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Chapter 25 Chapter 25

Section 1 Section 1

Egypt n Three factors make it a world power n n n Strategic location Egypt n Three factors make it a world power n n n Strategic location Size Population

Egypt n World power n n One of the most populous in Africa – Egypt n World power n n One of the most populous in Africa – 68 million Vital location in NE Africa Goods and people travel between continents Large - 1 ½ times size of Texas

The Nile River Desert divided by the world’s longest river, the Nile n Flows The Nile River Desert divided by the world’s longest river, the Nile n Flows S to N 4160 miles into the Mediterranean Sea n Forks into two branches – Nile Delta – extremely fertile area n Fellaheen are Egyptian peasant farmers who farm with human labor instead of modern machinery n

Egyptian people 99% people live in Nile Valley or delta region n Population density Egyptian people 99% people live in Nile Valley or delta region n Population density - 2700 people per square mile n Cairo straddles the Nile n Alexandria is a major seaport on the Mediterranean n

Desert Regions West – Libyan Desert n East – Arabian Desert n East - Desert Regions West – Libyan Desert n East – Arabian Desert n East - The Sinai Peninsula located in SE Asia – east of the Suez Canal n

Deserts Strong winds blow constantly across the Sahara n Early summer a wind called Deserts Strong winds blow constantly across the Sahara n Early summer a wind called khamsin create huge sandstorms n Oases only arable land n Some minerals (phosphates) and some oil n

Patterns of Rural Settlement 50% live in rural areas n Village life remains unchanged Patterns of Rural Settlement 50% live in rural areas n Village life remains unchanged n Fellaheen live small low houses made of mud bricks - formed around small courtyard n Often keep animals in courtyard n

Pattern of urban settlement More people are moving to urban areas n Cairo and Pattern of urban settlement More people are moving to urban areas n Cairo and Alexandria n Lure of jobs leads to unemployment, increases slums n New arrivals often live in tents or shelters n Contrast of modern life of modern stores and traditional bazaars n

Ancient Egypt Civilization goes back 5000 years n First to have: n n organized Ancient Egypt Civilization goes back 5000 years n First to have: n n organized government organized religion written language

Ancient Egypt n Major accomplishment - pyramids n n south of Cairo tombs for Ancient Egypt n Major accomplishment - pyramids n n south of Cairo tombs for pharaohs mummification preserved bodies for a return to life after death belief that spirit needed assistance in the afterlife – food, money

Pyramids of Giza – west of Cairo Pyramids of Giza – west of Cairo

Cultural Change n n Egypt’s location – open to invaders Greeks n n Romans Cultural Change n n Egypt’s location – open to invaders Greeks n n Romans n n Alexander the Great brought Greek language Under Caesar’s rule brought laws and Roman customs Arabs – 1000 years of rule n n n First invaded in 642 AD Brought Arabic and Islam (90%) Ottoman Turks last to invade

Culture Today Arabic is the official language n 90% are Muslim (Islam) n Remaining Culture Today Arabic is the official language n 90% are Muslim (Islam) n Remaining minority – Copts a very old Christian sect n

European Interventions Late 1700 s Turks’ power was in decline n Europeans started to European Interventions Late 1700 s Turks’ power was in decline n Europeans started to intervene in Egypt n The Suez Canal n World War II n

The Suez Canal 1882 drawing Satellite photograph The Suez Canal 1882 drawing Satellite photograph

The Suez Canal was dug as early as 1850 BC n Pharaohs had slave The Suez Canal was dug as early as 1850 BC n Pharaohs had slave labor dig n Proof of existence Ramses II in 1300 BC n King Darius I of Persia – ordered repairs n Said Pasha –Viceroy n n n In 1854 – began larger excavation using forced labor Ran up huge debts

