Скачать презентацию Chapter 1 What is the purpose of Скачать презентацию Chapter 1 What is the purpose of


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Chapter 1 Chapter 1

*What is the purpose of the first four paragraphs? *“remember that all the people *What is the purpose of the first four paragraphs? *“remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you’ve had. ” *What is the first description of Gatsby? *“my family have been well-todo people…for three generations. ” *“They [dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities] stood on my shelf…like new money from the mint. ” To show the credibility of Nick as the narrator. This shows that Nick is a man who will look at the situation thoroughly and will not jump to any rash conclusions. It shows his credibility. Gatsby is described as gorgeous and that he makes Nick question has own beliefs. This shows Nick’s familiarity with the socialites and with money. Simile; he plan to earn his money legally; also shows he is part of the world of new money.

*Why is the “well rounded man” the most limited? Why is it more successful *Why is the “well rounded man” the most limited? Why is it more successful to “look from a single window”? *Land vs. water description *“To the wingless… dissimilarities in every particular. ” *West Egg vs. East Egg description Jack of all trades master of none. It is demonstrating the individual perspective “stream of consciousness”-modernism Geography appear to be very similar People have separated themselves into classes of old money and new money and are unable to become free of this. The West Egg is the new money. It is less fashionable. The East Egg is the old money (family money). It is the glitzier of the two.

*“see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all” *Description of the Buchanan's *“see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all” *Description of the Buchanan's home *Description of Tom *comparison of women (Daisy and Jordan) to Tom *“The whole town is desolate. ” *“Have you read The Rise of the Colored Empires? ” *“I’m glad it’s a girl…best thing can be…beautiful little fool. ” Oxymoron; shows upper class is superficial-he knew them for a long time, but still doesn’t really know them. Foreshadowing that he will find out that he really doesn’t know them. Personification; comparing the lawn to a runner; make things appear to be alive there. “hard mouth and supercilious manner, arrogant eyes, leaning aggressively forward, cruel body. Women are pure, wearing white, and light and airy personalities. Humor; shows upper class is superficial and bored. Pointing out racism of the 1920’s Daisy is superficial; 1920’s didn’t value intellect in women.

*What does Nick’s comments about rumors show about his character? *How does the 2 *What does Nick’s comments about rumors show about his character? *How does the 2 nd paragraph on page 20 demonstrate a change in mood? *What does the green light represent? It shows that he cannot be swayed by rumors and that he actually left because of them. The sentences become longer and uses alliterations to lighten the mood. The green light may represent Gatsby trying to reach for the East Egg or trying to reach a goal that he cannot.

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

*Valley of Ashes vs. Buchanan’s home *Example of alliteration and purpose *Dr. TJ Eckleburg *Valley of Ashes vs. Buchanan’s home *Example of alliteration and purpose *Dr. TJ Eckleburg *Yellow spectacles *”his eyes, dimmed a little by main paintless days…brood over the solemn dumping ground. ” Described as gray and that everything was covered in ash. Seen as a complete wasteland that was ruined and corrupt. The Buchanan’s house was described as full of life and ha a light and airy mood. Railroad runs; fantastic farms; grotesque gardens; cars crawls; obscure operations give musical effect Dr was seen as God looking down and seeing the moral decay of the 1920’s, Yellow spectacles represent the upper class looking down at the lower class. Humanity has lost sight of God

*”drawbridge is up to let barges through…stare at the dismal scene” *”I think he *”drawbridge is up to let barges through…stare at the dismal scene” *”I think he tanked up a good deal at luncheon and his determination to have my company bordered on violence” *significance of mainstreet to Wilson’s garage *Description of George Wilson *Description of Myrtle Wilson “a white ashendust veiled his dark suit…veiled everything in the vicinity. ” *Town Tattle *John D. Rockefeller Allusion to River Styx, river which one crosses to enter the realm of the dead Drank and became violent; foreshadow Wall Street (rich) feeds mainstreet and gives nothing in return George Wilson described as “blond, spiritless man, anemic, and faintly handsome. ” “Middle thirties, and faintly stout, carried surplus flesh sensuously in a spotted dress of dark blue. ” Appears that Wilson is made of ash and is ruined Shows the constant gossip of girls Rockefeller gained wealth through dishonest means as the

“I don’t suppose you got that kind” “she’s said to be very beautiful by “I don’t suppose you got that kind” “she’s said to be very beautiful by people. ” Description of apartment “decomposed apathetically…all afternoon” Mr. and Mrs. Mc. Kee “with the influence of the dress her personality had also changed” Gatsby Shows the commonness of her speech (common/poor) Someone in the society sets the standard for others. It is important what other think. Emphasized small; small living room, small dining room, small bedroom, and a bath Show Nick felt as though he was decomposing throughout the afternoon Used to highlight the social stratification She changed her personality with the different people she was with Fitzgerald surrounding Gatsby with mystery and suspense Kaiser Wilhelm was the man

