- Количество слайдов: 24
Ch. 6 Spanish Louisiana
The Big Secret…. The people of Louisiana did not learn of the transfer to Spain until a year later! Treaty of Fontainebleau They were furious!!
Name Change French called it Louisiane Spanish called it Luisiana People of the colony accepted a combination of the two and called it “Louisiana”
French Still in Charge Even though Spain technically owned Louisiana the French were still running it. Spain had little money & was involved in European affairs.
Antonio de Ulloa & The New Spanish Government Ulloa is the 1 st Spanish governor His personality conflicted with the vibrant life of the colony & the French living in the colony really didn’t like him.
The Transfer of Power The Spanish knew that the French were unhappy. The Spanish told Ulloa to: No drastic changes No ceremonies Sneak Spanish soldiers in
Ulloa’s Mistakes He never held a formal ceremony to make Louisiana Spanish He allowed the French flag to fly over the colony for a long period of time and didn’t hold a formal ceremony when he raised the Spanish flag. He allowed the French government to still run the colony (The Superior Council) Ulloa appeared weak to colonists.
Unrest in the Colony Ulloa married someone from Peru, who was a mestizo. The French believed she was African & Ulloa was breaking the Code Noir. Because of inflation Ulloa set prices for items Only allowed the Creoles to trade with Spanish. The Superior Council hated Ulloa and did not listen to him.
The Creole Revolution October 28, 1768 Mobs disabled the cannons protecting New Orleans The next day 400 Creoles stormed the city and ordered Ulloa to leave. 5 days later Ulloa left for Cuba and without war the Creoles had forced the Spanish out. The Creoles wrote a letter to King Louis but he didn’t respond.
The Spanish Return to Louisiana 1 year later 24 ships with 2000 sailors arrive in New Orleans and they are commanded by General Don Alejandro O’Reilly. He marched into the city and took control raising the Spanish flag. Aubry (head of Superior Council) handed power over to him.
“Bloody O’Reilly” O’Reilly arrested 13 men who planned the Creole Revolution. 12 were found guilty of treason. Some were killed by a firing squad & some put in prison. Aubry gave up the names of those involved. After this no one would challenge Spanish authority in the colony.
Spanish Government in the Colony Spanish used: Checks & Balances King appointed the governor Divided Louisiana into 12 districts with a leader for each district Created 12 parishes or geographical divisions of the Catholic Church with a priest leading each parish Intendant was in charge of ALL economic affairs Cabildo – city council replaced the Superior Council Governor was in charge Made laws, created taxes, advised the governor, etc. O’Reilly Code enforced Spanish law.
The Cabildo (Jackson Square)
Changes to the Code Noir Spanish Code Noir gave slaves more rights. Examples include: Testify in court 30 minute lunch breaks / 2 hour dinner breaks Slaves could be freed at will without government approval Slaves could buy their own freedom Skilled slaves could work for a wage if they shared it with their owner and then save to buy freedom. Arbitrators were used when the slave master & slave could not agree on a price. 1000’s became free people of color & had to carry manumission papers that proved they were free.
French Culture Survives Spanish Control of Louisiana The Creoles began to accept Spanish rule and O’Reilly allowed French culture to survive. Creoles kept French language & customs O’Reilly set the Spanish government firmly in place
Luis de Unzaga Replaced O’Reilly as governor Creoles liked Unzaga & he married a local women The colony prospered Established the 1 st public school Allowed trade with the English (this was illegal) Floating Warehouses
Unzaga Allows Illegal Trade with England
Unzaga & The American Revolution 1776 – Declaration of Independence Unzaga allowed English trade but did not like them and secretly supported the American colonists Oliver Pollock and helped the colonists. Unzaga sold gun powder to the Americans through Pollock.
Bernardo de Gálvez Very popular governor Worked with Pollock to get supplies to the American Colonists Medicine, clothing, weapons, etc. Eventually Spain & France officially side with the Americans against England
Gálvez Fights the English The English had forts near New Orleans, Mobile and Baton Rouge. Galvez leads an expedition of 1500 Creoles, Spanish, slaves and Indians to attack the English forts American Revolution ends and treaties forces England to give independence to the American colonists and Florida and all of the Gulf Coast to Spain.
North American in 1783
Esteban Rodríguez Miró Became governor after Galvez Also very popular & married a Louisiana women More people (settlers) came to Louisiana under Miró than any other governor. From 7500 to 50, 000 Offered Land Grants Tools, rooster, 2 hens, 2 pigs and supplies for a year Kaintocks Kentucky frontiersmen
The Isleños “Islanders” Came over from the Canary Islands because life was very difficult. Settled in St. Bernard, Ascension & Plaquemines Hunters & trappers Delacroix ("The Island"), Woods Lake, Reggio, Yscloskey, Shell Beach, and Hopedale.
Isleños Settle in Louisiana