- Количество слайдов: 21
CHALLENGING VOCAB WORDS FROM THE ARTICLE “For a clean judiciary: the importance of in-house mechanisms”
Judiciary ⦿ [joo-dish-ee-er-ee] ⦿
Judiciary Meaning-(noun)- the system of courts of justice in a country. Meaning in hindi- नय यततर Synonyms- court, judicature, tribunal, council, justices, bar, seat of judgement, magistrate. Example- It was referred to the judiciary Committee, but met with general disfavor.
News Line -With an in-house committee concluding that a judge of the Allahabad High Court had committed judicial impropriety serious enough to warrant his removal, the subject of corruption in the higher judiciary is in the news. Impropriety [im-pruh-prahy-i-tee]
Impropriety Meaning-(noun)- failure to observe standards of honesty or modesty; improper behaviour or character. Meaning in Hindi- अन च तय Synonyms- wrongdoing, misconduct, dishonesty, corruption, illegitimacy, irregularity, unprofessionalism. Antonyms- correctness, decorum, suitability, properness. Example- If there is an impropriety in the company’s accounting records, someone is going to jail for embezzlement.
News Line -It is unfortunate that Justice Shukla has not tendered his resignation or sought retirement, the options available to him to avoid the ignominy of impeachment in Parliament. ⦿ ⦿ ⦿ Ignominy [ig-nuh-min-ee]
Ignominy Meaning-(noun)- public shame or disgrace. Meaning in Hindi- बदन म Synonyms- discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, disgrace, shame. Antonyms- esteem, honor, respect, appreciation, regard. Example- Because he was given a dishonorable discharge from the military, Carl had no choice but to return home in ignominy.
⦿ Impeachment ⦿ [im-peech-muh nt]
⦿ Impeachment Meaning-(noun)-to charge a public official with a crime. Meaning in Hindi- द ष र पण Synonyms- allegation, incrimination, censure, slur, complaint, attribution. Antonyms- approval, praise, flattery, exculpation, compliment. Example- Without sufficient evidence, you cannot hope to impeach a public official.
⦿ News Line-The process of removing a judge is too elaborate and somewhat cumbersome. ⦿ Cumbersome ⦿ [kuhm-ber-suh m] 16
Cumbersome Meaning(adjective)-difficult to manage. Meaning in hindi- ब झ ल Synonyms- awkward, bungle some, clumsy, unhandy, ponderous. Antonyms- functional, practical, serviceable, useful. Example- As the cumbersome package weighed over three hundred pounds, it took two men to move it.
⦿ News Line-The climactic event was the unprecedented press conference at which four senior-most judges alleged the CJI had departed from convention while using his power to draw up the roster. Unprecedent ⦿ [uhn-pres-i-den-tid] ⦿ 12
Unprecedent Meaning- (adjective)- not known or experienced before. Meaning in hindi- अभतपरव Synonyms- fresh, original, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unheard of, unknown, new. Antonyms- familiar, old, tired, warm-over. Example- The judges had no precedent to review before making their decision on the controversial case.
Line-Yet the biggest surprise to many may have been the fact that they saw before them a Commander-in-Chief who unwaveringly stuck to the script and eschewed his usual provocative style on social media. ⦿ News ⦿ Eschew ⦿ [es-choo]
Eschewed Meaning-(verb)-to avoid something which you do not think is right or proper. Meaning in hindi- परहज Synonyms- abandon, give up, elude, evade, abstain, abjure, . Antonyms- accept, embrace, pursue, welcome, contract, incur. Example- I eschew smoking because I know it is dangerous to my health.
Provocative [proh-ak-tiv] 16
Provocative Meaning-(adjective)- tending to provoke or stimulate. Meaning in hindi- उततजक Synonymschallenging, offensive, goading, inspirational, insulting, outrageous, annoying. Antonymspleasing, repressive, unexciting, unstimulating, unprovocative. Example- The purpose of the con artist’s provocative speech is to inspire us to give him our life savings. 17
⦿ News Line- Leaving aside the fact that it was the 12 th largest tax cut in post. World War I history, and not the largest as Mr. Trump claimed, it is quite likely that his voter base appreciates his adherence to the Republican fiscal mantra. Adherence ⦿ [ad-heer-uh ns] ⦿ 20
Adherence Meaning-(noun)- to stay attached; stick fast; cleave; cling. Meaning in hindi- अनप लन Synonyms- attachment, loyalty, obedience, faithfulness, cohesion, constancy. Antonyms- disloyalty, inconstancy, unsteadiness. Example- There is reference after reference to the “black community, ” “black worth ethic, ” and adherence to the “black value system. ” 21
Fiscal [fis-kuh l] 20
Fiscal Meaning-(adjective)- of or relating to the public treasury or revenues. Meaning in hindi- र जक ष य Synonymsbudgetary, financial, pecuniary, commercial, economic. Antonyms- debt, loss, payment, spent, expenditure. Example- When the fiscal expert reviewed the company’s cash flow, he realized funds were missing from several accounts. 21