- Количество слайдов: 33
Chapter 6 Quantity of Goods
Quantity of goods • • Introduction Units of Measurement Quantity Clause in the Contract Case Study
1. Introduction • Definition Of Quantity – The quantity of the goods refers to the weight, number, length, volume, area, capacity, etc. which are indicated by different measuring units.
2. Units of Measurement • Measurement System • Measurement Units • Calculation of Weight
2. 1 Measurement System • • The Metric System(公制) The British System(英制) The U. S. System(美制) International System of Units (IS)(国际单位 制) – e. g. : metric ton=1000 kilos, – (British) long ton=1016 kilos – (American) short ton=907 kilos
2. 2 Measurement Units • Weight • Number • Length • Area • Volume • Capacity
2. 2. 1 Weight • Products – Natural products and part of industrial products, such as wool, cotton, wheat, mineral products, oil, salt, medicine, etc. • Measuring Units – Kilogram(kg); ton(t); metric ton(m/t); quintal(公 担q); gram(gm); pound(lb); ounce(oz); long ton(l/t); short ton(s/t) etc.
2. 2. 2 Number • Products – Daily industrial products and general products, such as stationery, paper, toys, clothes, cars, tractors, live animals, etc. • Measuring Units – Piece(pc); package(件pkg); pair; set; dozen(doz); gross(gr); ream(令rm); roll or coil(卷); unit(辆); head; case; bale; barrel or drum; bag, etc.
2. 2. 3 length • Products – Textiles; ropes; cables, etc. • Measuring Units – Yard(yd); – metre(m); – foot(ft); – centi-metre(cm).
2. 2. 4 Area • Products – Leather products, plastic products, etc. , such as plastic canvas; plastic floor; leather; iron net, etc. • Measuring Units – Square yard(yd 2); square metre(m 2); square foot(ft 2); square inch.
2. 2. 5 Volume • Products – Chemical gas; wood, etc • Measuring Units – Cubic yar(yd 3); – cubic metre(m 3); – cubic foot(ft 3); – cubic inch
2. 2. 6 Capacity • Products – Corn, liquid, gas, etc. , such as wheat, corns, petrol, alcohol, beer; natural gas, etc. • Measuring Units – Litre(l) – gallon(gal) – bushel(bu), etc. 蒲式耳(谷物计量单位; 美国 Winchester bushel=35. 238 升, 英国 Imperial bushel=36. 368 升)
2. 3 Calculation of Weight • Gross Weight • Net Weight • Conditioned Weight • Theoretical Weight • Legal Weight
2. 3. 1 Gross Weight毛重 • Definition: – The gross weight refers to the weight of the cargo itself plus the tare, i. e, commodity + tare (Gross for Net)(以毛重作净重 ) • Products: – Low value products
2. 3. 2 Net Weight净重 • Definition: – The net weight is the actual weight of the goods, i. e. , Gross weight – tare • Products: – Products measured by weight is usually measured by Net Weight • Calculation of Tare
2. 3. 2. 1 Calculation of Tare • By actual tare or real tare(实际皮重): – The actual weight of the package. • By average tare(平均皮重): – an average tare of a part of the commodity • By customary tare(习惯皮重): – Certain standard package has a generally recognized weight. • By computed tare(约定皮重): – The tare previously agreed upon by the seller and buyer
2. 3. 3 Conditioned Weight 公量 • Definition: – This refers to the kind of weight derived from the process, with which the moisture content of the commodity is removed and standardized moisture added both by scientific methods • Products: – Raw silk and wool, which are of high economic value and with unsteady moisture content • Calculation of Conditioned Weight
2. 3. 3. 1 Calculation of Conditioned Weight • Calculation of Conditioned Weight (公量的 计算) • C. W. =Commodity Net Weight (1+Recognized Moisture Rate) (1+Actual Moisture Rate)
Case Analysis • e. g. : When a company exported raw silk, both buyer and seller stipulated that standard moisture rate was 11%. Now there was 105 metric ton of raw silk. By measurement, they found out the moisture rate was 9%. What is the Conditioned Weight of the raw silk? • C. W. =Commodity Net Weight (1+Recognized Moisture Rate) (1+Actual Moisture Rate) • C. W=105 (1+0. 11) (1+0. 09)=106. 93(m. t. )
2. 3. 4 Theoretical Weight理论 重量 • Definition: – Commodities that have regular specifications and regular size, such as tin plate, steel plate, etc. are often subject to the use of theoretical weight.
