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Chapter 10 – Celebrity/Saint Worship The fundamentals of Tawheed
Chapter 10 - Saint Worship The Fundamentals of Tawheed Allah’s distribution of social norms The origin of saint worships stems from the fact that man believes in the concept of inferiority and superiority. In some cases it’s a direct result of the fact that Allah has favored some above others. Man has been placed some men and some women above some men and some women socially:
Allah’s distribution of social norms “ Men are guardians of women by that which Allah favoured some of them over others…” (Qur’an 4: 34) “…and men are one level over women( in terms of responsibility to earn and provide for the family-kasbi wa qiwaamah)…” (Qur’an 2: 228)
Allah’s distribution of social norms And some men have been placed over others economically: “Allah has favoured some of you over others with sustenance…” (Qur’an 16: 71)
The Fundamentals Of Tawheed The tribe of Israel was favoured over the rest of mankind by divine guidance(most prophets and divine books) “Remember, Oh Israel, the blessing which I bestowed on you by favouring you over all mankind. ” (Qur’an 2: 47)
The prophets were favoured over all mankind by revelation, and some prophets over other prophets “Those are the prophets of whom We favoured some over other's” (Qur’an 2: 253)
Yet Allah has told us not to desire things by which He has favoured some mankind over others “Do not wish for that with which We have Favoured some of you over others. ” (Qur’an 4: 32) These favours are test which carry with them great responsibilities, they are not a result of man’s striving, and, such should not be a source of pride.
Allah will not give us reward for having them, although we will be held to account for how we used them, thus Allah’s messengers advised us, “ whenever anyone of you looks at one who is favoured by wealth or his creation then he should look at those who are less favoured than what he has got” “Look at those below you and not those above you. It is better for you, so that you do not deny Allah’s blessings on you” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
The Fundamentals Of Tawheed The Prophet ( ) ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said, “Everyone of you is a shepherd, and everyone is responsible for his flocks. ” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) These responsibilities are the basic components of the test of this life. The favour was confirmed by Allah’s command to the angels to prostrate to Aadam and that responsibility is twofolds:
a. It carries a personal responsibility of accepting Islam: total submission to Allah. b. It carries a group commitment of establishing Allah’s law throughout the earth. The believers are far superior to disbelievers in Allah’s sight as to their acceptance of responsibilities, Allah says:
“ You (believers) are the best of nations brought forth for the benefit of mankind (because) you command the good, prohibit evil and believe in Allah” (Qur’an 3: 110)
Taqwaa: Among the believers, some are superior to others; this superiority is a direct result of their own strivings, it is linked to ones Eemaan the strength and depth of faith. Faith drives the one who possess it to shield himself from whatever displeases Allah, this is called “Taqwaa”
Allah clearly expressed Taqwaa as: “Verily the most noble among you is the one with the most Taqwaa”
The only factor which makes a believing man or woman truly superior to another is the level of Taqwaa. The most pious individuals are only known to Allah, as the seat of Taqwaa is in the heart, man can judge by each others outward deeds, Allah made that abundantly clear:
“There is among people in this life, he whose speech will dazzle you. And he will call Allah as a witness to what is in his heart; yet, he will be among the most vicious of enemies” (Qur’an 2: 204)
Therefore it is not permissible for humans to designate certain people as being particularly saintly and pious to a degree beyond the reach of ordinary human. Prophet Muhammad ( )ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ specified among his companions some whom he gave glad tidings of paradise in this life, such pronouncements were based on revelation and not his own ability to judge the hearts, example of this is when Prophet ( )ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said concerning those who make a pledge of allegiance known as Bay’ah ar. Ridwaan, “No one who made the pledge beneath the tree will enter the hellfire”
Confirmed in the Qur’anic verse revealed to that effect: “Allah is pleased with the believers when the pledged allegiance to you beneath the tree…” (Qur’an 48: 18)
He ( )ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ judged some, whom everyone thought were destined to paradise to be among those destined for the hell fire, during the battle of Khaybar some companions came and said, “so and so is a martyr” but when they came to a man whom they said “so and so is a martyr” Allah’s messenger declared “ By no means! I have seen him in hell in a cloak which he took (from the spoils) dishonestly”
In some traditions there were many who were praised for their supposed spiritual achievement, miracles where attributed to them as the rank of “saint” was bestowed on them. When they climbed the ladder of spiritual excellence they were given titles as Guru, Avatar, etc. , this has lead to either intercession or to worship them as god. Islam on the other hand, opposes even the excessive praise of prophet Muhammad ( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ )ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ who said “do not praise me excessively as the Christians did to ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam, verily I am only a slave, so call me instead the slave of Allah and His messenger”.
Walee: The “Saint” The Word saint has been used to translate the Arabic word Walee (pl. Awliyaa) which Allah used to designate those who are close to Him. More appropriately translated as “close friend”, because Walee basically means an “ally”. Allah used this term to refer to Himself in many verses; such as: “Allah is the Walee of those who believe and takes them from the darkness into light” (Qur’an 2: 257)
This also refers to Satan in verse: “Whoever takes Satan as a Walee instead of Allah, has clearly lost all” (Qur’an 4: 119)
This term also means “close relative” in verse: “We have given power to the Walee of whoever is wrongly killed, but do not be excessive in the execution (of the murderer). (Qur’an 17: 33)
Also states in the Qur’an closeness between men e. g. : “the believers should not take the disbelievers as Awliyaa instead of other believers. (Qur’an 3: 28)
The usage concerns us most in “Awliyaa-ullaah” close friends of Allah. The description is found in verses: “Verily His (Allah’s) Awliyaa are those with Taqwaa, but most people do not realize that”. (Qur’an 8: 34) Surah Yunous 10: 62 -63:
“Behold! Certainly no fear nor grief shall overcome the Awliyaa of Allah, those who believe and have Taqwaa” Allah explains for us that the criterion for “Walaayah” (divine friendship) is Emaan (faith) and Taqwaa (piety) and these qualities are shared by all the true believers. Among the ignorant masses the main criterion for Walaayah (“Sainthood”) is performance of miracles which are commonly called Karaamaat to distinguish them from the miracles Mu’jizaat of the prophets.
