Chapter 1 What is Psychology? Mr. Dennis G.

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>Chapter 1 What is Psychology? Mr. Dennis G. Relojo, MP Centro Escolar University Department Chapter 1 What is Psychology? Mr. Dennis G. Relojo, MP Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 1

>Psychological Truths? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 2 Psychological Truths? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 2

>True or False Infants love their mothers primarily because their mothers fulfill their basic True or False Infants love their mothers primarily because their mothers fulfill their basic biological needs such as providing food. Geniuses generally have poor social adjustment. The best way to ensure that a desired behavior will continue after training is completed is to reward that behavior every single time it occurs during training rather than rewarding it only periodically. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 3

>People with schizophrenia have at least two distinct personalities. If you are having trouble People with schizophrenia have at least two distinct personalities. If you are having trouble sleeping, the best way to get to sleep is to take a sleeping pill. Children’s IQ scores have little to do with how well they do in school. Frequent masturbation can lead to mental illness. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 4

>Once people reach old age, their leisure activities change radically. Most people would refuse Once people reach old age, their leisure activities change radically. Most people would refuse to give painful electric shocks to other people. One of the least important factors affecting how much we like another person is that person’s physical attractiveness. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 5

>Scoring The truth about each of these items. They are all FALSE. Based on Scoring The truth about each of these items. They are all FALSE. Based on psychological research, each of these “facts” has been proven untrue. You will learn the reasons why as we explore what psychologists have discovered about human behavior throughout this semester.  Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 6

>Social Science and Natural Sciences Social Science is the study of society and the Social Science and Natural Sciences Social Science is the study of society and the way people live (Cambridge Dictionary). Ex: psychology, sociology, economics, etc. Natural sciences are those branches of science which deals with the physical world (Oxford Dictionary). Ex: Chemistry, biology, physics, etc. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 7

>What is Psychology? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 8 What is Psychology? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 8

>Definition Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour: how we think, Definition Psychology is the scientific study of human mind and behaviour: how we think, feel, act and interact individually and in groups (British Psychological Society). Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes (Rathus, 2012). Psychology is the science of the mind (BBC Science). Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 9

>What Psychology is not? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 10 What Psychology is not? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 10

>Misconceptions Psychology is not just common sense. Psychology is not about mind-reading. (Psychologists don’t Misconceptions Psychology is not just common sense. Psychology is not about mind-reading. (Psychologists don’t read minds. We study behavior. ) Psychology is not psychiatry. Psychology is not mentalism (telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.) Psychology is not boring. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 11

>What Psychologists Do? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 12 What Psychologists Do? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 12

>Psychologists try to describe, predict, and explain human behavior and mental processes (Feldman, 2008). Psychologists try to describe, predict, and explain human behavior and mental processes (Feldman, 2008). Psychologists engage in research, practice, and teaching. Some researchers engage in pure research while others engage in applied research (Rathus, 2012). Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 13

>Pure research has no immediate applications to personal or social problems and, therefore, has Pure research has no immediate applications to personal or social problems and, therefore, has been characterized as research for its own sake. Applied research is designed to find solutions to specific or personal problems. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 14

>How do people become psychologists? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 15 How do people become psychologists? Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 15

>Most psychologists have a doctorate, either a Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy) or less frequently Most psychologists have a doctorate, either a Ph.D. (doctor of philosophy) or less frequently a Psy.D. (doctor of psychology). About a third of people working in the field of psychology have a master’s degree as their highest degree. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 16

>Goals of Psychology Describe Understand Predict Influence Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 17 Goals of Psychology Describe Understand Predict Influence Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 17

>Subfields of Psychology Behavioral genetics studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior. Behavioral Subfields of Psychology Behavioral genetics studies the inheritance of traits related to behavior. Behavioral neuroscience examines the biological basis of behavior Clinical psychology deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 18

>Educational psychology is concerned with teaching and learning processes, such as the relationship between Educational psychology is concerned with teaching and learning processes, such as the relationship between motivation and school performance. Environmental psychology considers the relationship between people and their physical environment. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 19

>Clinical neuropsychology unites the area of biopsychology and clinical psychology, focusing on the relationship Clinical neuropsychology unites the area of biopsychology and clinical psychology, focusing on the relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders. Cognitive psychology focuses on the study of higher mental processes. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 20

>Counseling psychology focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems. Cross-cultural psychology investigates Counseling psychology focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems. Cross-cultural psychology investigates the similarities and differences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups. Developmental psychology examines how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 21

>Evolutionary psychology considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors. Evolutionary psychology considers how behavior is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors. Experimental psychology studies the processes of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 22

>Forensic psychology focuses on legal issues, such as determining the accuracy of witness memories. Forensic psychology focuses on legal issues, such as determining the accuracy of witness memories. Health psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease. Industrial/organizational psychology is concerned with the psychology of the workplace. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 23

>Personality psychology focuses on the consistency in people’s behavior over time and the traits Personality psychology focuses on the consistency in people’s behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another. School psychology is devoted to counseling children in elementary and secondary schools who have academic or emotional problems. Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others. Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 24

>Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 25 Centro Escolar University Department of Psychology 25