- Количество слайдов: 22
What is Business Prospecting? • Names of ‘People’ – to share the ‘OPPORTUNITIES’. (at least 50 names) • It should continue throughout our MLM life. • Name lists should be kept with you always, and add to it daily. • Do not pre-judge people. A mistake will cost you million dollars down the road.
How To Start The Prospecting Process? • WARM LIST – friends, relatives and neighbors. • Cold Call- NOT so encouraged for new distributors. • Always bring along a note book to record any good idea.
To develop a good warm market: • • Project good appearance and personality Attending seminars Involving in service organization such as lion club Join sport activities club such as sport and travel clubs • Keep in touch with people in other MLM companies. • Exchange name cards • Attending exhibitions Approaching prospects – SW, SW N.
What makes a good prospects? • • Business opportunist Products Lovers NEED for extra income Willing to work Experience in Networking business Have a define need for Financial Success People who have initiative to progress in life
Prospect List: (START FROM OUR CLOSEST NEXT- OF- KIN TO FRIENDS, ACQUAINTENCES ETC) Type A: People close to you • Parents • Brothers and sisters • Relatives • Good friends Type B: Others 1. Acquaintences in your career. Ex Employers Former Colleagues Ex Customers Ex Business Competitors 2. Acquaintances during your schooling. Schoolmates School Activities School Teachers Classmates parents
3. Acquaintances in your hobbies and sport activities Photography Golf Partners Tennis Partners Holiday Tour Movies and others 4. Acquaintances from volunteer work. Y. M. C. A Social Welfare Organizations Others Social activities 5. Tradesman Contractors Carpenters Plumbers Painters Gardeners 6. Close Neighbors. Present and past neighbors and other friends. 7. People associated with your cars. Car Dealers Car Salesman Petrol Stations Tyre Shops Insurance Agents Mechanics 8. People associated with your shopping Sundry Shop Owners Milk Supplier Laundry Shop Owners
Persons whom you know. • Condominium owner • Friends in armed forces • Baby Sitter • Bridesmaid • Persons traveling in same car • Lawn mover • Laundry shop owner • Alumni • Health club acquaintances • Secondary school teachers • Friends in your hunting group • Beauticians • • Veterinarian Accountant Architect Builder Member of Parliament Insurance Agent Lawyer Minister
Who delivers your. . ? • Letters • Milk • Newspaper • Courier service • Others • Clothes , Neckties, Shoes, etc. • Televisions set / Audio equipment • Jewellery Below are some lists that may be helpful to you in creating your prospect list. Who is your…? • Dentist • Doctor • Maternity Doctor • Pharmacist • • • Factory Foreman Receptionists Store Managers • Persons who sell the following goods to you such as: Air-conditioner Bicycle Name cards Camping equipment Carpet Eye wear House Kitchen wares Luggage / Bags Motorcycle • • •
• • • Television Broadcasters Printers Welders Professional Sportmen Car Racer Car Rental Business Rep. Research Technicians Restaurant Owners Salesman Lady Dressmakers • • • Secretaries Security Officers Police Officers Music Teachers Journalists Nurses Office Managers Security Guards Physician Pilots / Air Hostesses
• • Industries engineers Insurance appraiser Indoor renovators Judges Laboratory technicians Librarians Swimming instructors Publishers • • • Funeral directors Social workers Statistician Students Surgeons Wireman Telephone operators Moulders Truck Drivers
9. People associated with your children. His or her former teachers Parents of the children schoolmates School Principal Swimming Instructor Music Teacher Others and etc. 10. People associated with your religious activities. 11. People associated with your social activities. Parents Teachers Association Other Social Bodies 12. People associated with your social organization. Charity Organization Club House Political Organization
Invitation Skills: • • • 2 ways to approach people: i) In person ii)Through telephone (Not More Than 3 minutes approach) Invite friends who are closest to you Inform & invite them to the venue of BOM, product talk and etc.
• 1 on 1 invitation, Invite Couple together • Hints to your uplines regarding your prospects, F. O. R. M format. • Do not disclose the issue of the company, like products, company background, marketing plan, unless they are networker from other companies.
• Learn to keep presentation short (Flip Chart) • Reconfirm the appointment before meeting. • A weak invitation will cost you lost million, your prospects will not see you, reversely a good invite will make you millions.
Invitation • Your mindset - Selling an Opportunity To Financial Freedom, become own boss and control own destiny. • PRE-APPROACH PACK which must content of Company Background Boucher, Product Booklet, Basic Marketing Plan Boucher, Testimonial book etc.
Techniques of Invitation: 1. Do your friend need a part-time job? I have a career that can help to earn $1000 -$2000 monthly. 2. 2. I am selling a series of 21 st century products, how do you think the market is? We need many talents. 3. 3. Portray a pleasant image, you do not need to spend much money, let me bring you to a business opportunity meeting to widen your view.
4. There is a popular speaker who will share the ‘ Secret to success’. A lot of the attendants have experience major change after the seminar, I need your accompany…… 5. I have a business opportunity. I feel it is good, can you ample some time to help me differentiate whether it is worth to work onto? 6. A seminar of the century, most of the businessman will attend it, shall I help you to book a seat?
7. Hi, I joined K-Link recently, the people of K-Link are very friendly and we can learn more on health and business and be involved in a lot of activities. I will bring you along when it is convenient for me. When you agree to attend, please dress nicely. 8. There is a business that you will find suitable, as your public relation; equipped with eloquence and teamwork, I am sure you can perform well 9. What do you do currently? I heard a company has been selected as one of the top 10 enterprise within 4 consecutive years. Recently, this company is expanding ; the company needs a lot of talented individuals to work as a team. I find there are few positions that are suitable for you. I will discuss with my manager tonight, are you interested to come along?
10. Are you free tonight? I can bring you to a place where there a lot of successful people. They are willing to share their success with others. 11. After my analysis, do you feel that we can develop this career? If you can pay a visit to our company, you will experience a wonderful feeling where the atmosphere is warm and friendly. I hope you can come tonight and share my enthusiasm. 12. Have you heard that a person can be millionaire just working hard for only one to two years times? Recently I know one of them and he has shared some ways of investment with me. Are you free tonight? Let us meet and share this opportunity with you.
13. I found a business opportunity recently and plan to invest for developing my career. I feel this opportunity has a bright future. Before I begin this investment, I hope to discuss with you and get your opinion, when can we meet? 14. A well known speaker is holding a seminar today; some friends have improved their lifestyle after attending his seminar. Do you want to know how capable they are? Let me accompany you to attend his seminar. 15. There is a wonderful seminar tonight. The content of the seminar is to teach you how to become a millionaire in short period. Let me accompany you to attend this seminar and I can guarantee you will enjoy the seminar.
16. I changed my life after I had attend the seminar. The special feature of the seminar has changed some negative people to become positive in their life. Shall I accompany you to the seminar to prove to you? 17. I believe you are a person with good foresight; I wish to introduce our business opportunity meeting to you and see how you view on this business opportunity? 18. I understand that you want to know our company more. I think our appointed speaker can clear all your doubts. We also prepare some special video footage for you to know more on our company background.