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Cerritos College Learning Communities Program A Learning Community is like…. … building a house, if many people cooperate the product will be of a better quality and would be finished sooner. ” … hearing a symphony, the fullness of the project is able to be heard by all. ” … climbing a mountain; it is rough at first, but when you finish and reach the top, what a wonderful sight and feeling. ”
A Short Story About Cerritos College Learning Communities Program Initiated and supported through the funds of a Title III- federal grant in 1995 It was institutionalized in the Fall of 2000 at the completion of the federal grant The LCP has the following team: director, faculty facilitator, FYE coordinator, P/T counselor, leadership team and clerical support
A Short Story About Cerritos College Learning Communities Program Other institutional elements: a website; an information center in the Admissions building, students events (beginning and end of the semester); faculty recruitment and professional orientation; official presentations as needed It schedules an average of 17 learning communities every semester among four tracks: Foundational Track; G. E. Track; Transfer Track; and First-Year Experience Track
Cerritos College Learning Communities Program Director First Year Experience Coordinator First Year Experience Counselor LCP Faculty Facilitator LCP Program Assistant FYE Staff LCP Center Staff LCP Leadership Team
LC Program Outcomes: • Students will demonstrate integrated knowledge and modes of thinking from two or more disciplines. • Students will work in a collaborative environment as a valued member of a team. • Students will integrate into the college culture.
LC Program Activities Participation in grant with Syracuse University: Pathways to Student Success: The Impact of Learning Communities on the Success of Academically Under-Prepared College Students Pew Foundation Grant (2005 -2007) Research findings [Partial list] • Increase the number and variety of learning community programs for students taking basic skills and/or ESL non-credit bearing courses, particularly at community colleges. • Develop learning community initiatives that include math, reading, and writing and extend beyond a semester or quarter long experience. Efforts should be made to assign the same professors through the sequence of linked courses. • Expand formalized advising and academic support service programs. • Access without support is not opportunity
LC Program Activities cont. LCP Faculty Development Initiatives Fall 2006 – Present National Project on Assessing Student Learning in Learning Communities Coordinated by - The Washington Center at The Evergreen State College Fall 2007 – Fall 2008 • LCP faculty Development Project, “Developing Learning Community Students as Integrative/Interdisciplinary Thinkers” • Supported by the college’s basic skills initiative. • Basic Skills Grant Objectives: 1. to expand LC faculty understanding about integrative learning 2. to provide guidance and time to intentionally design interdisciplinary assignments that allow for integrative learning, 3. To make available time and training for the assessment of the quality of student integrative achievement
Learning Communities How to Register in a Learning Community Falcon Web Long on to www. cerritos. edu, select My. Cerritos, and follow the directions. Important, please note that all learning community courses are designated with a LC suffix. (For example: English 100 LC) To enroll in a learning community, you must enroll in all courses in the learning community before exiting My. Cerritos. Falcon Phone Follow the step-by-step instructions in the schedule of classes. Do not forget to enroll in all the courses in the learning community before ending the call or you will not be registered in any learning community course. If you encounter problems registering, try reversing the order in which you enter the class number. If you encounter any other problems, please contact the Learning Communities Program Center immediately for assistance. For more information or assistance about enrolling in the Learning Communities Program check the Internet at www. cerritos. edu/lcp/ or call (562) 860 -2451, ext. 2782.
Spring 2008 Learning Communities • Foundational Track – EOPS Project AIM 1 MATH 40, SI – Success Experiences A ENGL 15, CG 1, CG 50 – Success Experiences B ENGL 20, CG 1, CG 50 – Success Stories ENGL 15, CG 1, ENGL 20, CG 50
Spring 2008 Learning Communities • G. E. Track – ENGL & Technical Ed Courses ENGL 20, ENGL 52 – EOPS Project AIM 2 CG 1, MATH 80, SI – Health and Research on Underserved Populations HO 100, LIBR 100 – Konstructing Kafka ENGL 52 LC, CG 200 LC – Practicing the Language of Music, English and Technology CG 200 LC, ENGL 52 LC, LIBR 100 LC – S. T. A. R. S. – Students Taking Action to Reach Success CG 200 LC, ENGL 52 LC, LIBR 100 LC
Spring 2008 Learning Communities • Transfer Track – Calculus & Economics for Business Majors ECON 202, MATH 116 – California and its Political Experience HIST 120, POL 101 – Connecting Hemispheres: California & New Zealand: A Virtual Learning Community HIST 245 – LIBR 100: Legal Research for Everyone LIBR 100 – Once Upon a Time: Writing about Children’s Literature ENGL 100 LC, ENGL 222 LC – The Play’s the Thing ENLG 103 LC, ENGL 235 LC – Transfer EDGE - Freedom SPCH 130, HIST 102
Spring 2008 Learning Communities • First-Year Experience Track – House A – Basic Skills ENGL 20, MATH 20, CG 1, CG 50, TH 101 Total Units: 10. 5 Recommend READ 43 or 44 (3 units) in conjunction with this House for a total of 13. 5 units. – House B – G. E. ENGL 52, CG 200, LIBR 100, READ 54 Total Units: 10 Recommend additional course or courses of 1 unit or more for a total of 12 units. – University Transfer House I ENGL 100, PSYC 251 Total Units: 7 Recommend additional mathematics course. – University Transfer House II TH 151, ENGL 100, CG 200 Total Units: 10 Recommend additional mathematics course to complete the 12 -unit schedule.
How to Keep Your LC Program Current A Guided Conversation About Your LCP in Relation to Students, Faculty and Staff at Your Institution In reference to your LCP, think about a specific issue/challenge/project you wish to address. Possible topics for your consideration: Student Services Area Recruitment Financial Aid Counseling Faculty Student Assessment Faculty Recruitment Professional Development Stipends Students Academic/Social/Cultural Support Academic Progress Early Intervention
How to Keep Your LC Program Current A Guided Conversation Possible topics for your consideration (cont. ): Curriculum New Courses “Flavored” courses Types of LCs/FYE Scheduling of FYE/LCs Schedule of Classes Enrollment/Registration Procedures Institutional Culture Public Relations Academic and Faculty Committees Upper Administration Budget Program Assessment Other
How to Keep Your LC Program Current A Guided Conversation • Provide three significant elements of your project (Strength) • Indicate some of the challenges or questions • relevant to your specific issue (Weakness) • Give an account of your resources
How to Keep Your LC Program Current A Guided Conversation • Proposed Plan and Time Line for your LC/FYE Initiative: Fall 2008 LC/FYE Initiative / Fall 2010 LC/FYE Initiative Number of Students / Number of Students Areas/courses/programs involved / Areas/courses/programs involved Create a visual representation of your / current LC/FYE Initiative Create a visual representation of your current LC/FYE Initiative • Intended Outcomes: in two years’ time, what are you hoping to accomplish with your LCP Initiative?
For more information contact: Ana Torres-Bower Cerritos College Learning Communities Program torresbower@cerritos. edu