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Certificate Pilot Debrief June 2013 Coventry South Kingstown Foster Glocester
Welcome & Agenda • Timeline • Feedback Forums • Pilot Discussions • Intended Outcomes • Next Steps
Intended Outcomes of Pilots 1. The intent is that these cert. templates provide meaningful, useful and more accurate information about the skills and level of supports these students have as they transition from HS to adult services. 2. We want the use of the information in the transcript to provide meaningful info. to students and families and which assists adult providers in future planning. 3. These certificates and transcripts are also meant to empower students and families to continue to advocate for high expectations and appropriate services in the adult system. 4. These certificates should foster a more seamless transition to adult services. 5. The transcripts should assist adult providers in determining services and programs for students that more accurately reflect their strengths, needs and level of supports. 6. The certificates will increase and drive more functional and transition related curriculum. 7. The transcripts will identify level of supports on specific skills. 8. Students will be positively engaged and have improved post school outcomes by utilization of the certificates. 9. Are there standards and benchmarks that need revision- why? 10. Were their benchmarks that teachers could not develop appropriate activities in which to measure success/support?
Pilots Rollout • Parent Survey • Teacher Survey • Informal meetings w/families, students, ORS Counselors, administration, teachers, RIPIN • School Committees
Pilot Parameters • Diverse Group 14 -20 yr. olds • Crosscut of the three certificates • Parameters were set by individual pilots
Process • Coventry wanted to evaluate the Certificates across a range of grades and student disabilities. Initially, I wanted to see how 2 of our NECAP students would utilize the Certificates as well as 10 of our AA students. • Very quickly we realized that we were not ready to include the NECAP students because it would have required more time to structure and align the curriculum. • I met with teachers and reviewed the certificates, sent out the presurvey and requested student names. • We then conducted family meetings for the students chosen to participate in the pilot. • Teachers developed rubrics and aligned benchmarks with curriculum.
PROCESS, cont. • Data was collected and assessment was ongoing. • We met with parents again mid-year and discussed the pilot’s challenges and successes. • IEP’s were adapted to include some essential components of the Certificates. The areas of the IEP which were adapted were Goals (at times), Needs, Strengths and Supplementary Aids and Services • A final meeting occurred and post-surveys were collected.
Demographics (Coventry) • • 5070 Students enrolled. 28. 3% Poverty 14. 25% Special Education. 16% ELL
PILOT Participants by Grade
WHAT WORKED? ? ? • Speaking with families and student several times during the year to clarify the expectations. • Teachers are integrating Certificate standards with State standards. • Teachers are rethinking rubrics and formative assessments. • Teachers have more concrete information to assist families and outside providers. • Students in the Transition program are understanding the concept of self-determination. • Parents and Teachers are adding language in the IEP to support the Certificates.
OUTCOMES • The overall consensus is that the pilot was a success. The students in the Transition program were 100% on board. The teachers , students and parents see great possibilities. • In the Life Skills and Functional/Academic programs our teachers were fully invested. They created excellent rubrics and our students progress was measurable. • By targeting the benchmarks in the Certificates we are focused on specific skill sets which may have previously been incorporated in other work. This allows us to directly teach and measure the skills our students will need as they transition out of High School.
Challenges • Most significantly we did not have enough time to plan and share ideas. • Professional Development was not consistent and did not include all of the teachers except on two occasions. • Opportunities to share results with High School Principal were minimal.
NEXT STEPS • We will organize a method in which we can meet monthly (through technology or in person) to share ideas, problem solve, review curriculum. • The Special Education Director will present a power point to all administrators during the summer retreat. • The Special Education Director will present the information to the School Committee.
South Kingstown School Department Certificate Options
Demographics • 10 students from the 18 -21 year old Independent Transition Academy (ITA) • 6 Students 15 - 21 with Intensive Needs • 6 Students 15 -18 who will transition into the ITA
How did South Kingstown implement the Certificates? • South Kingstown decided that students could only earn the Certificate of Achievement based on the Alternate Assessment and their completion of high school requirements. • The three remaining Certificates were utilized as transcripts to help inform adult services. • Teachers set SLO goals and IEP goals based on the Certificates.
Did your pilot meet the intended outcomes? • Yes and No • We found that it was very informative and helpful when transitioning students to adult services. • In the 18 -21 year old program it helped in developing the IEP’s and provided great baseline data information. • Teachers felt that many of the standards were repetitive.