“Tom broker her nose with her open hand” Treats her like a dog and “Tom broker her nose with her open hand” Treats her like a dog and thinks money will fix things

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

-Setting -Time span of the first three chapters -“conducts themselves according to the rules -Setting -Time span of the first three chapters -“conducts themselves according to the rules of behavior associated with an amusement park” -Metaphor comparing books to upper-class people -alcohol Gatsby mansion in West Egg. American dream fulfilled 3 nights that are several weeks apart There is so much to do at the party demonstrating how lavish the party is and highlighting the fact that the upper class shows no manners. The upper class expects the books to be empty like the people are, empty shells just filled with deception Alcohol creates deeper meaning and without it the Jazz Age would have little significance

-“he [Gatsby] was picking words with care” -Gatsby’s work -New money vs. old money -“he [Gatsby] was picking words with care” -Gatsby’s work -New money vs. old money -Gatsby description -“I’ve just heard the most amazing thing” -Hydroplane at nine o’ clock -“it went in the ditch” -Purpose of Jordan Baker’s character Shows Gatsby is not naturally from money and was not taught this type of manner from his family. Gatsby keeps getting phone calls implying some illegal business New money is unstable and old money is stable “elegant young roughneck” Gatsby is opening up to Nick’s circle Time is of importance Roaring 20’s were reckless and Fitzgerald thought it would be the reasons the Roaring 20’s would end Attitudes began changing and athletes, including women, were elevated to higher social status

-Jordan Baker’s flaw -“dishonesty in a woman is a thing you can never blame -Jordan Baker’s flaw -“dishonesty in a woman is a thing you can never blame deeply. ” -“I am one of the few honest people I know” -Colors -Chapter 2 and 3 similarities Jordan Baker is a cheater, liar, and “incurably dishonest”; readers cannot trust her 1920’s view of women is that they are not responsible for their actions Readers can believe Nick as the narrator; ironic to be in a relationship with Jordan Yellow, green, blue Both introduce the reader to a group of people, Tom’s crowd and Gatsby’s crowd. Both have parties that end with people being drunk and unhappy.

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

“the world and its mistress” “all these people came to Gatsby house in the “the world and its mistress” “all these people came to Gatsby house in the summer” List and description of guests “old sport” Gatsby car description “Then it was all true” Everybody who is anybody came to Gatsby’s house This short sentence after the long and elaborate sentences show a condescending attitude towards these people Emphasizes the amount of people and how prestigious these people are Sign of endearment towards Nick Shows Gatsby’s gaudy lifestyle and over the top personality Means that the rumors and lies are confirmed because Gatsby’s explanation is too exaggerated to be believable and the items are too convenient.

Mr. Wolfsheim “The idea staggered me. ” “Why isn’t he in jail. ” Similarities Mr. Wolfsheim “The idea staggered me. ” “Why isn’t he in jail. ” Similarities of Nick’s two New York trips “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay. ” “He came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor. ” “He wants her to see his house” “There is only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired” Gatsby associates with dishonest people showing he himself is probably dishonest Demonstrating Nick’s personality and beliefs in honesty In both situations he is made uncomfortable by the people and their dishonesty Gatsby is in love with Daisy and wants to be close to her, but still is not able to obtain it Makes Gatsby reborn in Nick’s eyes. Nick say Gatsby as iconic, but now he is human to Nick Gastby wants Daisy to see his wealth because he knows money is why she married Tom Referring to all of the different love affairs of the book

Chapter 5 Chapter 5

“Lit from Tower to cellar” “How about the day after tomorrow” “don’t bring Tom” “Lit from Tower to cellar” “How about the day after tomorrow” “don’t bring Tom” 2: 00 3: 00 Description of Gatsby making a statement , attracting attention. Carnival like description showing the instability Gatsby wants to cut Nick’s grass so Daisy will be thoroughly impressed Daisy response shows she is willing to forget her husband have an affair Green house-hyperboleexaggeration of the amount of flowers Gatsby brought showing desperation to impress Gatsby shows up nervously and appears to have lost confidence White flannel, suit, silver shirt and gold covered tie-showy

“Two minutes to four” Living room deserted Gatsby pale as death “Five years next “Two minutes to four” Living room deserted Gatsby pale as death “Five years next November” “This is a terrible mistake” “Thought you inherited the money” Time reference each minute is relevant Gatsby had left Nick again. Gatsby is unstable and starting to show flaws. He is a complete wreck and very nervous, out of character. Gatsby knows the exact month they last saw each other, time never forgotten Gatsby is completely out of character and doesn’t even realize how embarrassed Daisy is because he thinks so highly of her that she couldn’t also have this fault. Gatsby caught in a lie about money