British control n 1875 n n 1879 n n n Egyptian nationalists revolted to British control n 1875 n n 1879 n n n Egyptian nationalists revolted to gain back the canal Britain responded by invading Egypt 1822 n n Great Britain purchased Egypt’s shares of the canal Britain takes control of government 1922 n n Egyptian nationalists pushed for independence Britain allowed Egyptians to self-rule but had little power

Independent Egypt n 1952 n n Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser emerged as a new Independent Egypt n 1952 n n Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser emerged as a new ruler and tried to modernize and advance world power 1956 n n n Nasser seized control of the Suez Canal International crisis Israel, France and Britain jointly invaded US and Russia favored a UN resolution - cease fire Nasser held the canal – forced others to call off attack

Independent Egypt n 1957 n n Britain withdrew Egypt ruled itself for the first Independent Egypt n 1957 n n Britain withdrew Egypt ruled itself for the first time in 2000 years

Egypt Under Nasser n Formed close ties with Communist Soviet Union n n Used Egypt Under Nasser n Formed close ties with Communist Soviet Union n n Used their money and experts Began modernization projects Developed industry Dependence on cotton (major export) was reduced Nasser died in 1970

Anwar Sadat n Sadat became new president of Egypt n n n Ended ties Anwar Sadat n Sadat became new president of Egypt n n n Ended ties with Soviet Union New alliances with the West Became closer to Arab nations because of the creation of Israel Major wars with Israel 1948, 1967, 1978 Suffered worst defeat in 1967 - losing the Sinai Peninsula to Israel

Egypt and Israel n 1978 n n After defeat, Sadat decided to seek a Egypt and Israel n 1978 n n After defeat, Sadat decided to seek a permanent peace with Israel 1979 n n n Egypt became to 1 st Arab nation to recognize Israel’s existence - in return, Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt Anwar Sadat, Menachem Began, and President Jimmy Carter signed the historic Camp David Peace Accord Shared the Nobel Peace Prize

Menachem Began, Jimmy Carter, Anwar Sadat Menachem Began, Jimmy Carter, Anwar Sadat

Arab Fallout n Sadat’s Egypt – Israel peace treaty n n Harshly criticized by Arab Fallout n Sadat’s Egypt – Israel peace treaty n n Harshly criticized by the Arab nations Called a traitor Assassinated in 1981 Successor - Hosni Mubarak n n n Has honored the peace treaty to this day Still member of OPEC Important ties to the Arab nations

Nile flooding n Nile flooded every year n n n Farmers built walls around Nile flooding n Nile flooded every year n n n Farmers built walls around their fields to trap the water and silt Called basin irrigation Good for growing crops Hard to control heavy flooding Didn’t work year round

Controlling the Nile n 1960 Nasser took on the problem of flooding n n Controlling the Nile n 1960 Nasser took on the problem of flooding n n n Completed the Aswan High Dam in 1970 Created Lake Nasser, a reservoir - a natural or artificial lake used to store water Control flood waters Created perennial irrigation - a system providing water year round Farmers were able to grow 2 -3 crops a year Provided extra water for Cairo and electricity for industries

Solution or Problem? n Perennial Irrigation n n Floodwaters no longer bring rich silt Solution or Problem? n Perennial Irrigation n n Floodwaters no longer bring rich silt Farmers have to add chemical fertilizers Constant irrigation has built up salt content 35% land too high in salt content Need to build expensive drainage systems

Key trends and problems n Urbanization n n Problems of enough food, housing, education Key trends and problems n Urbanization n n Problems of enough food, housing, education and services Population Growth n n n Main problem is producing enough food Trying to increase amount of farming People resist limiting family size

Global Trade Patterns Past economy relied on cotton n Discovery of oil has taken Global Trade Patterns Past economy relied on cotton n Discovery of oil has taken over as the #1 export n Not enough manufacturing to improve the economy n Depend on imports of raw materials n Need an industrial base to provide jobs and make goods to export n

Obstacles to Development n Labor n n n Limited number of skilled workers Educated Obstacles to Development n Labor n n n Limited number of skilled workers Educated people go elsewhere for better salaries Lack of capital n n Capital – money that is invested into new industries Depends on money from the West or Arab countries

