software Objectives, p. 223 Start the sample company, Pavilion Design Group. Explore Peachtree’s time and billing feature Make one backup: one blank, formatted disk for Chapter 8. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 4
Web Objectives, p. 223 Use your Internet browser to go to the book’s web site at www. mhhe. com/yacht 2003 Complete the Internet activity for “Search Engines. ” Complete the steps shown for this activity. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 5
Peachtree Tips You use the other sample company, Pavilion Design Group, to complete Chapter 8. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 6
Backing Up Chapter 8 Disk 14 of 18 Backup Name A: Chapter 8 ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 KB 468 KB Page Nos. 234 -235 7
Chapter 8 Topics 1. 2. 3. 4. Software & web objectives, p. 223 Pavilion Design Group, p. 223 Time & Billing, p. 223 a. Time tickets, p. 224 b. Expense tickets, pp. 224 -225 Getting started, p. 225 Using Time & Billing, p. 226 a. Inventory item maintenance, pp. 226 -227 b. Time ticket, pp. 227 -228 c. Sales invoice, pp. 228 -230 d. Payroll, pp. 230 -232 ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 8
Chapter 8 Topics, concluded 5. Backing up Chapter 8 data, pp. 232 -233 6. Internet Activity, p. 233 7. Summary and Review, p. 233 a. b. c. d. e. Going to the net, p. 234 Multiple choice questions, pp. 234 -236 Exercise 8 -1, p. 236 Exercise 8 -2, p. 237 Chapter 8 index, p. 238 ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 9
Select Pavilion Design Group, p. 225 Start Windows and Peachtree in the usual way. From the startup screen, click on “Explore a sample company. ” Select “Pavilion Design Group. ” Click on <OK>. Close Peachtree Today. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 10
Inventory Item Maintenance, p. 226 From the menu bar, click on Maintain, then Inventory Items. In the “Item ID” box, select CONCO 1, Layout Concept. Close the “Maintain Inventory Items” window. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 11
Time Ticket, pp. 227 -228 Select Tasks, Time/Expense, then Time Tickets. Click on the “Abc Open” icon. Then, click on “Reference 18” for Jeff Henderson. Click on <OK. > The “Time Tickets” window appears. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 12
“Weekly” folder tab selected, p. 228 Click on the “Weekly” folder tab. Close the “Weekly Time Tickets” window. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 13
Sales Invoice, p. 229 Complete steps 1 – 3 on page 229. Complete steps 4 through 7 on p. 229. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 14
“Apply Tickets/Reimbursable Expenses” window, p. 230 After completing steps 4 -7 on page 229, this window appears. Click on <OK> then close. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 15
Payroll, pp. 230 -231 Complete steps 1 – 3 on pp. 230 -231. Complete step 4, p. 231. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 16
“Select Payroll Entry” window, p. 232 Click on Tasks, Payroll Entry. Select “Abc Open, ” then “Reference 4211” for Mr. Henderson. Click on <OK>. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 17
Glossary: Chapter 8
Time tickets, p. 224 Time tickets are used to record time-based activities such as research or consultations. They record the activities of either an employee or a vendor. The two methods of entering time ticket information are weekly or daily. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 19
Expense tickets, p. 224 Expense tickets are used to track and aid in the recovery of customer-related expenses. These expenses are not based on time. Expenses can be based on the various charges related to the service being offered. For example, if you were an accountant, you might charge your client for copying fees or faxing fees. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 20
Activity items, p. 226 A special inventory item class for time and billing. Activity items are used on time tickets. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 21
Charge items, p. 226 A special inventory item class for time and billing. Charge items are used on expense tickets. ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 22
Internet Activity, p. 233 1 Go to the book’s web site at www. mhhe. com/yacht 2003 2 In the “Student Center” list, link to Internet Activities. 3 4 Link to WEB EXERCISES PART 1. 5 6 Scroll down the screen to “SEARCH ENGINES – Chapter 7. ” Read steps 1 and 2. Follow the steps shown on the book’s web site to complete this Internet activity. Write a summary for each web site visited (maximum length, 75 words). ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 23
Going to the Net, p. 234 Access the Peachtree’s Frequently Asked Questions web site. www. peachtree. com/peachtree 2003/frequently_asked_questions. cfm 1. Who should use Peachtree Complete Accounting 2003? 2. How do I keep my payroll taxes up to date? 3. How can I get remote access to my Peachtree data? ©The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. , 2004 24