2. 3. 5 Legal Weight法定重量 • Definition: – This refers to the weight of commodities, plus the weight of inner packaging. • Application: – Legal weight is the calculation for the basis of imposing Specific Duties(从量税)
3. Quantity Clause in the Contract • Stipulation of Quantity Clause • More or Less Clause • Approximately or About
3. 1 Stipulation of Quantity Clause • Contents of Quantity Clause – Quantity of Goods – Measurement Unit – More or less clause
3. 2 More or. Less Clause • Definition: – The seller may deliver the goods with a certain percentage more or less in quantity according to the agreed quantity latitude • Application: – agricultural or mineral products • Example: – “ 5, 000 metric tons, 5% more or less at seller’s option” (range from 4, 750 to 5, 250 metric tons)
3. 3 Approximately or About • Definition: – If we put “about”before the quantity of the goods it indicates that the quantity of the goods is not exact. • Example: – “about 7, 000 M/T” • 2. 5% • 10% (UCP, No. 500 Publication)
• Article 53, Item 2 in “United Nations Convention on Contracts of International Sales of Goods” – If the seller delivers a quantity of the goods greater than that provided for in the contract, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery of the excess quantity. If the buyer takes delivery of all or part of the excess quantity, he must pay for it at the contract rate.
案例:信用证中溢短装条款引起的争议案 1998年 10月15日由英国一家银行开给农产品进出口公司一 张信用证。信用证有关数量条款如下:“总金额 918 000美 元…… 1 800吨,数量允许 5%增减。圆粒白大米,每吨 510 美元,CIF利物浦。” 农产品进出口公司接到信用证后即备货,于10月25日 全部货物装运完毕,并备妥单据向议付行交单办理议付。 议付行经审单后不同意议付,其理由为议付金额超出信用 证总金额。信用证规定总金额为USD 918 000,发票和汇票 金额却为USD 945 540,超额USD 27 540。为什么? 怎么办? (Note: payment by L/C requires that all the documents should be in conformity with the L/C clause) 27
1. Review chapter 6 2. Write down and remember definitions in this chapter( More or Less Clause ; customary tare; computed tare; conditioned weight) 3. Group Work: the above Case study 4. Exercises: P 132 I 5. Exercises below 6. Preview chapter 7
Ⅰ. Monomial Choice 1. Cotton、raw silk、wool usually adopt( ) • A. net weight • B. gross weight • C. conditioned weight • D. theoretical weight 2. 箩、令、打等计量单位一般用于( ) • A. SALE BY QUANTITY • B. SALE BY WEIGHT • C. SALE BY LENGTH • D. SALE BY AREA
3. 美国用来计量谷物的单位是( ) • A. LITER B. GALLON • C. BUSHEL D. YARD 4. Steel plate、galvanized iron (马口铁) usually adopt( ) • A. NET WEIGHT B. GROSS WEIGHT C. CONDITIONED WEIGHT D. THEORETICAL WEIGHT
5. If the contract doesn’t stipulate the weight, we will consider the goods can be calculated by ( ) • A. GROSS WEIGHT B. NET WEIGHT • C. GROSS FOR NET D. CONDITIONED WEIGHT 6. For the goods that has less value, we will use ( ) for weighing. • A. GROSS WEIGHT • B. CONDITIONED WEIGHT • C. GROSS FOR NET • D. NET WEIGHT
7. 对于大批交量的散装货, 因较难掌握商品的数 量, 通常在合同中规定( ) • A. Quality Tolerance B. More or Less C. Make Shipment immediately D. Force Majeure 8. 对于溢短装部分的作价方法,合同中如果没 有明确的规定,按照惯例,其做法是( )。 A. 按合同价格作价 B. 按装船时的国际市场价格作价 C. 按到货时的国际市场价格作价
II. Calculation • 某公司出口生丝,合同数量为 100公吨,溢短 装(more or less)5%,约定标准回潮率( standard regaining rate of water)为 11%。 现有生丝 104公吨,实际回潮率(actual regaining rate of water)9%。 • 问:(1)这批生丝符合约定回潮率的重量为 多少? • (2)是否符合溢短装条款规定的重量? • (3)应取出多少回潮率为 9%的生丝?