Mr. Klipspringer “Running like an over wound clock” Shirts Mr. Dan Cody Pink clouds Mr. Klipspringer “Running like an over wound clock” Shirts Mr. Dan Cody Pink clouds “There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dream. ” “Voice of deathless song” Song he sings shows how tightly controlling their reunion was and ironic in that she rejected him because he was poor. Gatsby wants to stop time and has no ability to do so. Climax of the story. Crying because of regret-could have had money and love. Most genuine Daisy has been. A real person from his past Demonstrates Daisy falls back into being unintelligible— error/fault American Dream was obtained and it fell short of expectation Daisy was Gatsby life and she was his savior her voice is other worldly

Chapter 6 Chapter 6

This was his day off…hurried out “to see” “Jay Gatsby sprang from his platonic This was his day off…hurried out “to see” “Jay Gatsby sprang from his platonic conception of himself” “The rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy’s wing. ” Death of Dan Cody at the hands of a loved woman Treatment of Gatsby by Mr. Sloane and Tom “By God, I may be old fashioned …. they meet all kinds of crazy fish” To see Gatsby was like seeing a religious icon in the world “Jesus on burnt toast” James Gatz was reborn as Jay Gatsby. He made himself based on his idealized version of a man. Gatsby’s world was grounded on the instability of Daisy and therefore was destined to fail. Foreshadow that Gatsby will have a similar fate. New money is looked down upon as inferior regardless of the amount they have. Double Standards; ironic because Daisy is running around and met Gatsby.

Green Card “She was appalled by West Egg” “I’d like to know what he Green Card “She was appalled by West Egg” “I’d like to know what he is and what he does…” “his mind would never romp again like the mind of God” “Then he kissed her. …the incarnation was complete” Green Card similar to Gatsby white card. Daisy loves her social class and would not lower her status to a West Egger. Foreshadow that Tom is going to find out about Gatsby real life. He has given all of the power to Daisy and is destined to fall. This shows that there was complete and the climax has ended.

Chapter 7 Chapter 7

“Let me drive your car to town” Daisy tells Tom to go with Nick “Let me drive your car to town” Daisy tells Tom to go with Nick and Jordan and will go with Gatsby to town Wilson vs. Tom’s reaction to their wives being unfaithful Eyes Blocks’ Biloxi “I wanted to slap him on the back” Tom wants to take something that Gatsby loves. Daisy still is carefree about the affair that she is having and is living like in a dream not reality Tom gets angry and Wilson is physically ill Dr. T. J Eckleburg’s looking down and judging the corruption and affairs Shows that Daisy makes a connection of shady people with the death of her father. Foreshadowing deaths at the end of the chapter. Shows Nick’s renewed faith in Gatsby

Tom making reference to “intermarriage between black and white” “The transition from libertine to Tom making reference to “intermarriage between black and white” “The transition from libertine to prig was so complete” “she never loved you” “She turned to her husband” and “the voice begged again to go” The constant mentions of death “You two start on home Daisy…in Mr. Gatsby car” They are from two different worlds and their relationship would be like two difference races marrying; racism Change from being morally devoid to excessive conformity, Nick is pointing out how hypocritical Tom is Gatsby completely believes that Daisy didn’t love Tom ever and that she will leave him—living in the past. Daisy is dependent on Tom and he is ultimately in control of her decision Foreshadowing the deaths. Tom knows that Gatsby is no longer a threat and is showing Gatsby his confidence in that.

“I just remembered that today’s my birthday” Comparison of Jordan and Daisy Michaelis Wilson “I just remembered that today’s my birthday” Comparison of Jordan and Daisy Michaelis Wilson vs. Tom’s reaction to Myrtle’s death “I’d had enough of all of them for one day, and suddenly that included Jordan too” “Yes…but of course I’ll say I was” “plate of cold friend chicken” “there was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture and any would have said they were conspiring together” “left him standing there watching over nothing” End of dreams for everyone. Jordan is smart enough not to let the past weigh her down and avoids these types of situations. He is the one who told Wilson about the yellow car hitting Myrtle. No one involved actually saw the accident which leads to a foreshadowed mistake. Wilson breaks down completely and Tom tries to cover his tracks. Foreshadowing the deaths. Tom knows that Gatsby is no longer a threat and is showing Gatsby his confidence in that.

