Скачать презентацию Chapter 6 Co-synthesis Techniques 1 Cosynthesis l Скачать презентацию Chapter 6 Co-synthesis Techniques 1 Cosynthesis l


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Chapter 6 Co-synthesis Techniques 1 Chapter 6 Co-synthesis Techniques 1

Cosynthesis l Methodical approach to system implementations using automated synthesis-oriented techniques l Methodology and Cosynthesis l Methodical approach to system implementations using automated synthesis-oriented techniques l Methodology and performance constraints determine partitioning into hardware and software implementations l The result is “optimal” system that benefits from analysis of hardware/software design trade-off analysis 2

Cosynthesis Approach to System Implementation Behavioral Specification and Performance criteria Memory System Input System Cosynthesis Approach to System Implementation Behavioral Specification and Performance criteria Memory System Input System Output Mixed Implementation Performance Pure HW Pure SW Constraints Cost © IEEE 1993 3 [Gupta 93]

Co-synthesis l Implementation of hardware and software components after partitioning l Constraints and optimization Co-synthesis l Implementation of hardware and software components after partitioning l Constraints and optimization criteria similar to those for partitioning l Area and size traded-off against performance l Cost considerations 4

Synthesis Flow l HW synthesis of dedicated units – Based on research or commercial Synthesis Flow l HW synthesis of dedicated units – Based on research or commercial standard synthesis tools l SW synthesis of dedicated units (processors) – Based on specialized compiling techniques l Interface synthesis – Definition of HW/SW interface and synchronization – Drivers of peripheral devices 5

Co-Synthesis - The POLIS Flow “ESTEREL” for functional specification language 6 Co-Synthesis - The POLIS Flow “ESTEREL” for functional specification language 6

Hardware Design Methodology Hardware Design Process: Waterfall Model Hardware Requirements Preliminary Hardware Design Detailed Hardware Design Methodology Hardware Design Process: Waterfall Model Hardware Requirements Preliminary Hardware Design Detailed Hardware Design Fabrication Testing 7

Hardware Design Methodology (Cont. ) l Use of HDLs for modeling and simulation l Hardware Design Methodology (Cont. ) l Use of HDLs for modeling and simulation l Use of lower-level synthesis tools to derive register transfer and lower-level designs l Use of high-level hardware synthesis tools – Behavioral descriptions – System design constraints l Introduction of synthesis for testability at all levels 8

Hardware Synthesis l Definition – The automatic design and implementation of hardware from a Hardware Synthesis l Definition – The automatic design and implementation of hardware from a specification written in a hardware description language l Goals/benefits – To quickly create and modify designs – To support a methodology that allows for multiple design alternative consideration – To remove from the designer the handling of the tedious details of VLSI design – To support the development of correct designs 9

Hardware Synthesis Categories l Algorithm synthesis – Synthesis from design requirements to control-flow behavior Hardware Synthesis Categories l Algorithm synthesis – Synthesis from design requirements to control-flow behavior or abstract behavior – Largely a manual process l Register-transfer synthesis – Also referred to as “high-level” or “behavioral” synthesis – Synthesis from abstract behavior, control-flow behavior, or register-transfer behavior (on one hand) to register-transfer structure (on the other) – Logic synthesis – Synthesis from register-transfer structures or Boolean equations to gate-level logic (or physical implementations using a predefined cell or IC library) 10

Hardware Synthesis Process Overview Specification Implementation Behavioral Synthesis Behavioral Functional Synthesis & Test Synthesis Hardware Synthesis Process Overview Specification Implementation Behavioral Synthesis Behavioral Functional Synthesis & Test Synthesis RTL Functional Behavioral Simulation Optional RTL Simulation Verification Gate-level Simulation Gate-level Analysis Gate Silicon Vendor Place and Route Layout 11 Silicon

HW Synthesis 1. Specification Analysis 2. Concurrent Design 3. System Integration 12 HW Synthesis 1. Specification Analysis 2. Concurrent Design 3. System Integration 12

