Ch 12 : History of Life Section 6
12. Primates • Mammals with flexible hands and feet • Highest developed cerebrum • Forward facing eyes – Binocular Vision • • Anthropoid Primates • 1. 2. 3. • • depth perception Rotating shoulder, elbow joints, opposable thumb New World Monkeys Old World Monkeys Apes 1. 2. 3. Lesser Apes Greater Apes Hominids (HUMANS) ~200 species ~11 families http: //www. cabrillo. edu/~crsmith/monkeycomparisons. html
Old World Location: Africa & Asia Example: baboon, colobus New World SA, CA, Mexico howler, spider, capuchin Nose: small, point down, close Cheeks: Have pouches Rumps: Have pads Tails: Yes, Some don’t Habitat: Terrestrial/All far apart, flattened Don’t have pouches Don’t have pads Yes, prehensile Arboreal
Family: Hominid • primates that walk upright (bipedal) • have long lower limbs • 10 species (fossils) found, 2 Genus groups Genus: Australopithecus 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. anamensis (4. 5 -3. 5 mya) afarensis (4 -2. 5 mya) africanus (3. 5 -2. 5 mya) aethiopicus (2. 5 mya) boisei (2. 5 -1. 2 mya) robustus (2 -1 mya)
Hominid Fossils Australopithecus afarensis • “Lucy” • Found in Africa • Chimp sized brain & bipedal
Hominid Species • Genus: Homo 7. habilis • • “handy human” – used tools 2. 5 -1. 6 mya 8. erectus • • “upright human” 1. 8 mya-400, 000 ya Multiregional Hypothesis = local populations gave rise to Homo sapiens all over the world African-origin Hypothesis = in Africa and they migrated all over 9. neanderthalensis • • 230, 000 -30, 000 ya Europe & Asia 10. sapiens • • 160, 000 ya Africa
Modern Humans • Family Hominidae • one living species: Homo sapiens • Changes/Adaptations – Complex spoken language – Bipedalism • Short aligned toes • Bowl-shaped pelvis • S—shaped spine (chimp = C-shaped) – Sparse body hair – Opposable Thumb = allows hand to manipulate objects – Brain size = 1, 400 cm^3 (chimps = 500 cm^3) • No single lineage