CGSIC European CGSIC / ISC Meeting Manchester International Convention Centre Sunday 7 May 2006 1
European CGSIC / ISC Meeting Manchester International Convention Centre Sunday 7 May 2006 10. 00 Opening & Welcome John Augustine, Acting CGSIC Chair John Wilde, CGSIC Deputy Chair (International) 10. 10 GPS Policy Update John Augustine (US DOT) 10. 30 GPS Constellation Status Doug Louden (USCG) 10. 55 Glonass Status & Developments Sergey Averin (RSA) 11. 20 Tea / Coffee Galileo 11. 40 Galileo Programme Status 12. 05 Giove-A 12. 20 Lunch Terry Moore (Univ of Nottingham) 2
European CGSIC / ISC Meeting Manchester International Convention Centre Sunday 7 May 2006 12. 20 Lunch Augmentation Systems Update 13. 30 EGNOS John Wilde (DW International) 13. 50 WAAS Mitch Narins (FAA) 14. 00 NDGPS Len Allen (FRA) 14. 10 GBAS Cat-1 Certification: John Wilde (DW International) A world first for Australia GRAS Implementation and Certification 14. 30 Tea / Coffee 3
European CGSIC / ISC Meeting Manchester International Convention Centre Sunday 7 May 2006 14. 30 Tea / Coffee International 14. 45 United Nations ICG 15. 00 Radio. Navigation Strategy 15. 15 GPS Activities in Saudi Arabia 15. 30 16. 00 GNSS Developments in England’s East Midlands OS Net, Ordnance Survey's RTK GPS Network Leica Smart. Net 16. 15 John Wilde (DW International) Sally Basker (Trinity House) Abdullah Ar-Rajehi (KACST Space Geodesy Center) Terry Moore (Univ of Nottingham) Close 15. 45 Mark Greaves (Ordnance Survey) Mark Burbridge (Leica Geosystems) 4
CGSIC Next Meeting 17 July 2006 Surfers Paradise Queensland Australia 5