- Количество слайдов: 33
Chapter 10 -3 Acquiring New Lands …. like Cuba, Philippines, and (kind of) China…. . Mt. Apo Philippines
Objective • To learn about the Open Door Policy and how far the US willing to go to keep the door of trade open? • To learn about the Amer/Phil War. , the Platt Amendment, and the Boxer Rebellion.
Focus Q: Dec. 4 • Read “Philippine-American War, ” page 355. • Bullet point notes • 1 sentence summary
Focus Q • Was TR really a hero during the Spanish-American War? Yellow journalism or not?
Focus Q Is this cartoon an example of racism or cultural superiority? Why or why not?
1. What is a COMMONWEALTH? See “Now and Then” p. 353 • • • Puerto Ricans are US citizens Don’t need a passport to enter US Are subject to the draft Can’t vote in presidential elections 1967, 1993, 1998
2. What was the Teller Amendment (1898)? • US had no desire to take over any part of Cuba—reminds me of Indian Treaties
3. What, if anything, did US soldiers do for the Cuban people? • • provides food and clothing organizes elementary schools helps farmers get land planted helps eliminates yellow fever and improves sanitation
4. What were the 4 parts of the Platt Amendment? 1901—***gives the US power in Cuban govt*** 1. Couldn’t make treaties that limit their independence 2. US could intervene to maintain order (we do) 3. Cuba couldn’t go into debt 4. US could buy/lease land for naval bases or coaling station (Guantanamo Bay)
6. Why did the US maintain political presence in Cuba? 1. protect business (economic) interests— most important reason to keep influence in Cuba 2. US corps. heavily invested in RR’s, sugar, tobacco mining, utilities (electricity, gas, water) 3. $220 M invested by 1913
Filipinos Rebel 1. Filipinos were outraged that the T of Paris meant the US would annex the Philippines 2. ***S-A War led to a violent uprising in the Philippines*** 3. They had been promised independence, now they rebel 4. Led by Emilio Aguinaldo
Filipinos Rebel 1. US forces Filipinos to live in certain areas—concentration camp-like 2. Poor sanitation, starvation, disease 3. Same treatment Spain (Weyler) condemned for
Early form of Water boarding
Manila, 1899, after shelling by US forces.
8. What were the human and financial costs of American/Phil. war? 70 K US troops fight—many were AA – 200 K civilians die— 3 year war – 20 K Phil die fighting— – 4 K US die—costs $400 M
9. Why did the US want control of the Philippines? 1. US sees Phil as the “gateway to Asia, ” esp. China 2. China was a potential mkt for our goods and we could build RR’s there 3. ***China—weak—not an imperialist country*** 4. ***Imperialist countries: US, Japan, Eng, FR, Germany, Russia***
10. Give some evidence that China was weak at this time. • by 1899 FR—GER—Eng—Japan—Russia had carved out “spheres of influence”: areas where they had special rights
11. Who was John Hay? • US Secretary of State • Our chief diplomat w/ other countries
The Open Door Policy Secretary John Hay. Give all nations equal access to trade in China. Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken over by any one foreign power. “Open Door”……get it?
Open Door Notes 1. 2. Letters to other govts Proposed that they share trading rights w/ the US 3. ***creates an “open door” for trading*** 4. **US want to increase trade w/ China** 5. Keep China independent
The Open Door Policy
The Boxer Rebellion 1. Group called “the Righteous and Harmonious Fists” 2. ***1900 Boxer Rebellion—want to remove foreign influence***— –kill 1000’s missionaries, foreigners, Chinese Christians
Boxer Rebellion 1. Aug. 1900—troops from Br-Fr-Ger. Japan and 2500 US—end the 2 month rebellion 2. 3. 4. 1000 s of Chinese die US awarded $24. 5 M in damages Return $20. 5 M to China in 1908. Why?
The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 The Peaceful Harmonious Fists. “ 55 Days at Peking (Bejing)”
15. What 3 important beliefs did the Open Door Notes reveal about the US? These become the bedrock of US foreign policy 1. Growth of economy depends on TRADE 2. US has right to intervene to keep foreign mkts open 3. Closing an area to US products, citizens, or ideas threatened US survival ü Are you catching what I’m pitching? ü What does this mean?
America as a Pacific Power
10 -3 Left Side Draw a picture and a simile for: • Open Door Notes • Boxer Rebellion _____ is like ______ b/c _______.