Скачать презентацию Chapter 7 Relations the second time around Скачать презентацию Chapter 7 Relations the second time around


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Chapter 7 Relations : the second time around Yen-Liang Chen Dept of Information Management Chapter 7 Relations : the second time around Yen-Liang Chen Dept of Information Management National Central University

7. 1. Relations revisited: properties of relations • Definition 7. 1. For sets A, 7. 1. Relations revisited: properties of relations • Definition 7. 1. For sets A, B, any subset of A B is called a (binary) relation from A to B. Any subset of A A is called a binary relation on A.

Examples • Ex 7. 1 – Define the relation on the set Z by Examples • Ex 7. 1 – Define the relation on the set Z by a b, if a b. – For x, y Z and n Z+, the modulo n relation is defined by x y if x-y is a multiple of n. • Ex 7. 2: For x, y A, define x y if x is a prefix of y.

Ex 7. 3. • s 1 s 2 if v(s 1, x)=s 2. Here, Ex 7. 3. • s 1 s 2 if v(s 1, x)=s 2. Here, denotes the first level of reachability. • s 1 s 2 if v(s 1, x 1 x 2)=s 2. Here, denotes the second level of reachability. • 1 -equivalence relation: s 1 E 1 s 2 if w(s 1, x)=w(s 2, x) for x IA. • k-equivalence relation: s 1 Eks 2 if w(s 1, x)=w(s 2, x) for x IAk. • equivalence relation: if two states are kequivalent for all k.

reflexive • Definition 7. 2. A relation on a set A is called reflexive reflexive • Definition 7. 2. A relation on a set A is called reflexive if for all x A, (x, x) . • Ex 7. 4. For A={1, 2, 3, 4}, a relation A A will be reflexive if and only if {(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)}. • Ex 7. 5. Given a finite set A with A =n, we have A A =n 2, so there are relations on A. Among them, is reflexive.

symmetric • Definition 7. 3. A relation on a set A is called symmetric symmetric • Definition 7. 3. A relation on a set A is called symmetric if (x, y) (y, x) for all x, y A. • Ex 7. 6. With A={1, 2, 3}, what properties do the following relations have? – 1={(1, – 2={(1, – 3={(1, – 4={(1, – 5={(1, 2), 1), 1), (2, (2, (2, 1), 2), 2), 3), (1, (3, (2, (3, 3), (3, 1)} 3), (2, 3)} 3), (2, 3), (3, 2)} 3)}

symmetric • To count the symmetric relations on A={a 1, a 2, …, an}. symmetric • To count the symmetric relations on A={a 1, a 2, …, an}. • A A=A 1 A 2, where A 1={(a 1, a 1), …, (an, an)} and A 2={(ai, aj) i j}. • A 1 contains n pairs, and A 2 contains n 2 -n pairs. • A 2 contains (n 2 -n)/2 subsets Si, j of the form {(ai, aj), (aj, ai) i j}. • So, we have totally symmetric relations on A. • If the relations are both symmetric and reflexive, we have choices.

transitive • Definition 7. 4. A relation on a set A is called transitive transitive • Definition 7. 4. A relation on a set A is called transitive if (x, y), (y, z) (x, z) for all x, y, z A. • Ex 7. 8. Define the relation on the set Z+ by a b if a divides b. This is a transitive and reflexive relation but not symmetric. • Ex 7. 9. Define the relation on the set Z by a b if a b 0. What properties do they have?

