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Chapter 17 Environmental Protection Key Points • Understand the context of environmental issues— historical, national, international and political • Understand the interplay of regulation and free market principles • Become familiar with the basic thrust of our major federal environmental legislation • Identify available enforcement mechanisms, both civil and criminal
Pollution is … Ô… a market failure. Ô Economists categorize it as a negative externality, a “defect of the price mechanism, ” because polluters don’t pay for the resource they are using up. Ô… a worldwide problem. Ô From air pollution in L. A. and China to water pollution in the Gulf of Mexico and the Aral Sea to soil pollution in Japan and Europe. Ô… global. Ô Global warming is largely caused by the worldwide burning of fossil fuels. Ô… political. Ô Broad international support for the Kyoto Protocol contrasts sharply with Pres. Bush’s refusal to ratify it. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Federal Framework National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): 1970 federal law committing the federal government to “use all practicable means” to conduct its affairs to promote “the general welfare” and operate in “harmony” with the environment. Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ): Conducts studies, collects information, develops policy and legislative proposals for the president and Congress. Environmental Impact Statement (EIS): NEPA requires that all “proposals for legislation and other major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment” be accompanied by an EIS explaining the impact on the environment and detailing reasonable alternatives. A major private-sector action supported by federal funding or requiring federal permission may also require an EIS. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): The EPA’s duties include (1) gathering information, (2) conducting research, (3) assisting state and local pollution control efforts, and (4) administering many of the federal environmental laws. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Clean Air Act of 1990 (CAA) ÔFederal clean air legislation passed in 1963, 1965, 1970 and 1977. The last two gave the EPA power to set and enforce national air quality standards. ÔThe CAA of 1990 requires tougher auto emission controls, cleaner burning gasoline and new equipment to capture industrial and business pollution, with a general goal of reducing airborne pollutants by about 50%. ÔIllustrating the extremely technical, scientific and legal battles true of many of today’s pollution issues is the legal challenge to EPA’s 1997 amended standards for particulate matter and ozone. ÔWhitman v. American Trucking Assoc. (S. Ct. 2001) Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Clean Water Act (CWA) ÔThe purpose of the CWA is to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters. ” ÔThis is to be achieved primarily by imposing limits on the amount of pollutants that may lawfully enter the “navigable” waters of the U. S. from any “point source” (typically a pipe). ÔOne issue is what qualifies as “navigable” waters for purposes of regulation. ÔExample: Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (S. Ct. 2001) ÔA significant problem, not currently addressed by the CWA, is pollution in surface water runoff. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Waste Disposal Issues Ô Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): The purposes of this 1976 law are to identify toxic chemicals, assess their risks and control dangerous chemicals. Ô Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): The most significant aspects of this 1976 law are probably its requirement of cradle-to-grave tracking of all hazardous waste products and the licensing requirement for owners and operators of hazardous waste disposal sites. Ô Superfund—Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA): The primary purpose of the Superfund is to clean up hazardous dumps and spills that have been included on the National Priorities List (NPL). Funding for the process has been problematic since 1995 when separate taxing authority on chemicals and petroleum lapsed. Ô Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act: A 2002 law that provides liability protection for prospective purchasers and contiguous property owners and authorizes increased funding for state and local programs that assess and clean up brownfields (less contaminated former industrial and commercial sites that are not on the Superfund NPL). Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Endangered Species Act (ESA) ÔUnder the ESA, the Secretary of Commerce determines whether fish, wildlife or plant species should be listed as endangered or threatened. ÔA species is “endangered” when it is in “danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range. ” ÔA species is “threatened” when it is “likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future. ” ÔThe ESA forbids any practice which would result in the “taking” of any endangered species and forbids the degradation of endangered species’ habitats. ÔExample: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale v. Daley (D. C. 2001) Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Penalties and Enforcement under Federal Law ÔVery often, violators initially are warned and a compliance schedule is set out. ÔFines have long been the standard remedy in governmental pollution enforcement. ÔIn recent years, regulators have increasingly turned to Supplemental Environmental Projects (that is, some environmental “good work” in place of a fine) to settle wrongs. ÔThe government may initiate civil or criminal actions against both firms and managers. ÔMany environmental statutes provide for the possibility of citizen suits, where an individual is empowered to challenge government environmental decisions and generally to demand both governmental and private-sector compliance with the law. ÔExample: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale v. Daley (D. C. 2001) Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
State and Local Regulation ÔUnder constitutional police powers, state and local governments have the right to impose various controls on citizens to protect and maintain the public health, safety and general welfare, which they have used to address environmental issues. ÔFederal law assigns states primary enforcement power under statutes such as the Clean Water Act, but only so long as that enforcement equals federal standards. ÔAbout half of the states have enacted statutes designed to block government regulatory takings without just compensation. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Common Law ÔA private nuisance is a substantial and unreasonable invasion of the private use and enjoyment of one’s land. ÔA public nuisance is an unreasonable interference with a right common to the public. ÔA trespass occurs with any intentional invasion of an individual’s right to the exclusive use of his or her own property. ÔNuisance and trespass causes of action have been entered for such offenses as fouling a neighbor’s water, flooding another’s land, or causing excessive noise, smell or particulate matter on another’s property. ÔNegligence and strict liability claims may also arise from pollution cases. For example, the use of toxic chemicals might be so abnormally dangerous as to provoke a strict liability claim. ÔThe remedies available are monetary damages for the harm suffered or an injunction to prevent similar conduct in the future, or both. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Free Market and Pollution Control ÔPollution Credits: The federal government decided in the early 1990 s to cut air pollution from utilities and some big factories by setting a cap on the number of tons of pollutants to be permitted in the air and then issuing pollution credits. “Dirty” plants can either buy expensive new equipment to cut emissions or they can buy pollution credits from “clean” companies that do not need them. The total credits available are lower than total emissions before the program began. ÔElectric utilities in 1999 produced about 41% more electricity than in 1980, while emitting 25% fewer tons of sulfur dioxide. ÔThe same principles are expected to be applied worldwide to greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Pollution Control and Taxes ÔTax provisions can also affect behavior. ÔThere is a federal tax deduction, whether or not one itemizes, for part of the cost of purchasing a new hybrid gas-electric car, such as the Toyota Prius. ÔThere is a federal tax-free fringe benefit to employees through a payroll deduction purchase of commuter vouchers or transit passes. ÔIn 1991, Sweden introduced a sulphur tax that led to a drop in the sulphur content of fuels to 50% below the legal requirements. ÔNorway’s 1991 carbon tax lowered emissions from power plants by 21%. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Government Subsidies and Pollution Government subsidies often directly harm the environment. For example, we subsidize the cost of fuel by about 70 cents per gallon, thus encouraging more driving. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Business Response Positive: Ô Environmental responsiveness from companies is often generated by market pressure. Being seen as “green” by consumers is an important ingredient in contemporary business strategy. Ô An interesting recent study found a strong relationship between environmental high performance and high profitability. Ô Major companies, such as Du. Pont, BP Amoco, Ford and GM are making voluntary and substantial cuts in greenhouse-gas emission. Negative: Ô In April 2001, W. R. Grace filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, with over 124, 000 personal injury lawsuits filed against it. Ô Allegedly, before filing for bankruptcy, Grace shifted over $4. 5 billion in assets to other companies. Ô One year into the bankruptcy proceeding, Grace’s attorneys have filed a request for $36 million in attorneys’ fees associated with the case. Mc. Graw-Hill © 2004 The Mc. Graw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.