Скачать презентацию Chapter 31 New Nations After WWII more than Скачать презентацию Chapter 31 New Nations After WWII more than


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Chapter 31: New Nations After WWII more than 90 new nations gain their independence. Chapter 31: New Nations After WWII more than 90 new nations gain their independence. What part(s) of the world do you think most new nations will emerge?

India and Pakistan n India Seeks independence One problem: Two VERY different religions in India and Pakistan n India Seeks independence One problem: Two VERY different religions in India British Fear Muslim Vs. Hindu violence n Muslim League demands creation of Pakistan

Another Problem…. !!!! n n Pakistan is divided into two countries (East and West) Another Problem…. !!!! n n Pakistan is divided into two countries (East and West) with India in the middle East Pakistan inhabited by Bengalis n Feel they are being Neglected by West Pakistan

Africa n n n 2 nd largest continent. 3 times the size of America Africa n n n 2 nd largest continent. 3 times the size of America Lots of natural resources – Diamonds, gold, etc. Many independent nations (map 1027) Very poor! Why?

African Countries Struggle n n Independent countries set up governments, work force, economies, and African Countries Struggle n n Independent countries set up governments, work force, economies, and armies. Problems n African economy owned by old Colonial (European) powers n All profits leaving the country

Israel WWII-Jews need a homeland after the Holocaust n 1947 -UN creates a plan Israel WWII-Jews need a homeland after the Holocaust n 1947 -UN creates a plan to establish a Jewish Nation n Jews accept, Arabs refuse. n Jews call it Israel, Arabs Palestine. n

Consequences n n n US (the West) supports Israel Arab countries don’t like this Consequences n n n US (the West) supports Israel Arab countries don’t like this OPEC-1973 Block oil shipments to the US to protest the support for Israel

Type Two n n n How would not having gasoline affect your life? What Type Two n n n How would not having gasoline affect your life? What would you have to change or adjust in your day if you couldn’t drive a car, or get a ride in a car or bus? Skip lines. At least 8 lines.

Islam Vs. Modernism n n n Muslim countries are completely religious n Islamic faith Islam Vs. Modernism n n n Muslim countries are completely religious n Islamic faith = common law Battle between being Westernized and staying traditional Saudi Arabia n Sa’ud Royal family gets criticized for allowing western influence.

Chapter 32: Regional Conflicts Chapter 32: Regional Conflicts

Conflicts n n n Intro page 1044. “Many wars and conflicts in recent decades Conflicts n n n Intro page 1044. “Many wars and conflicts in recent decades have arisen over ethnic or religious differences (or regional). Such difference have led to civil wars within nations. ” We will discuss several.

Ireland n 1922 -Ireland Gains Freedom n n n But six counties vote to Ireland n 1922 -Ireland Gains Freedom n n n But six counties vote to remain part of England Protestant majority overwhelms Catholic Minority Causes trouble between the two religions n IRA VS. Protestant Militias

Yugoslavia: 1990’s n n n Fall of Communist party leads to Independence Movement Civil Yugoslavia: 1990’s n n n Fall of Communist party leads to Independence Movement Civil war leads to atrocities Ethnic Cleansing n Used to eliminate Bosnians' and Croats from Bosnia

Africa is still having Problems n n Apartheid = Discrimination Angola fights for independence Africa is still having Problems n n Apartheid = Discrimination Angola fights for independence from Portugal n Receives freedom, but civil war begins for several years n Angolan leaders have ties with Soviet Union: Because of this, US supports Angolan rebels

War Causes Famine n n n Sudan/Ethiopia. Warring militias fight over political power in War Causes Famine n n n Sudan/Ethiopia. Warring militias fight over political power in the country Fighting goes on for long periods of time Millions Die, many more are injured, and the conflict causes poor food distribution n Leads to Famine

Sudan n n War continues with Arab Muslim majority ruling over the minority 2004 Sudan n n War continues with Arab Muslim majority ruling over the minority 2004 -Conflict in Darfur becomes tense n Arab Muslims threaten to “eliminate” Non. Arab Muslims n Causes fear of Genocide

Israel…. Again n Israel has always been a source on conflict n Jerusalem-Sacred city Israel…. Again n Israel has always been a source on conflict n Jerusalem-Sacred city for both Jews and Muslims Wars lead to new conflicts, and so on Peace talks break down -Syria and Israel n Over Golan Heights

Iraq Brings War to Many n n n Saddam Hussein takes power and rules Iraq Brings War to Many n n n Saddam Hussein takes power and rules as absolute dictator. Chemical weapons on the Kurds Invades Iran in 1980 War last for 8 years, doesn’t work Turns to Kuwait for Money/Oil n US leads coalition to drive Iraqi force out

Chapter 33: The Developing World Chapter 33: The Developing World

Developing Nations Struggle n n n Africa n Most countries struggle with their economies Developing Nations Struggle n n n Africa n Most countries struggle with their economies Some countries want Socialism. Why? Command Economies n Government owns Businesses

Africa n n Cash Crops – Crops grown that are not food crops. You Africa n n Cash Crops – Crops grown that are not food crops. You can not eat them! Find anyway to make a living n Killing elephants because foreigners would buy tusks

n n After WWII- China becomes Communist n One party rules over China-No votes, n n After WWII- China becomes Communist n One party rules over China-No votes, no political freedom Tiananmen Square Massacre n Demonstration by Chinese students. Some are killed n Power over political freedom China

Population Problems n n China has over 1. 3 Billion people-puts a strain on Population Problems n n China has over 1. 3 Billion people-puts a strain on the economy One Child Policy n Attempt to limit the population n Works well in the cities, n But farmers have lots of children to help work the land

South America n n Liberation Theology – Church movement to try and end poverty. South America n n Liberation Theology – Church movement to try and end poverty. Manuel Noriega arrested by invading U. S. troops for drug trafficking.

Chapter 34 Chapter 34

Globalization n n Process of societies and nations becoming integrated/united around the world. What Globalization n n Process of societies and nations becoming integrated/united around the world. What would be advantages to globalization (one world government, company, etc. )? What would be disadvantages?

Globalization n n Economic Interdependence. Outsourcing of jobs. Multinational corporations Global trade. Advantages? Disadvantages? Globalization n n Economic Interdependence. Outsourcing of jobs. Multinational corporations Global trade. Advantages? Disadvantages? Pg. 1104

The World Today n Today we have global issues and concerns all around the The World Today n Today we have global issues and concerns all around the world, we will talk about these next.

Worldwide Problems n n n n Poverty Natural Disasters Disease – Epidemic Hunger – Worldwide Problems n n n n Poverty Natural Disasters Disease – Epidemic Hunger – Famine Refugees Human Rights – women’s rights pg. 1109. Environment

Environmental Problems n n Acid Rain Deforestation Erosion Global Warming Environmental Problems n n Acid Rain Deforestation Erosion Global Warming

Security Weapons of Mass Destruction. n Terrorism. n Security Weapons of Mass Destruction. n Terrorism. n

The End! It has been a great year. You survived World History! The End! It has been a great year. You survived World History!