Software Design Methodology Software Design Process: Waterfall Model Software Requirements Software Design Coding Testing Software Design Methodology Software Design Process: Waterfall Model Software Requirements Software Design Coding Testing Maintenance 13

Software Design Methodology (Cont. ) l l Software requirements includes both – Analysis – Software Design Methodology (Cont. ) l l Software requirements includes both – Analysis – Specification Design: 2 levels: – System level - module specs. – Detailed level - process design language (PDL) used l l Coding - in high-level language – C/C++ Maintenance - several levels – – – Unit testing Integration testing System testing Regression testing Acceptance testing 14

Software Synthesis l Definition: the automatic development of correct and efficient software from specifications Software Synthesis l Definition: the automatic development of correct and efficient software from specifications and reusable components l Goals/benefits – To Increase software productivity – To lower development costs – To Increase confidence that software implementation satisfies specification – To support the development of correct programs 15

Why Use Software Synthesis? l Software development is becoming the major cost driver in Why Use Software Synthesis? l Software development is becoming the major cost driver in fielding a system l To significantly improve both the design cycle time and life-cycle cost of embedded systems, a new software design methodology, including automated code generation, is necessary l Synthesis supports a correct-by-construction philosophy l Techniques support software reuse 16

Why Software Synthesis? l More software high complexity need for automatic design (synthesis) l Why Software Synthesis? l More software high complexity need for automatic design (synthesis) l Eliminate human and logical errors l Relatively immature synthesis techniques for software l Code optimizations – size – efficiency l Automatic code generation 17

Software Synthesis Flow Diagram for Embedded System with Time Petri-Net 18 Software Synthesis Flow Diagram for Embedded System with Time Petri-Net 18

Automatically Generate CODE l Real-Time Embedded System Model? Set of concurrent tasks with memory Automatically Generate CODE l Real-Time Embedded System Model? Set of concurrent tasks with memory and timing constraints! l How to execute in an embedded system (e. g. 1 CPU, 100 KB Mem)? Task Scheduling! l How to generate code? Map schedules to software code! l Code optimizations? Minimize size, maximize efficiency! 19

Software Synthesis Categories l Language compilers – ADA and C compilers – YACC - Software Synthesis Categories l Language compilers – ADA and C compilers – YACC - yet another compiler – Visual Basic l Domain-specific synthesis – Application generators from software libraries 20

Software Synthesis Examples l Mentor Graphics Concurrent Design Environment System – Uses object-oriented programming Software Synthesis Examples l Mentor Graphics Concurrent Design Environment System – Uses object-oriented programming (written in C++) – Allows communication between hardware and software synthesis tools l Index Technologies Excelerator and Cadre’s Teamwork Toolsets – Provide an interface with COBOL and PL/1 code generators l Knowledge. Ware’s IEW Gamma – Used in MIS applications – Can generate COBOL source code for system designers l MCCI’s Graph Translation Tool (Gr. TT) – Used by Lockheed Martin ATL – Can generate ADA from Processing Graph Method (PGM) graphs 21

Software Synthesis Tool: The Design of Synthesis Tool for Interrupted-based Embedded Software 22 Software Synthesis Tool: The Design of Synthesis Tool for Interrupted-based Embedded Software 22

Motivation q q System Complexity Time to Market Hardware-Software Co-design Methodology Embedded Software Synthesis Motivation q q System Complexity Time to Market Hardware-Software Co-design Methodology Embedded Software Synthesis Tools § Text-Edit User-Interface q System Model § Interrupt Behavior 23 Introduction

Designing of a Synthesis Tool q System Model § Interrupt Time Petri Net, ITPN Designing of a Synthesis Tool q System Model § Interrupt Time Petri Net, ITPN q Scheduling § Interrupt-Based Quasi-Dynamic Scheduling, IQDS q Code Generation § Microcontroller(89 c 51) C Program Code q Real-Time Embedded Software Synthesis Tool § Graphical User-Interface 24 Introduction