What Worked • Using the transcripts when sitting down with BHDDH • Using the standards to create student goals • Utilizing the information to set SLO’s (Unintended Outcome)
Challenges • Buy in from parents and teachers • Time
Ponaganset High School Certificate Options
Demographics • Ponaganset High School (PHS) • Pilot focused on 8 students • All participants qualified for Rhode Island Alternative Assessment (RIAA) and are under one case manager • Participant ranging from 16 – 20 years of age – Freshmen - 3 – Sophomore - 1 – Juniors - 2 – Seniors - 2
Certificate Implementation • Foster Glocester piloted 4 certificates for students who take part in RIAA • Each student had the opportunity to be awarded the - 1. Certificate of Achievement - based on the Alternate Assessment and completion of high school requirements 2. Certificate of Community and Citizenship 3. Certificate of Work Readiness 4. Certificate of Self-Determination • Transcripts for each certificate were used - 1. As working documents allowing the team to assess each student as a whole. 2. To empower both students and families to advocate for appropriate services in adult systems (higher expectations)
Details Who? • Students who participate in RIAA • TEAM approach- Student, Parent, Special Ed. & Regular Ed. Teachers, Related Service Providers When ? At all times. Every moment can be turned into a teachable moment for our students. How? We started by looking at the students IEP goals, transition assessments and began to make connections with certificate benchmarks. Certificates were easy to implement “Captured what I already do and validated its importance. ” The certificates emphasized the “hidden curriculum”. What’s beyond the academics are vital skills our students need. Where? Life Skills Classroom Transition Resource Center Community Based Experiences General Education Setting Chorus Physical Education Clubs / Unified Sports Advisory Small group/ One to one settings Transitioning to and from classes School Sponsored Events
Pilot Results & Outcomes What Worked… • I saw a significant increase in my motivation and the bigger picture for my students. • It was exciting for me to see how one activity can expose our students to multiple benchmarks and standards. • The Certificates - – Helped me think about each activity I do with my students and identify all the benchmarks covered in the activity. – Generated meaningful opportunities for the student which led to additional student engagement. – Allowed the school to pass information that is student centered, pertinent to their interests and skill levels along with the supports needed on to adult agencies and families – Were supported by Ten Sigma and the Unique program resources • The transcript helped structure parent discussions so that they were student centered. (Helped engage conversations that have been difficult in the past) • Assisted me when providing informal professional development for my instructional assistants. (Lesson goals, bigger picture and encourage meaningful opportunities) • Support staff helped collect data in multiple settings confirming that the certificates can be achieved with different students in a variety of settings. • Using the standards to develop IEP’s and provided baseline data • Two seniors walking the stage in June and returning in September with a focus on their transitional needs based on certificate information.
Pilot Results & Outcomes Challenges… • Without any students currently transitioning to Adult Services we were unable to see a connection with the certificates and measure their benefit when transitioning students • Additional Paperwork!! • How much is enough? – – • Levels of support consistency– – • Determining how many opportunities or how much exposure is needed to measure a specific benchmark. At times I was unsure if I had sufficient data to make a decision on a students transcript Need to be cautious not to assume the child always needs a certain level of support We need to ensure each skill set is assessed separately to decide the level of support Time Management – – It can not be one individuals responsibility to create a students curriculum. “I needed to use a team approach to support the certificate process”
Advice • Think of the certificates not as something new and different but as a support to what you are already doing. • • Think BIG picture! What’s important for that student post high school. • Recording the level of supports that were needed for the child to be successful is just as critical. • I do think the transcripts will help inform adult services and provide the families with information/language that will be helpful to them as they advocate for their childs post High School success. • Student Transition Data Collection Sheet • List of activities match with certificates I liked how the emphasis on the process was not on mastering the standards and benchmarks but to provide our students with the opportunity to experience it.
Feedback from other districts 1. Is your district aware of the certificate templates available on the RIDE website? 2. Is your district currently implementing the certificates in some capacity? If yes, please explain. 3. Does your district plan on utilizing the three certificate templates to support students who participate in the RIAA? 4. Does your district need technical assistance in implementing certificates for students on the RIAA?
RIDE Website http: //www. ride. ri. gov/Students. Families/RIPublic. Schools/Diploma. System. aspx
Contact Information • Jane Slade • Jane. slade@ride. ri. gov • Cynthia Van. Avery • cvanavery@nric-ri. org • Diana Kriner • kriner@ripin. org