As mentioned earlier, all believers who have Emaan and Taqwaa are Walees of Allah, as Allah stated: “Allah is the Walees of those who believe” (Qur’an 2: 257) Muslims are not allowed to designate certain believers as being Awliyaa of Allah and not others.
Fanaa: The Union of Man with God Al- Hallaaj was publicly executed as an apostate for daring to openly claim divinity in his infamous pronouncement “Anal – Haqq” “ I am the Reality” when Allah already said: “That is so, because Allah is the Reality and it is He who gives life to the dead” (Qur’an 22: 6)
The Union of God with Man Nothing escapes Allah's knowledge, therefore, the wise are those who act accordingly, in which they feel his presence at all time. Performing obligatory (Fard) duties, then they piously try to make up for any of the inevitable deficiencies by doing host of voluntary acts. The more someone strengthens his obligatory practises by performing voluntary acts the more his lie conforms to the Sharee’ah.
Allah conveyed this through Prophet ( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ )ﻭﺳﻠﻢ in a Hadeeth: “The most beloved thing with which My slave may come close to me is that which I have made obligatory (Fard) on him. My servant will continue to come closer to me by voluntary acts (of worship) until I love him. If I love him, I will be his hearing by which he hears, his sight by which he sees, his hand by which he grasps, and his foot by which he walks. If he asks Me anything I would give it and if he seeks refuge in Me I would protect him (Sahaih Al. Bukhari vol 8)
This Walee of Allah would only hear, see, grasp and walk to what is Halaal ( Lawful), while avoid all the Haraam (Prohibited). Allah emphasized this fact by telling his prophet to inform the believers: “Say, if you love Allah , follow mw (Muhammed) and Allah will love you (Qur’an 3: 31)
Therefore Allah’s love can only be attained by strictly following the directives (Sunnah) of His Apostle ( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺳﻠﻢ and carefully avoiding ﻭ ) all innovations in religious matters. Another Hadeeth in which the prophet ( ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﺳﻠﻢ ﻭ ) was reported by Abu Najeeh to have said, “keep my Sunnah and that of the rightly guided Caliphs. Bite on to it with your molars. And beware of the innovations, for verily they are all heresy (Bid’ah) and heresy is the misguidance which lead to the hell fire”
Roohullaah: The “Spirit” of Allah Mystic belief in the re-unification of the human soul with Allah has also been falsely deduced from some verses of the Qur’an: “then He (Allah) fashioned him (Aadam) and blew in him from His spirit. (Qur’an 32: 9) and “When I fashioned him and blew into him of My Spirit…” (Qur’an 15: 29)
The Fundamentals Of Tawheed have been used as evidence for the belief that every human being contains within his body a part of God. Allah’s “spirit” which Allah breathed into Aadam has been inherited by all his descendents.
“Allah gives His mercy specifically to whonsoever He wishes…” (Qur’an 2: 105) Allah’s mercy is one of his attributes and not a part of His creation. Allah sometimes refers to created things as “His” to emphasize the fact that He created them, for example Allah quoted prophet Saalih saying: “ This is Allah’s camel sent to you as a sign. So allow it to graze in Allah’s earth” (Qur’an 7: 73)
Allah made a covenant with his prophets Ibraaheem and Ismaa’eel in the case of the Ka’bah stating: “That they may purify Me house or those who circle it, cling to it, bow down prostrate (near it). ” (Qur’an 2: 125) And paradise in the case of the righteous who on the day of judgement will be told by Allah
“Enter My paradise” (Qur’an 89: 30) Spirit (Rooh) is Allah’s creation, He states: “they ask you concerning the spirit, tell them the Spirit is from my Lord’s command; and you have not been given except a very small amount of knowledge. ” (Qur’an 17: 85)
He also said: “if Allah had decided a thing, He only has to command: Be, and it is” (Qur’an 3: 47) Another example is: “He (Allah) created him (Aadam) from clay then said: Be, and he was. ” (Qur’an 3: 59)
It is the angels who actually insert and extract the souls into man. Allah has the spirit blown into every human by one of His angels, by saying that “He blew”, Allah in fact reminds us that He is the primary cause of all that takes place in creation: “Allah created you and whatever you do. ” (Qur’an 37: 96)
The Qur’an is a totality, its verse explains themselves and the sayings and practises of the prophet ( )ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ further clarify its meanings. Sometimes verses can be taken out of context for example in Surah Al-Maa’oon reads: “Woe be on those who make prayer (Salaah). ” This verse if taken on its own is a total contradiction to the rest of the Qur’an, as Salaah is made obligatory as stated:
“Verily I am Allah, there is no god besides me, so worship me and establish prayer (salaah) in order to remember me. ” (Qur’an 20: 14) Yet this verse above curses those who make Salaah, however the verse which follows it clarify the meaning: “Those who are negligent in their Salaah, who do it to be seen. Yet they refuse even the simplest of kindness. ” (Qur’an 107: 5 -7)