Chapter 8 Chapter 8

Tone of the first paragraph “I waited…she came to the window…and then turned out Tone of the first paragraph “I waited…she came to the window…and then turned out the light. ” Jay Gatsby described as “broken up like glass against Tom’s hard malice” Description of Gatsby before meeting Daisy “He felt married to her” The letter from Daisy described as a certain relief. “it was just personal” Tone is foreshadowing trouble. Daisy turned out the lights on Gatsby’s dreams Tom broke the image and dreams Gatsby created. Gatsby was penniless and in admiration of Daisy. He pretended to be rich while he was dating Daisy. In his mind he had been married to her since he left for war and has been living a dreams since then. The letter would have been relief because the truth of being poor would had to come out in the end. Gatsby believes Daisy is just using Tom as a personal bank.

Gatsby traced back their dates and kept on looking for Daisy. Gatsby is better Gatsby traced back their dates and kept on looking for Daisy. Gatsby is better than all of them “You’re worth the whole damn because they just live carelessly bunch put together. ” and in the moment without a care “His corruption …concealing his for others. Although Gatsby is part of illegal incorruptible dream” activity his untainted dream “He [Wilson] had a way of redeems his character. finding out whom the yellow car Hints that Tom is going to tell belonged to” Wilson that Gatsby drove the car. Wilson eyes are like the Dr’s and Dr. TJ Eyes they both see everything. “No telephone message Daisy never called and finalized arrived. ” the fact that she was going to stay with Tom. “A new world” Gatsby is now forced in live in reality in “a new world” Gatsby after he came home from the war.

“ashen fantastic figure gliding toward him” “the holocaust was complete” Describing Wilson because he “ashen fantastic figure gliding toward him” “the holocaust was complete” Describing Wilson because he came from the valley of ashes. The holocaust describes death of Gatsby, death of Wilson, and death of Gatsby's dream.

Gatsby traced back their dates and kept on looking for Daisy. Gatsby is better Gatsby traced back their dates and kept on looking for Daisy. Gatsby is better than all of them “You’re worth the whole damn because they just live carelessly bunch put together. ” and in the moment without a care “His corruption …concealing his for others. Although Gatsby is part of illegal incorruptible dream” activity his untainted dream “He [Wilson] had a way of redeems his character. finding out whom the yellow car Hints that Tom is going to tell belonged to” Wilson that Gatsby drove the car. Wilson eyes are like the Dr’s and Dr. TJ Eyes they both see everything. “No telephone message Daisy never called and finalized arrived. ” the fact that she was going to stay with Tom. “A new world” Gatsby is now forced in live in reality in “a new world” Gatsby after he came home from the war.

“ashen fantastic figure gliding toward him” “the holocaust was complete” Describing Wilson because he “ashen fantastic figure gliding toward him” “the holocaust was complete” Describing Wilson because he came from the valley of ashes. The holocaust describes death of Gatsby, death of Wilson, and death of Gatsby's dream.

Chapter 9 Chapter 9

“Jimmy always liked it better down East” Allusion to James J. Hill Hopalong Cassidy “Jimmy always liked it better down East” Allusion to James J. Hill Hopalong Cassidy Owl-eyes “this story has been a story of the West after all” Four solemn men No one truly knew Gatsby because he was so busy trying to create his image. James J. Hill was a story of a man going from poor to rich through the building of railroads His book showed how much care and effort James Gatz used to create his image of Jay Gatsby. Owl-eyes can see what is truly important that others, Wolfshiem and Klipspringer, don’t see. The West is known for its virtues, morals, and decency and this story shows the contrast between the East and West. 4 men also carried Gatsby

“But no one knows the [drunk, dead] woman’s name, and no one cares. ” “But no one knows the [drunk, dead] woman’s name, and no one cares. ” “distorted beyond my eyes’ power of correction. ” “leave things in order” “I thought you were rather an honest, straightforward person. I thought it was your secret pride. ” Description of Tom and Daisy The upper class are callous and no one cares about each other; Gatsby is drunk on his dreams and when death comes his money cannot save him. There was so much corruption and immorality that he could not look past it without judging the people. Nick is breaking all ties and didn’t want a past love to haunt him like Gatsby did. Both of them being dishonest was the downfall to their relationship. Nick judges Tom and Daisy as careless people that only smash things up and make others clean up the mess.

Comparison of Dutch sailors to Gatsby believed in the green light…tomorrow we will run Comparison of Dutch sailors to Gatsby believed in the green light…tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…And one fine morning. ” “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. ” Gatsby's greatness was to have retained a sense of wonder as deep as the sailor's on that first landfall. Gatsby's capacity for illusion is touching and heroic, despite the worthlessness of the objects of his dreams. Focus on the struggle of human beings to achieve their goals by re -creating and living in the past. They never lose their optimism, they expend all of their energy in pursuit of a goal that keeps moving farther away. We are all haunted by our pasts and often want to return to a time in our lives that we idealize, seeking to escape our disappointing present.