System Framework GUI Software Synthesis ITPN IQDS Code Generation 25 Introduction System Framework GUI Software Synthesis ITPN IQDS Code Generation 25 Introduction

Definition for ITPN q ITPN Definition §A ITPN is a 5 -tuple. §P is Definition for ITPN q ITPN Definition §A ITPN is a 5 -tuple. §P is a non-empty finite set of places. §T is a non-empty finite set of transitions. §I(ti) is a input function. §O(tj) is a output function. 26 System Model

Definition for ITPN § Ω: Ω(t)=(α, β, γ) § α: Earliest Firing Time, EFT. Definition for ITPN § Ω: Ω(t)=(α, β, γ) § α: Earliest Firing Time, EFT. § β: Latest Firing Time, LFT. § γ: The type of interrupt for 8051. 27

A ITPN Example t 2(α 2, β 2, γ 2) t 1(α 1, β A ITPN Example t 2(α 2, β 2, γ 2) t 1(α 1, β 1, γ 1) p 1 p 2 End Place p 3 Initial Place t 3(α 3, β 3, γ 3) End Place 28 System Model

Interrupt-Based Quasi-Dynamic Scheduling (IQDS) q. Step 1: Find the Initial Place, End Place, and Interrupt-Based Quasi-Dynamic Scheduling (IQDS) q. Step 1: Find the Initial Place, End Place, and Choice Block q. Step 2: Decompose the ITPN into two parts : static scheduling and choice block (CB) q. Step 3: Search the routing path (choice clock set, CBS) for each CB q. Step 4: Derive all routing path from Initial Place q. Step 5: Check the real-time constraints for all routing path Scheduling & Code Generation 29

An example of IQDS t 3(1, 3, 1) p 1 t 1(1, 2, 1) An example of IQDS t 3(1, 3, 1) p 1 t 1(1, 2, 1) p 2 t 2(1, 1, 1) p 4 p 5 p 3 p 6 t 4(1, 2, 1) Initial Place Choice Block 1 p 10 t 5(1, 2, 1) Choice Block 1 Scheduling & Code Generation t 6(1, 4, 1) p 7 t 7(1, 3, 1) p 11 p 12 t 8(1, 4, 1) End Place 30

An example of IQDS (cont. ) q. Route Extended Present Route CBS 1: Result An example of IQDS (cont. ) q. Route Extended Present Route CBS 1: Result t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 1 t 2 t 4 t 1 t 2 t 5 Present Route Static Route Result t 1 t 2 t 3 t 1 t 2 t 4 t 1 t 2 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 6 t 1 t 2 t 4 t 7 t 1 t 2 t 5 t 8 t 1 t 2 t 5 t 9 CBS 2: t 8 t 9 Scheduling & Code Generation 31

An example of IQDS (cont. ) Schedulable Result t 1 t 2 t 3 An example of IQDS (cont. ) Schedulable Result t 1 t 2 t 3 t 6 t 1 t 2 t 4 t 7 t 1 t 2 t 5 t 8 t 1 t 2 t 5 t 9 0 0 Scheduling & Code Generation Real_Time_Check Not Schedulable α β Route. Time. Max System. Period 32

Code Generation q. Step 1: Differentiate ISR, main_function, and sub_function q. Step 2: Print Code Generation q. Step 1: Differentiate ISR, main_function, and sub_function q. Step 2: Print transition’s content from Initial Place q. Step 3: Print “if then else” q. Step 4: Combine main_function, sub_function, and ISR 33

Specification q Environment: § § CPU : Pentium 4 1. 4 GHz Memory : Specification q Environment: § § CPU : Pentium 4 1. 4 GHz Memory : 256 MB DDR OS : Windows XP Programming Language : Visual Basic 6. 0 Input : Graphical ITPN q Output : Keil C q 34 Software Synthesis Tool