Egypt Today Important political country - Arab world n Economy - tourism, cotton, oil Egypt Today Important political country - Arab world n Economy - tourism, cotton, oil n Relies on imports of natural resources n Relies on government aid from US n Most populous country in Africa n Vital location - the Suez Canal n

Section 2 Libya and the Maghreb Countries west of Egypt n Libya n Maghreb Section 2 Libya and the Maghreb Countries west of Egypt n Libya n Maghreb Nations n Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco n

Similarities of Four Countries Majority are Arab-speaking Muslims n Close ties to Islamic countries Similarities of Four Countries Majority are Arab-speaking Muslims n Close ties to Islamic countries n Most live along Mediterranean coast n Away from the coast – n n n arid desert– northern part of the Sahara Similar histories and cultures

Differences n Libya n n Large country, oil, little arable land Tunesia n Small Differences n Libya n n Large country, oil, little arable land Tunesia n Small country, no oil, arable lands

Coastal areas Mediterranean climate n Have contact with Spain, France, Italy n Influenced by Coastal areas Mediterranean climate n Have contact with Spain, France, Italy n Influenced by cultural blend of Europe, Africa, Asia n

Interior n n Extremely dry climate Landscape varies n n n wadis -dry riverbeds, Interior n n Extremely dry climate Landscape varies n n n wadis -dry riverbeds, sharp gullies catch and hold water from sudden downpours Low basin rise to meet high windy plateaus Mountains No navigable rivers limits contact Mountains and deserts - barriers to travel and communication People have maintained traditional ways

Blend of Cultures Early people - Berbers n n n n farmers and herders Blend of Cultures Early people - Berbers n n n n farmers and herders settled in villages on coast and North slopes of mountains Coastal areas had contact with Rome and Carthage Camels came from Asia (ships of the desert) Allowed trade with people south of the Sahara Crossed the desert in caravans Traded salt in north for gold, ivory, wild animals in south Transported elephants to Rome

Spread of Islam Mid 600 s – Arab armies invaded n Brought Arabic and Spread of Islam Mid 600 s – Arab armies invaded n Brought Arabic and Islam n Golden age of Northern Africa n Trade center between Europe, Africa and Asia n Arab majority; Berbers minority (17%) n

European Influence n n n 1800 s Europe sought control of N Africa 1830 European Influence n n n 1800 s Europe sought control of N Africa 1830 France invaded Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco Italy conquered Libya in 1912 After WW II United Nations declared Libya independent after Italy’s defeat Algeria (1962), Tunisia (1956) and Morocco (1956) had to fight for their freedom

Rural vs Urban n Rural life n n n n Small villages, mud or Rural vs Urban n Rural life n n n n Small villages, mud or stone houses Windows face away from street to courtyard Village well supplies water Work in the early morning – rest in the heat of the day (3 hour siesta) Farm small plots - wheat, barley Livestock Some villagers hire themselves out to large farms

Desert Nomads n Tuareg (TWAR ehg) n n n Means “free men” Have their Desert Nomads n Tuareg (TWAR ehg) n n n Means “free men” Have their own language – the only written Berber language Live in small groups Practice a unique form of Islam Resisted change Severe droughts have forced them to settle in villages and work on farms to survive

Urban Life n n n Urbanization - 50% population moving to cities Modern sections Urban Life n n n Urbanization - 50% population moving to cities Modern sections of cities look like modern cities Medinas n n n Older areas of cities Centered around a mosque Souks (market areas) n wind out from mosque in narrow streets and alleys

Major cities n Cairo, Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, Casablanca n n Attracting more people than Major cities n Cairo, Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis, Casablanca n n Attracting more people than they can handle Housing and jobs for unskilled laborers High unemployment Discovery of oil n n n Fueled modernization Skyscrapers, highways International name-brand stores

