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Chapter 7 Data Collection: Secondary Data 1 © 2005 Thomson/South-Western
FIGURE 1: TYPES OF SECONDARY DATA Examples • Sales invoice • Salesperson’s call reports • Salesperson’s expense account • Credit memos • Warranty cards Internal Secondary Data Published External General works • Directories • Periodicals • Statistical sources • Financial records • Geodemographic data Commercial • Diary panel data • Store audit data • Scanner data • Advertising exposure data 2
FIGURE 2: HOW TO GET STARTED WHEN SEARCHING PUBLISHED SOURCES OF SECONDARY DATA 1. Identify what you wish to know and what you already know about your topic. 2. Develop a list of key terms and names. 3. Search several of the general guides, directories, and websites for papers and/or reports. 4. Compile the literature you have found. Rework your list of key words and authors if necessary. 5. Consult the reference librarian. 6. Consult the various directory guides. 7. Identify authorities in the area and consult them. 3
The Balancing Act with Secondary Data *Inexpensive *Can be Secured Quickly *Unknown Accuracy *Ill Fitting for the Problem 4
Comparing Strengths and Weaknesses of Secondary and Primary Data Secondary · · Dfn: data already exist Exs: census, government, Dun&B CDRoms, corporate library, scanner data (Nielsen, IRI) +’s: quick, cheap, easy, focuses research, can answer Q, benchmark -’s: doesn’t fit problem, outdated Primary · · Dfn: data you collect for purpose at hand Exs: focus group, survey, interviews, telemarketing +’s: tailored to needs, current -’s: takes time to collect, expensive ***Their strengths and weaknesses are complementary! So. . . any good research project should have both! 5
FIGURE 3: EXCERPTS OF NAICS CODES FOR MARKETING CONSULTANT The NAICS codes have replaced the former SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes to reflect the changing economic base, particularly to reflect more detail the growing services sectors. For example, the former SIC category of “Services” is refined into seven new categories: Information; Professional, Scientific, and Technical; Administrative Support, Waste Management and Remediation; Education; Health Care and Social Assistance; Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation; and Other Services. Newly recognized industries include: software, convenience stores, pet supply stores, HMOs, and casinos. The U. S. Census Bureau provides tables showing the correspondence between the former SIC codes and the new NAICS. . . 54: 16: 1. 1: Administrative. . Management, General 51: Information. Management Consulting. 52 -53: Finance, Insurance, Real estate 54: Professional, Scientific, Technical Services 55: Management of Companies. . . 54: 15: Computer System Design 54: 16: Management, Scientific, Technical Consulting 54: 17: Scientific R&D 54: 18: Advertising and Related Services. . . 54: 16: 1. 2: Human Resources and Executive Search Consulting 54: 16: 1. 3: Marketing Consulting Service 54: 16: 1. 4: Process, Physical Distribution, Logistics Consulting 54: 16: 1. 8: Other Management Consulting 54: 16: 2: Environmental Consulting Services 6
Types of U. S. Census 1. Economic Census: 1. Census of Agriculture 2. Census of Construction Industries 3. Census of Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 4. Census of Government 5. Census of Manufacturers 6. Census of Mineral Industries 7. Census of Retail Trade 8. Census of Service Industries 9. Census of Transportation, Communications and Utilities 10. Census of Wholesale Trade 2. Population Census: 1. Census of Housing 2. Census of Population see: www. census. gov 7
Examples of Sources of Secondary Data and Information on Industries, Companies, Consumers · · · Industry Information · e. g. , Almanac of Business and Industrial Financial Ratios · KR (Knight-Ridder) Information Ondisc: Business & Industry · Manufacturing USA: Industry Analyses, Statistics, and Leading Companies · Service Industries USA: Industry Analyses, Statistics, and Leading Organizations · Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys Company Information · e. g. , How to Find Information About Companies · How to Find Information about Foreign and Global Companies · Fortune Directory · Standard & Poor’s Corporate Records Consumer and Market Information · e. g. , A Guide to Consumer Markets · Marketing Economics Guide · Rand Mc. Nally Commercial Atlas and Marketing Guide 8
Secondary Data Web Sites Secondary Data: Useful Web Sites You Should Bookmark · · www. census. gov www. ama. org www. moodys. com www. dnb. com/prods_svcs · · www. acnielsen. com www. infores. com (IRI) www. npd. com www. marketfacts. com 9
FIGURE 6: UNIVERSAL PRODUCT CODES (UPCs) Number System Character (0 Denotes Grocery Item) 0 37000 42125 5 Digits Identify Manufacturer (e. g. , Procter & Gamble) Number System Character (3 Denotes Drug Item) Last Digits Identify Specific Product (e. g. , Duncan Hines Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownie Mix, 21. 4 oz. ) 3 N 0085 – 0147 - 03 5 Digits Identify Manufacturer (e. g. , Schering Corp. ) Last Digits Identify Specific Product (e. g. , Drixoral Antihistamine/Nasal Decongestant, 10 tablets) 10
Sample Scanner Data X 1 = observation #, X 2 = household id #, X 3 = brand bought this purchase, X 4 = brand bought last purchase, X 5 = price per ounce of brand A, X 6 = ppoz of brand B, X 7 = ppoz of brand C, X 8 = ppoz of brand D, X 9 = 1 if brand bought was advertised on tv last week, X 10 = 1 if brand bought was on display in the grocer, X 11 = 1 if a coupon was used to buy the brand, X 12 = total # purchases, this household, duration of this data set 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 2212251 2212251 4412319 4412319 4412319 4142957 5281115 5281115 A -. 53. 59. 62. 51 C A. 63. 51. 66. 50 B C. 57. 60. 56. 45 A B. 55. 54. 42. 41 A A. 56. 54. 56. 49 D -. 55. 53. 51. 48 B D. 53. 55. 52. 50 C B. 44. 50. 46. 51 B C. 61. 40. 65. 50 C B. 54. 59. 60. 51 C C. 56. 46. 50 B C. 56. 54. 41. 49 A B. 55. 52. 48 C A. 55. 54. 71. 50 C -. 55. 53. 45. 50 B C. 53. 52. 50 C B. 54. 50. 55. 51 B C. 51. 53. 49 B -. 55. 50. 64. 48 A B. 49. 54. 46. 45 B A. 60. 48. 61. 52 B B. 56. 52. 42. 50 B B. 55. 52. 56. 50 X 9 X 10 X 11 X 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 5 5 5 11