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CERTIFICATION RENEWAL IMSA Dedicated to providing quality certification programs for the safe installation, operation and maintenance of public safety systems; delivering value for members by providing the latest information and education in the industry Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Reasons For Certification Renewal • In 2005 IMSA started requiring certification renewal. • To keep certification holders current in the technology as well as the codes and standards of their discipline(s). • All certifications are only valid for 3 years from date of issue. • The certifications you hold can be found on the back of your membership card. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
What Are My Renewal Dates? • If your certificate does not have an expiration date, submit the Letter of Confirmation and renewal fee for renewal. • If you have not received a renewal packet in the mail, it could be because: • IMSA does not have a current address for you • You have changed employers • You are not due to renew; check certificate for expiration date(s) Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
What Are My Options For Renewal? • • • College/Vocational School Course(s) CEUs TARP Points Renewal hours by Personal Log Attend the current 16 -hour course for which certification is being renewed Achieve the next higher certification level Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
College Course(s) • One quarter or one semester at a College, Technical or Vocational School. • Course(s) must be related to the certification(s) being renewed • Attain a grade of “C” or higher Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
CEUs • CEUs for courses related to the certification being renewed. • 1. 6 CEUs are required to renew a certification. (1. 6 CEUs = 16 Hours) • • Work Zone and Flagging require. 4 CEUs (4 hrs. ) All training must occur within the three year period prior to the expiration date on the certification. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
TARP Points • Technical Advancement Recognition Program (TARP) • You must be a member in good standing to use TARP points • These are points given for attending technical sessions, certification courses or seminars relating to the certification being renewed. • All training must occur within the period of three years prior to the expiration date on the certificate • 64 TARP points are required to renew a certification. (64 TARP = 16 Hours). Work Zone and Flagging require 16 TARP (4 hours). • Two (2) TARP points are received for every 30 minutes of a recognized session. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
TARP Points • How do I obtain TARP points? • Training at an IMSA meeting or section school • Training at your jobsite • Training at the IMSA International Conference • Technical sessions offered by our Sustaining members and other companies • IMSA sponsored technical sessions • Sign the attendance sheet • Your Certification Chair submits the report of the session to the International Office Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
TARP Points • Annual Achievement Levels • Bronze (20 TARP points in a year) • Silver (40 TARP points in a year) • Gold (70 TARP points in a year) • Achievement levels are recognized on name badges at the International Conference. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
TARP Implementation Form Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Attending the Current IMSA Certification Course • This option requires the Individual to attend the current 16 -hour course without taking the exam. • Can only be used within one year before or after certification expiration • This alone attains the required 16 -hours of training. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Schools/CEUs/TARP Points • A combination of TARP points and CEUs can be used to obtain 16 -hours of education for renewal. • One (1) CEU = Ten (10) contact hours • Two (2) TARP Points = Thirty (30) minutes • Presenters of technical sessions receive double TARP points. Four (4) TARP points for each Thirty (30) minutes of a presentation Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Higher Certification Level • Achieve the next higher level of the certification in which you are renewing either by exam or by challenge • This alone attains renewal Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
FAQ’s If I hold a Traffic Signal II (Field) and a Traffic Signal II (Bench) do both have to be renewed? 2. My certification expires in June but I can’t get into a class until September. What should I do? 3. What happens if I take the next higher certification level and fail? How do I renew? 1. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
FAQ’s cont…… 4. Is the cost of attending the current certification course for renewal included in the certification renewal fee? 5. What is the renewal fee? MEMBER 1 Renewal 2 Renewals 3 Renewals 4 + Renewals • NON-MEMBER $40. 00 $70. 00 $90. 00 $100. 00 $60. 00 $90. 00 $110. 00 $120. 00 The renewal fee schedule is based on an individual not an agency/employer group rate. Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010
Questions? Copyright 10/14/2008 Revised 11/3/2010