Скачать презентацию Century High School Five Year Vision 2011 -2015 Скачать презентацию Century High School Five Year Vision 2011 -2015


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Century High School Five Year Vision 2011 -2015 Century High School Five Year Vision 2011 -2015

Vision …. . Century High School is one of the premiere Science Technology Engineering Vision …. . Century High School is one of the premiere Science Technology Engineering Arts Math (STEAM) schools in the nation. All Century students learn and thrive in 21 st century learning pathways to prepare for college, career and the global economy.

S. T. E. A. M. Focus for Century Science Technology Engineering Arts Math S. T. E. A. M. Focus for Century Science Technology Engineering Arts Math

How will we get there? How will we get there?

Instructional Focus Schoolwide STEAM Focus Small Learning Communities Instructional Supervision Teacher Observation/Feedback Research Based Instructional Focus Schoolwide STEAM Focus Small Learning Communities Instructional Supervision Teacher Observation/Feedback Research Based Instructional Strategy Implementation Curriculum Alignment

Professional Development Common Core Standards Thinking Maps Academic Language Expository Reading and Writing School Professional Development Common Core Standards Thinking Maps Academic Language Expository Reading and Writing School wide AVID Strategies Technology Integration Positive Behavior Intervention

Increased Learning Time 30 Additional Minutes Daily Credit Recovery w/SAC (GSP/Bridge) Online Classes CAHSEE Increased Learning Time 30 Additional Minutes Daily Credit Recovery w/SAC (GSP/Bridge) Online Classes CAHSEE Support Classes AVID Tutorials Think Together Tutorial and Enrichment Program

Parental Involvement Parent/Community Center Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Parental Involvement Parent/Community Center Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) Parent Education Classes Monthly Parent Meetings –AM /PM Grade Level Parent Meetings Parent Leadership Classes (Padres Promotores) Parents for Quality Education (PIQE) Sports/Club Parent Boosters

Community Partnership Adelante Partnership (UCI, CSUF, SAC) Advisory Boards STEAM TEACH E Business Parent Community Partnership Adelante Partnership (UCI, CSUF, SAC) Advisory Boards STEAM TEACH E Business Parent and Community Alliance Bishop Manner Neighborhood Task Force THINK Together Ingram Micro Project Tomorrow Community Partnership w/ OCDE Safe Schools OCSTEM Discovery Center

STEAM Learning Environment Integrate the academy model to focus on college and career readiness STEAM Learning Environment Integrate the academy model to focus on college and career readiness in the areas of Science Technology Arts Engineering and Math (STEAM) Infuse technology learning applications throughout Research and apply for funding to support student achievement and opportunities Provide the staff development to enrich the learning environment in alignment with the Common Core Standards

What Will We Include? What Will We Include?

e Business Academy The e Business Academy is a broad-based business curriculum, applicable to e Business Academy The e Business Academy is a broad-based business curriculum, applicable to virtually every business related career. Students are introduced business concepts and learn business software and interpersonal skills. The students interview for jobs in the virtual company, maintain personal finances, virtual bank accounts and create a company from the ground up. Students compete at state and international competitions and apply for paid business internships in the senior year.

TEACH Academy The TEACH Academy students participate in a curricular path with a focus TEACH Academy The TEACH Academy students participate in a curricular path with a focus on elementary, middle and secondary teaching careers. Students are exposed to an integrated curriculum with educationally themed assignments, desktop publishing, multimedia presentations, lesson planning and teaching experiences at local elementary schools. Students conduct community service projects visit our local colleges and universities to explore the "college experience".

Engineering Design Academy Small learning community with STEAM focus Comprehensive and rigorous STEAM curriculum Engineering Design Academy Small learning community with STEAM focus Comprehensive and rigorous STEAM curriculum STEAM Tech Lab Intro to Engineering Computer Aided Design w/ 3 D Solidworks Introduction to Rapid Prototyping Architectural Design -ACE Robotics

Digital Media Arts Academy The DMA Academy will provide students with foundational visual arts Digital Media Arts Academy The DMA Academy will provide students with foundational visual arts training using both technology and traditional art forms. Art will be used as a visual platform to integrate academic core classes. Students will develop critical thinking skills to foster innovation and prepare them with 21 st century technology skills.

Early College Academy Expand the Career Academy Scholars Program to ensure that our students Early College Academy Expand the Career Academy Scholars Program to ensure that our students understand the opportunity available. Provide opportunities for dual enrollment and College for CHS Students.

Electrical Engineering Academy Next year, 2012 -13, we will continue to focus on the Electrical Engineering Academy Next year, 2012 -13, we will continue to focus on the development of an Academy of Electrical Engineering Develop partnership with Edison Company Research will be conducted to procure the curriculum and materials to provide opportunities in the field.

Career and Technical Education Regional Occupational Center (ROP) Certificate Programs Internships Career Exploration Job Career and Technical Education Regional Occupational Center (ROP) Certificate Programs Internships Career Exploration Job Training Volunteering