Николаев IC_Alfa-Garant_CP_ENG_.ppt
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Certificate “Ukrainian Financial Olympus” nomination “Financial Stability”
ALC Insurance Company «ALFA-GARANT» was registered in May 2003 During the period of company’s existence • Charter capital increased more than 15 -fold and in 2009 was UAH 100 mln; • Own capital increased 20 -fold and in 2009 was UAH 150, 1 mln; • Reserves achieved the level of UAH 30, 1 mln; • 165, 3 mln UAH of insurance compensations is paid.
FINANCIALS In (th. UAH) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ASSETS 139 986, 60 188 770, 4 216 409, 6 196 164, 6 183 050, 8 182 789, 9 OWN CAPITAL 109 462, 10 122 771, 4 141 553, 3 143 654 149 887, 7 150 148, 1 GWP 56 809, 40 105 532, 7 118 776, 8 50 246 36 892, 2 16 659, 4 CLAIMS 11 122, 50 30 790, 3 52 822, 7 41 216, 8 20 862, 3 6 439, 5 RESERVES 34 445, 20 69 462, 1 73 314, 8 45 300, 7 31395, 8 30 110, 3 (6 m)
GWP per LOB in 2008 -2011 (6 m. ) In (th. UAH) 2008 2009 2010 2011 (6 m) Motor TPL 6 876. 3 5 094, 5 5 568, 1 3 438, 1 Motor Casco 79 514. 0 33 639, 9 20 567, 6 7 085, 7 329. 4 93 84, 2 41, 3 Property 22 924. 7 5 400, 7 3 989, 7 2 074, 8 Personal Accident 3 805. 4 1 308 1 447, 4 646, 2 716. 0 432, 4 1 018, 6 230, 5 Mandatory Insurance 4 611. 00 4 277, 5 4 216, 6 3 142, 8 Total 118 776. 8 50 246 36 892, 2 16 659, 4 Marine & Cargo Liabilities LOB* - line of business
REINSURANCE Abroad: «SCOR» , «Gen Re» , «In. Gos. Strakh» , «Russian reinsurance society» . Domestic: OJSC IC «Universalna» , CJSC IC «Ukrainian Insurance Group» , CJSC IC «Kashtan» , OJSC «IC «Nova» , OJSC IC «Arma» , IC «VUSO» , IC «Krona» , ALC IC «Provita» , CJSC UIIC «Investservice» , CJSC «VAB-insurance» . .
MARKET Ukraine enjoys more than 470 insurance companies both general and life. This is by far a too big number of players given the size of the market. Our estimation of the size of this market is about USD 3. 5 billion (GWP), out of which only up to USD 1. 7 billion is real insurance. The World financial turmoil affected all participants in the Ukrainian market, though the company to a lesser extent. Still, the effect is visible and growth rate in GWP slowed down. As a result we expect the number of players to decrease dramatically within next 2 years, Alfa Garant being one of the possible centers for consolidation.
LICENSES: The Company has 22 license for 6 obligatory and 16 nonmandatory types of insurance, all of them provided by the Financial Supervisor Authority: Series АB № 100421 -100422 dd 11. 10. 2005; 321779 dd 23. 02. 2006; Series АV № 158798 dd 03. 10. 2006; 158971 dd 31. 10. 2006; 299013 -299029 dd 07. 11. 2006.
MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL BODIES The Company is quite visible in insurance market of Ukraine. In order to satisfy its clients and offer them max range of products the Company participates in: ♦ League of Insurers of Ukraine, ♦ Motor (transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine, ♦ Nuclear Insurance Pool.
Includes: offices in all regional centers of Ukraine: 4 affiliates, 19 regional centers, REGIONAL NETWORK
DLC IC «Аlfa-Garant» Director General -T. Sonina Теl. /fax: + 38 (044) 591 -63 -21, 591 -63 -23 http: //alfagarant. com/ sonina@alfagarant. com
Николаев IC_Alfa-Garant_CP_ENG_.ppt