anti-symmetric • Definition 7. 5. A relation on a set A is called anti-symmetric anti-symmetric • Definition 7. 5. A relation on a set A is called anti-symmetric if (x, y) and (x, y) x=y for all x, y A. • Ex 7. 11. Define the relation (A, B) if A B. Then it is an anti-symmetric relation. • Note that “not symmetric” is different from anti-symmetric. • Ex 7. 12. What properties do they have? – ={(1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3)} – ={(1, 2), (2, 2)}

anti-symmetric • To count the anti-symmetric relations on A={a 1, a 2, …, an}. anti-symmetric • To count the anti-symmetric relations on A={a 1, a 2, …, an}. – A A=A 1 A 2, where A 1={(a 1, a 1), …, (an, an)} and A 2={(ai, aj) i j}. – A 1 contains n pairs, and A 2 contains n 2 -n pairs. – A 2 contains (n 2 -n)/2 subsets Si, j of the form {(ai, aj), (aj, ai) i j}. – Each element in A 1 can be selected or not. – Each element in Si, j can be selected either one or none. – So, we have totally anti-symmetric relations on A. • Ex 7. 13. Define the relation on the functions by f g if f is dominated by g (or f O(g)). What are their properties?

partial order relation • Definition 7. 6. A relation is called a partial order, partial order relation • Definition 7. 6. A relation is called a partial order, if is reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. • Ex 7. 15. Define the relation on the set Z+ by a b if a divides b.

equivalence relation • Definition 7. 7. A relation is called an equivalence relation, if equivalence relation • Definition 7. 7. A relation is called an equivalence relation, if is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. • Ex 7. 16. (b) – If A={1, 2, 3}, the following are all equivalence relations – 1={(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3)} – 2={(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (2, 3), (3, 2)} – 3={(1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 2), (3, 1), (3, 3)} – 4={(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)}

Examples • Ex 7. 16(c). For a finite set A, A A is the Examples • Ex 7. 16(c). For a finite set A, A A is the largest equivalence relation on A. The equality relation is the smallest equivalence relation on A. • Ex 7. 16(d). Let f: A B be the onto function. Define the relation on A by a b if f(a)=f(b). • Ex 7. 16(e). If is a relation on A, then is both an equivalence relation and a partial order relation iff is the equality relation on A.

7. 2. Computer recognition: zero-one matrices and directed graphs • Definition 7. 8. Let 7. 2. Computer recognition: zero-one matrices and directed graphs • Definition 7. 8. Let relations 1 A B and 2 B C. The composite relation of 1 2 is a relation defined by 1 2={(x, z) y in B such that (x, y) 1 and (y, z) 2. • Ex 7. 17. Consider 1={(1, x), (2, x), (3, y), (3, z)} and 2={(w, 5), (x, 6)}. What is 1 2?

composite relation • Ex 7. 18. Let A be the set of employees at composite relation • Ex 7. 18. Let A be the set of employees at a computer center, while B denotes a set of programming language, and C is a set of projects…… • Theorem 7. 1. 1 ( 2 3)= ( 1 2) 3

the power of relation • Definition 7. 9. We define the powers of relation the power of relation • Definition 7. 9. We define the powers of relation by (a) 1= ; (b) n+1= n • Ex 7. 19. If ={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 2)}, then what is 2 and 3 and 4.

matrix representation • A relation can be represented by an m n zeroone matrix. matrix representation • A relation can be represented by an m n zeroone matrix. • Ex 7. 17. Consider 1={(1, x), (2, x), (3, y), (3, z)} and 2={(w, 5), (x, 6)}. What is 1 2?

matrix representation • Ex 7. 19. If ={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, matrix representation • Ex 7. 19. If ={(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 2)}, then what is 2 and 3 and 4.

matrix representation • Let A be a set with A =n and be a matrix representation • Let A be a set with A =n and be a relation on A. If M( ) is the relation matrix for , then – M( )=0 if and only if =. – M( )=1 if and only if =A A. – M( m)=[M( )]m

less than • Definition 7. 11. Let E=(eij)m n F=(fij)m n be two zero-one less than • Definition 7. 11. Let E=(eij)m n F=(fij)m n be two zero-one matrices. We say that E precedes, or is less than , F, written as E F, if eij for all i, j. • Ex 7. 23. E F.

Identity matrix I 2= I 3= Identity matrix I 2= I 3=

Transpose of a matrix A= Atr= Transpose of a matrix A= Atr=

Theorem 7. 2 • Let M denote the relation matrix for . Then (A) Theorem 7. 2 • Let M denote the relation matrix for . Then (A) R is reflexive if and only if In M. (B) R is symmetric if and only if M=Mtr. (C) R is transitive if and only if M 2 M. (D) R is anti-symmetric if and only if M Mtr In.

