Скачать презентацию Certyfikat Akredytacyjny 9122 ZESP ISO 9001 2000 Medical Скачать презентацию Certyfikat Akredytacyjny 9122 ZESP ISO 9001 2000 Medical


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Certyfikat Akredytacyjny 9122. ZESP ISO 9001: 2000 „Medical Centre in Łańcut” PLC Dysfunction analysis Certyfikat Akredytacyjny 9122. ZESP ISO 9001: 2000 „Medical Centre in Łańcut” PLC Dysfunction analysis 5 Paderewskiego St. , 37 -100 Łańcut, phone. +48 17 224 01 00, fax. +48 17 225 23 02 e-mail: sekretariat@cm-lancut. pl, web-site: www. cm-lancut. pl NCR 0000328106; TIN 8151763728; Share Capital 53. 350. 000, 00 zł Bank Account Nr: PBSBank O/Łańcut 46 8642 1142 2014 2403 9255 0001

Photo of the complex of hospital buildings: 6 2 i 2 a Lot 3909/3 Photo of the complex of hospital buildings: 6 2 i 2 a Lot 3909/3 13 a 9 8 12 5 3 1 Lot for the investment 3909/10

Legal basis Treatment - diagnostic wards (surgical, traumatic – orthopaedic, gynaecological – obstetric and Legal basis Treatment - diagnostic wards (surgical, traumatic – orthopaedic, gynaecological – obstetric and neonatal), preservative wards (contagious diseases and pediatric) and the diagnostic department are placed in rooms that do not fulfill the requirements of the Minister of Health’s Regulation dated 10 th November 2006, concerning the requirements for both professional and sanitary conditions of rooms and equipment of health care units (Dz. U. nr 213, pos. 1568 with changes). Their technical condition makes it impossible to adjust them to actual needs (narrow communication passages, too little space of operating rooms and diagnostic cabinets).

Building nr 2 gynaecological – obstetric ward, neonatal ward, diagnostic department – dysfunction analysis Building nr 2 gynaecological – obstetric ward, neonatal ward, diagnostic department – dysfunction analysis 1. Obstetric ward • • • Lack of admission point Lack of operating room for caesarean sections Lack of sterilizing area in the section of birth giving track Too little space of birth giving rooms Lack of required mechanical ventilation or air conditioning in the birth giving room Lack of lift Insufficient number of sanitary equipment for patients Lack of proper soiled linen storages with requires mechanical ventilation and storage background, cleaning rooms, equipment storage Lack of diagnostic – treatment cabinet Lack of nursing point with a preparation room Too narrow corridors impeding inward communication Windows need to be replaced 2. Gynaecological ward • • lack of bed rooms in corresponding system lack of gravitational ventilation in the rooms Insufficient number of sanitary equipment for patients Lack of proper soiled linen storages with requires mechanical ventilation and storage background, cleaning rooms, equipment storage Lack of diagnostic – treatment cabinet Lack of nursing point with a preparation room Too narrow corridors impeding inward communication passages are placed on different levels • • lack of an operating room for the ward as well as the required background lack of postoperative room lack of cloakroom for patients lack of driveway for the disabled windows need to be replaced lack of hygiene – sanitary background for the staff internal and external walls covered with fungus lack of safe access to the X-ray lab 3. Neonatal ward • • lack of room for mothers waiting to be dismissed form the hospital lack of room for children to be dismissed lack of rooms for newborns under observation equipped with the sterilizing area Lack of proper soiled linen storages with requires mechanical ventilation and storage background, cleaning rooms, equipment storage rooms for equipment washing and sterilisation lack of hygiene – sanitary background for the staff: basic cloakrooms lack of rooms for serving meals lack of inward cooker lack of gravitational ventilation in the rooms Diagnostic Department rooms 4. X-ray lab • • • Lack of mechanical ventilation Walls covered with fungus Narrow corridors and passages impeding proper inward communication Transitive staff of the X-ray lab Leaky windows