Graphical User Interface q. ITPN Edit, Scheduling and Code Generation ITPN Edit Scheduling Code Graphical User Interface q. ITPN Edit, Scheduling and Code Generation ITPN Edit Scheduling Code Generation 35 Software Synthesis Tool

Real-time Stepping Motor Control (RSMC) q System Function: § Control Stepping Motor speed and Real-time Stepping Motor Control (RSMC) q System Function: § Control Stepping Motor speed and direction. § INT 0, Timer 1: Motor’s speed control. § Timer 0 : Motor’s direction control. 36 Examples

Block Diagram of RSMC Stepping Motor Display Microcontroller 89 C 51 Driving Circuit Input Block Diagram of RSMC Stepping Motor Display Microcontroller 89 C 51 Driving Circuit Input Device 37 Example

ITPN Model for RSMC q Main Function p 3 t 5(2, 35, 13) p ITPN Model for RSMC q Main Function p 3 t 5(2, 35, 13) p 6 t 3(2, 35, 13) p 4 t 6(2, 35, 13) p 7 t 4(2, 35, 13) p 5 t (2, 35, 13) 7 p 8 t 2(2, 35, 13) p 1 t (2, 35, 13) 1 p 2 t 1 : Capture Keypad register. t 2 , t 3 : Turn on Stepping Motor. t 4 : Shut off Stepping Motor. t 5 : Set positive direct. t 6 : Set opposite direction. t 7 : Stop LED on. 38 Example

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ITPN Model for RSMC (cont. ) q Timer 0 ISR p 9 t 8(2, ITPN Model for RSMC (cont. ) q Timer 0 ISR p 9 t 8(2, 2, 32) t 8 : Reset p 10 t 9(6, 6, 32) p 11 t 9 : Scan Keypad 40 Example

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ITPN Model for RSMC (cont. ) q Timer 1 ISR t 12(2, 2, 32) ITPN Model for RSMC (cont. ) q Timer 1 ISR t 12(2, 2, 32) p 12 t (2, 2, 32) 10 p 13 t (2, 2, 32) 11 p 15 t 14(9, 9, 32) p 14 t 13(0, 0, 32) t 10 : Reset t 12 : Reset count t 14 : Control stepping motor p 16 t 11 : Increase counter t 13 : Undo 42 Example p 17

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ITPN Model for RSMC(cont. ) q INT 0 ISR t 18(0, 0, 32) t ITPN Model for RSMC(cont. ) q INT 0 ISR t 18(0, 0, 32) t 16(2, 2, 32) p 22 p 20 t 19(2, 2, 32) p 23 p 18 t (2, 2, 32) 15 p 19 t 20(2, 2, 32) p 24 t 17(2, 2, 32) p 21 t 21(0, 0, 32) p 25 t 15 : Get the key (Speed up or down) t 16 : Check Max speed t 17 : Check Min speed t 18 : Undo t 19 : Speed up t 20 : Speed down t 21 : Undo 44 Example

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Scheduling and Code Generation 46 Example Scheduling and Code Generation 46 Example

Real Time Constraints Interrupt ISR’s time INT 0 8 Timer 1 15 ISR’s time Real Time Constraints Interrupt ISR’s time INT 0 8 Timer 1 15 ISR’s time : β-α > 31 (8+8+15=31) Cycle Time > 105 47 Example

Emulation q Platform Architecture FPGA/CPLD Chip Keyboard Single Chip Microcontroller LCD Display LED and Emulation q Platform Architecture FPGA/CPLD Chip Keyboard Single Chip Microcontroller LCD Display LED and 7 -Segment Display Memory Input Switch 48 Example

Summary Extended system model called “Interrupt Time Petri Net, ITPN” q An Interrupt-Based Quasi-Dynamic Summary Extended system model called “Interrupt Time Petri Net, ITPN” q An Interrupt-Based Quasi-Dynamic Scheduling, IQDS is proposed q Generate a microcontroller (8051) C program code q Graphical user interface make the tool more user-friendly q 49 Conclusion

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