North Africa today - Libya n 1951 independence from Italy n n n Poor North Africa today - Libya n 1951 independence from Italy n n n Poor nation Relied - foreign aid and rent (military bases) 1961 – discovered oil n n 99% of exports Provided housing, schools, hospitals, electricity, water wells and jobs

Libya’s government n 1969 coup n n n Colonel Muammar Qaddafi Abolished monarchy Established Libya’s government n 1969 coup n n n Colonel Muammar Qaddafi Abolished monarchy Established new socialism that combined a strict Islam with economic reform Equal distribution of wealth – gov’t seized property Get rid of Western influence

Government & Foreign Policy n Qaddafi clashed with West & neighbors n n n Government & Foreign Policy n Qaddafi clashed with West & neighbors n n n Brief wars with Chad and Egypt Bought weapons from Soviets Supported terrorist groups 1986 Reagan launched air strike in response to a terrorist bombing UN imposed sanctions hiding terrorists Fear of creation of chemical weapons

Libya Today n Qaddafi trying to mend fences n n Paid 3 billion in Libya Today n Qaddafi trying to mend fences n n Paid 3 billion in compensation to families of Pan Am 103 Relations are normalizing with EU Poor human rights record Qaddafi is still in power

Algeria n 1962 independence from France n n Immediately 1 million Frenchmen left Had Algeria n 1962 independence from France n n Immediately 1 million Frenchmen left Had no education on self-rule Depended on French to help them self-rule Discovered oil – 96% exports

Algerian economy n Oil has raised the standard of living n n Provided few Algerian economy n Oil has raised the standard of living n n Provided few jobs Population growing Many move to France Encourage people to farm n n n Jobs Feed themselves (1/3 food imported) Ease overcrowding in cities

Economic and Government Problems 1988 Economic discontent led to riots n End to one Economic and Government Problems 1988 Economic discontent led to riots n End to one party government n 1992 Islamic government nearly won n Frightened people - who feared rule similar to Iran n Army took over elections n Radical Islamists responded with terrorist attacks and assassinations n

Algeria Today Relies on oil n 8% world reserves of natural gas n Trying Algeria Today Relies on oil n 8% world reserves of natural gas n Trying to pay off foreign debt n n Russia has forgiven debt Stable government n Still has a French influence n n Yves Saint Lauent

Tunisia and Morocco n Do not have large oil reserves n n Developed human Tunisia and Morocco n Do not have large oil reserves n n Developed human resources Tunisia spends 12% money on education – Kindergarten – college is free Begun to develop clothing manufacturing n Have minerals – phosphates n n Mine and process before exporting

Morocco Today Constitutional monarchy n Ruler has power to dissolve government n Non- NATO Morocco Today Constitutional monarchy n Ruler has power to dissolve government n Non- NATO ally n Member of the Arab League n Rides the fence between friend and enemy of the US n

Vocabulary from Section 1 n n n n Basin irrigation Bazaar Capital Fellaheen medina Vocabulary from Section 1 n n n n Basin irrigation Bazaar Capital Fellaheen medina Perennial irrigation Reservoir Pharaoh

Main ideas from Egypt n n n What is the importance of the Nile? Main ideas from Egypt n n n What is the importance of the Nile? Where do most of the people live and why do they live there? What caused Europe to desire control of Egypt? What is a problem as a result of overpopulation and growth? Why are industries limited in their growth?

Vocabulary from Libya and the Maghreb Berbers n Maghreb n Medina n Souk n Vocabulary from Libya and the Maghreb Berbers n Maghreb n Medina n Souk n Tuareg n wadis n

Main ideas from Libya and the Maghreb n n n What areas influence the Main ideas from Libya and the Maghreb n n n What areas influence the countries of north Africa? What are the major cultural divisions in Libya and the Maghreb? What makes Libya and Algeria alike? What is the economic key to Morocco and Tunisia? What is Libya’s government based on? What are the major Arab contributions to N. Africa?