Graph representation • Definition 7. 14. A directed graph can be denoted as G=(V, Graph representation • Definition 7. 14. A directed graph can be denoted as G=(V, E), where V is the vertex set and E is the edge set. • V={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, E={(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 4), (3, 2)}

Ex 7. 27 • R={(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3), Ex 7. 27 • R={(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4), (4, 2)} • directed graph, undirected graph, connected, undirected cycle, directed cycle

Terms in graph • strongly connected and loop-free • disconnected graph, components Terms in graph • strongly connected and loop-free • disconnected graph, components

complete graphs complete graphs

Graph representation for a relation • Ex 7. 30, Fig 7. 8, is reflexive Graph representation for a relation • Ex 7. 30, Fig 7. 8, is reflexive if and only if its directed graph contains a loop at each vertex • Ex 7. 31, Fig 7. 9, is symmetric if and only if its directed graph may be drawn only by loops and undirected edges • Ex 7. 32, Fig 7. 10, is anti-symmetric if and only if for any x y the graph contains at most one of the edges (x, y) or (y, x) • Ex 7. 33, Fig 7. 11, a relation is an equivalence relation if and only if its graph consists of disjoint union of complete graphs augmented by loops at each vertex

7. 3. Partial orders: Hasse Diagrams • Definition: Let A be a set with 7. 3. Partial orders: Hasse Diagrams • Definition: Let A be a set with a relation on A. The pair (A, ) is called a partially ordered set, or poset, if relation on A is partially ordered. If A is called a poset, we understand that there is a partially order on A that makes A into this set.

Examples of Poset • Ex 7. 34. Let A be the set of courses Examples of Poset • Ex 7. 34. Let A be the set of courses offered at a college. Define the relation on A by x y if x , y are the same course or if x is a prerequisite for y. • Ex 7. 35. Define on A={1, 2, 3, 4} by x y if x divide y. Then (A, ) is a poset. • Ex 7. 36. Let A be the set of tasks that must be performed to build a house. Define the relation on A by x y if x , y are the same task or if x must be performed before y.

Original graph and Hasse diagram Original graph and Hasse diagram

Hasse Diagram • If (A, ) is a poset, we construct a Hasse diagram Hasse Diagram • If (A, ) is a poset, we construct a Hasse diagram for on A by drawing a line segment from x up to y, if – x y – there is no z such that x z and z y. • Ex 7. 38, Fig 7. 18. The relation on (a) is the subset relation, while the relations on the others are the divide relations.

totally ordered • Definition 7. 16. If (A, ) is a poset, we say totally ordered • Definition 7. 16. If (A, ) is a poset, we say that A is totally ordered if for all x, y A either x y or y x. In this case, is called a total order. • Ex 7. 40. – On the set N, the relation defined by x y if x y is a total order. – The subset relation is a partial order but not total order. – Fig 7. 19 is a total order.

Topological sorting • Given a Hasse diagram for a partial order relation , how Topological sorting • Given a Hasse diagram for a partial order relation , how to find a total order for which .

maximal and minimal • Definition 7. 17. If (A, ) is a poset, then maximal and minimal • Definition 7. 17. If (A, ) is a poset, then x is a maximal element of A if for all a A, a x x a. Similarly, y is a minimal element of A if for all b A, b y. • Ex 7. 42. – For the poset (P(U), ), U is the maximal and is the minimal. – Let B be the proper subsets of {1, 2, 3}. Then we have multiple maximal elements for the poset (B, ).

Examples • Ex 7. 43. For the poset (Z, ), we have neither a Examples • Ex 7. 43. For the poset (Z, ), we have neither a maximal nor a minimal element. For the poset (N, ), we have no maximal element but a minimal element 0. • Ex 7. 44. How about the poset in Fig. 7. 18? Do they have maximal or minimal elements? • Theorem 7. 3. If (A, ) is a poset and A is finite, then A has both a maximal and a minimal element.