Building 2 A Surgical and traumatic-orthopedic ward, endoscopy lab, anesthesiology ward, operating block – Building 2 A Surgical and traumatic-orthopedic ward, endoscopy lab, anesthesiology ward, operating block – dysfunction analysis 1. Surgical ward with admission point, traumatic-orthopedic ward • lack of covered driveway for ambulances • lack of driveway for the disabled • the ward is transitive, which is against the regulations • too many beds in relation to the area of rooms, which makes it impossible to have access to the bed from three sides • lack of possibilities for safe bringing the beds out of the room • lack of diagnostic-treatment cabinet • lack of nursing point with a preparation room • lack of gravitational ventilation in the rooms • too narrow corridors impeding inward communication • improper localization of operating rooms • lack of nursing points in post-operating rooms • lack of mechanical blowing in and out ventilation or air conditioning in post -operating rooms • insufficient number of sanitary facilities for patients • lack of a toilet for visitors • improper width of doors according to regulations – 1, 1 m • leaky windows • inadequate floors in all rooms • insufficient number of lifts in the ward, so called “dirty” and “clean” • lack of proper soiled linen storages with required mechanical ventilation, storage background, cleaning rooms, equipment storage • lack of room for serving meals 2. Endoscopy lab • lack of hygiene cabin equipped with a toilet, a shower and a washbasin connected with the examination room • lack of a bathroom equipped with mechanical blowing in and out ventilation • lack of a waking up room equipped with at least one bed. 3. Anesthesiology ward and operating block • • • • • lack of required space for operating rooms lack of required heights lack of mechanical ventilation (or air conditioning) lack of preparation room and waking up room lack of separate areas for patients, clean materials, wheelchairs, lack of cloakroom area for the staff lack of preparation room for the staff lack of separate “clean” and “dirty” areas lack of convenient connection with the unit of central sterilization lack of corridors providing safe inward communication lack of lifts with the division for “clean” and “dirty” connecting the operating block with the newly built part of the ward lack of rooms for the staff with the sanitary background lack of soiled linen, equipment and medical apparatus storage and the utility room improper placement of post operating rooms, which does not provide safe communication with the operating room lack of nursing point in post operating rooms lack of mechanical blowing in and out ventilation or air conditioning lack or sterilization area, through which patients are passed and the staff move lack of the isolation room equipped with enforced mechanical ventilation on the basis of under pressure lack of basic cloakroom for the staff

Wards: surgical, traumatic-orthopedic, gynecological – obstetric (buildings 2 and 2 a) Wards: surgical, traumatic-orthopedic, gynecological – obstetric (buildings 2 and 2 a)

Admission point for the surgical ward Driveway for ambulances Admission point for the surgical ward Driveway for ambulances

X-ray lab X-ray lab

Building nr 3 – contagious diseases ward and pediatric ward – dysfunction analysis 1. Building nr 3 – contagious diseases ward and pediatric ward – dysfunction analysis 1. Contagious diseases ward • lack of permanent separation the contagious diseases ward from the children’s ward • admission point does not fulfill requirements for this type of rooms narrow inward corridors impeding communication rooms do not have required heights too little area of patients’ rooms impeding access from three sides • lack of possibility of safe bringing the beds out of rooms • lack of sterilization area by the entrance to the ward • entrance door to the building do not fulfill architectural requirements • lack of gravitational ventilation in most rooms • lack of isolation rooms equipped with enforced mechanical ventilation on the basis of under pressure • lack of required sterilization areas by the entrances to patients’ rooms • lack of treatment and diagnostic cabinets • lack of hygiene-sanitary background for the staff, so called “passing” cloakrooms and dining room • lack of required soiled linen storages equipped with mechanical ventilation, utility rooms, rooms for disinfection of equipment and apparatus • lack of proper room for preparation and distribution of meals, kitchen divided into “clean” and “dirty” area connected with the sterilizer • lack of roof for ambulances coming to the admission point • lack of room for pro morte 2. Pediatric ward • • • • • lack of permanent separation of the pediatric ward from the contagious diseases ward lack of admission point with a proper background entrance door to the building do not fulfill architectural requirements lack of treatment cabinet lack of ventilation in patients’ rooms too little area of patients’ rooms impeding access from three sides lack of possibility of safe bringing the beds out of rooms do not have required heights lack of division into sub-wards for children under 3 and over 3 lack of sterilizing areas lack of nursing points providing constant observation of children lack of the isolation room equipped with enforced mechanical ventilation on the basis of under pressure lack of hygiene – sanitary background for the staff: basic cloakrooms lack of room for serving meals lack of the isolation room with required mechanical ventilation lack of cloakroom and hygiene-sanitary background for parents lack of utility rooms and soiled linen storages with mechanical ventilation

Hospital wards not requiring investment • Building nr 1: internal diseases ward (1 st Hospital wards not requiring investment • Building nr 1: internal diseases ward (1 st floor) cardio logical ward (ground floor eastern wing) palliative medicine ward (ground floor western wing) • Building nr 9 : psychiatric ward for children and teenagers • Building nr 13 a neurological ward (ground floor) rehabilitation ward (1 st floor) These wards fulfill the requirements of the Minister of Health’s regulation concerning the professional and sanitary requirements for rooms and equipment of health care units (Dz. U. 2006, nr 213, pos. 1568 with changes)

Internal diseases ward, cardio logical ward, palliative medicine ward (1) Internal diseases ward, cardio logical ward, palliative medicine ward (1)

Internal diseases ward, cardio logical ward, palliative medicine ward (2) Entrance for ambulances Internal diseases ward, cardio logical ward, palliative medicine ward (2) Entrance for ambulances

Psychiatric ward for children and teenagers . Psychiatric ward for children and teenagers .