Least and greatest • Definition 7. 18. If (A, ) is a poset, then Least and greatest • Definition 7. 18. If (A, ) is a poset, then x is a least element of A if for all a A, x a. Similarly, y is a greatest element of A if for all a A, a y. • Ex 7. 45. – For the poset (P(U), ), U is the greatest and is the least. – Let B be the nonempty subsets of {1, 2, 3}. Then we have U as the greatest maximal element and three minimal elements for the poset (B, ). • Theorem 7. 4. If poset (A, ) has a greatest or a least element, then that element is unique.

Lower bound and upper bound • Definition 7. 19. If (A, ) is a Lower bound and upper bound • Definition 7. 19. If (A, ) is a poset with B A, then x A is called a lower bound of B if x b for all b B. Likewise, y A is called an upper bound of B if b y for all b B. • An element x A is called a greatest lower bound of B if for all other lower bounds x of B we have x x. Similarly, an element x A is called a least upper bound of B if for all other upper bounds x of B we have x x. • Theorem 7. 5. If (A, ) is a poset and B A, then B has at most one lub (glb).

Examples • Ex 7. 47. Let U={1, 2, 3, 4} with A=P(U) and let Examples • Ex 7. 47. Let U={1, 2, 3, 4} with A=P(U) and let be the subset relation on B. If B={{1}, {2}, {1, 2}}, then what are the upper bounds of B, lower bounds of B, the greatest lower bound and the least upper bound? • Ex 7. 48. Let be the “ ” relation on A. What are the results for the following cases? – A=R and B=[0, 1] – A=R and B={q Q q 2<2} – A=Q and B={q Q q 2<2}

Lattice • Definition 7. 20. The poset (A, ) is called a lattice if Lattice • Definition 7. 20. The poset (A, ) is called a lattice if for all x, y A the elements lub{x, y} and glb{x, y} both exist in A. • Ex 7. 49. For A=N and x, y N, define x y by x y. Then lub{x, y}=max{x, y} and glb{x, y}=min{x, y}. (N, ) is a lattice. • Ex 7. 50. For the poset (P(U), ), if S, T U, we have lub{S, T}=S T and glb{S, T}=S T and it is a lattice.

7. 4. Equivalence relation and partitions • For any set A , the relation 7. 4. Equivalence relation and partitions • For any set A , the relation of equality is an equivalence relation on A. • Let the relation on Z defined by x y if x-y is a multiple of 2, then is an equivalence relation on Z, where one contains all even integers and the other odd integers.

partition • Definition 7. 21. Given a set A and index set I, let partition • Definition 7. 21. Given a set A and index set I, let Ai A for i I. Then {Ai}i I is a partition of A if (a) A= i IAi and (b) Ai Aj= for i j. • Ex 7. 52, A={1, …, 10}…. • Ex 7. 53. A partition of R

equivalence class • Definition 7. 22. the equivalence class of x, denoted [x], is equivalence class • Definition 7. 22. the equivalence class of x, denoted [x], is defined by [x]={y A y x} • Ex 7. 54. Define the relation on Z by x y if 4 (x-y). • Ex 7. 55. Define the relation on Z by a b if a 2=b 2.

equivalence class • Theorem 7. 6. If is an equivalence relation on a set equivalence class • Theorem 7. 6. If is an equivalence relation on a set A and x, y A, then (a) x [x]; (b) x y if and only if [x]=[y]; and (c) [x]=[y] or [x] [y]=. • Ex 7. 56. – Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, ={(1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (3, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 5), (5, 4), (5, 5)}, Then, we have A=[1] [2] [4]. – Consider an onto function f: A B. f({1, 3, 7})=x; f({4, 6})=y; f({2, 5})=z. The relation defined on A by a b if f(a)=f(b). A=[1] [4] [2]. • Ex 7. 58. If an equivalence relation on A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} induces the partition A={1, 2} {3} {4, 5, 7} {6}, what is ?

Theorems • Theorem 7. 7. If A is a set, then any equivalence relation Theorems • Theorem 7. 7. If A is a set, then any equivalence relation on A induces a partition of A, and any partition of A gives rise to an equivalence relation on A. • Theorem 7. 8. For any set A, there is one-to-one correspondence between the set of equivalence relations on A and the set of partitions of A.

7. 5. Finite state machine: the minimization process • Two finite state machines of 7. 5. Finite state machine: the minimization process • Two finite state machines of the same function may have different number of internal states. • Some of these states are redundant. • A process of transforming a given machine into one that has no redundant internal states is called the minimization process.

1 -equivalence • For the states S, we define the relation E 1 on 1 -equivalence • For the states S, we define the relation E 1 on S by s 1 E 1 s 2 if w(s 1, x)=w(s 2, x) for all x I. The relation E 1 is an equivalence relation on S, and it partitions S into subsets such that two states are in the same subset if they produce the same output for each x I.

k-equivalence • For the states S, we define the kequivalence relation Ek on S k-equivalence • For the states S, we define the kequivalence relation Ek on S by s 1 Eks 2 if w(s 1, x)=W(s 2, x) for all x Ik. The relation Ek is an equivalence relation on S, and it partitions S into subsets such that two states are in the same subset if they produce the same output for each x Ik. • Finally, we call two states equivalent if they are k-equivalent for all k 1.

Goal and tips • Hence, our objective is to determine the partition of S Goal and tips • Hence, our objective is to determine the partition of S induced by E and to select one state for each equivalent class. • Observations: – If two states are not 2 -equivalent, they can not be 3 -equivalent. – For s 1, s 2 S, where s 1 Eks 2, we find that s 1 Ek+1 s 2 if and only if v(s 1, x)Ekv(s 2, x) for all x I.

The procedure for the minimization 1. Set k=1. We determine the states that are The procedure for the minimization 1. Set k=1. We determine the states that are 1 -equivalent. 2. Having determined Pk, we determine the states that are (k+1) -equivalent. Note that if s 1 Eks 2, then s 1 Ek+1 s 2 if and only if v(s 1, x)Ekv(s 2, x) for all x I. 3. If Pk+1=Pk, the process is completed.

Ex 7. 60. • the original table in Table 7. 1 and P 1: Ex 7. 60. • the original table in Table 7. 1 and P 1: {s 1}, {s 2, s 5, s 6}, {s 3, s 4} • Table 7. 2. P 2: {s 1}, {s 2, s 5}, {s 6}, {s 3, s 4}, P 2=P 3

refinement • Definition 7. 23. If P 1 and P 2 are partitions of refinement • Definition 7. 23. If P 1 and P 2 are partitions of set A, then P 2 is called a refinement of P 1, denoted as P 2 P 1, if every cell of P 2 is contained in a cell of P 1. When P 2 P 1 and P 2 P 1, we write P 2

distinguishing string • If s 1 Eks 2 but s 1 Ek+1 s 2, distinguishing string • If s 1 Eks 2 but s 1 Ek+1 s 2, then we have a string x=x 1 x 2…xkxk+1 Ik+1 such that w(s 1, x) w(s 2, x) but w(s 1, x 1 x 2…xk)=w(s 2, x 1 x 2…xk). We call this string as distinguishing string. • s 1 Ek+1 s 2 x 1 I [v(s 1, x 1) Ek v(s 2, x 1)]

Ex 7. 61 • s 2 E 1 s 6 but s 2 E Ex 7. 61 • s 2 E 1 s 6 but s 2 E 2 s 6. • X=00 is the minimal distinguishing string for s 2 and s 6

Ex 7. 62 • s 1 and s 4 are 2 equivalent but are Ex 7. 62 • s 1 and s 4 are 2 equivalent but are not 3 equivalent. • X=111 is the minimal distinguishing string for s 1 and s 4