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Central Ealing Neighbourhood Plan Amy Tyler-Jones Planning Aid England Advisor
Planning Aid – Engaging Communities in Planning
Preparing your plan - overview NP 5 Community Referendum 4 Independent Check Preparing your Plan Agreeing The Neighbourhood 3 2 1
Review of progress to date • • • Neighbourhood Area & Forum designated Neighbourhood Plan steering committee elected We have a project plan We have engaged with our community We have engaged with our businesses We have identified key issues We have a relationship with our Local Authority We have a draft vision for our Neighbourhood Plan We have started compiling evidence We have successfully applied for support to progress our Neighbourhood Plan 4
What do is left to do? • • • Review our project plan Analyse our consultation results Finalise the vision & objectives for our neighbourhood plan Create options to address our issues Draft our Neighbourhood Plan Write clear policies and justifications Gather evidence to support our vision & policies Engage further with our community and businesses Carry out statutory consultations Write our basic conditions and consultation statements Submit our plan to the Local Authority for examination 5
Project Plan – Health Check 6
Analysing engagement findings • Record the data • Collate the data • Identify key issues/themes • Strength of support – evidence, number of responses • Summarise each event separately
Summary of your engagement activity 8
Recording your survey results Name & contact details Date received Topic /Issue Comments Suggestion Potential NP policy Potential action CENF response Mr Dunn, Ealing Homes Interest group 1 Aug 2013 Affordable housing There needs to be more affordable housing for young families Increase proportion of 3 bed affordable homes required Policy on affordable homes Ms Strachan, Friends of Ealing Common 13 Aug Open space Local playground needs improving We need play facilities for 7 -12 year olds CIL project priority list Explore other funding options Contact LBE Parks department Mr Morgan, Local resident 19 Aug Better shops No decent green grocer We need somewhere to buy fresh fruit & vegetables Protect small shops Shop local campaign Working group to progress Gather further evidence on need 9
Evidence gathering Community engagement Research and fact finding Identify issues and options Create vision Objective Policies and proposals Reasoned justification 10
What the examiners are saying: “Together with the objectives, the vision establishes a framework for the rest of the Neighbourhood Plan and as one reads through, the link between the vision and the detailed policies of the Neighbourhood Plan is clear. ” Nigel Mc. Gurk – Tattenhall Examination Report
Elements of a Vision • How the neighbourhood area will evolve • The general location of where development will take place and where it will not • The level and types of development in particular places 12
Remember the 4 audiences for your neighbourhood plan Independent examiner Voters in the referendum Developer Local Planning Authority 13
Meeting the basic conditions • have regard to national policies • ensure they contribute towards sustainable development • be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the local plan (Council will advise on this) • be compatible with EU obligations (SEA where relevant, human rights et al) • have regard to desirability of preserving the settings of listed building(s) • have regard to desirability of preserving the character and appearance of any conservation area(s)
Community Referendum Question “ Do you want Ealing Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Central Ealing neighbourhood area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area” 15
Planning policies “Plans should…provide a practical framework within which decisions on planning applications can be made with a high degree of predictability and efficiency. ” NPPF paragraph 17 16
Writing policies – where to start • • Vision for your area Aims and objectives Policy themes How will you get there? Options, options What do the strategic policies say? What does the evidence say? (surveys, consultation results, sustainability appraisal) 17
Policy context • National policy: – National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) • Local Plan: – – London Plan 2011 & REMA Ealing Development Strategy 2026 Development Sites Development Management policies 18
Key rules for policy writing Neighbourhood Plan policies should be: 1. Appropriate for a neighbourhood planning document 2. Consistent with the NPPF and the Local Plan 3. Positively written e. g. “proposals will be supported where…” 4. Clear and unambiguous 5. Distinction between policy and justification 6. Based on robust evidence base 19
Policy writing template 20
What other groups have done… • Multi-issue plans to single-issue plan • Create policy topic working groups: – Record areas of agreement – Record areas of disagreement – Make recommendations • Online editing ‘wiki plan’ 21
The Way Ahead • Are you clear on the next key steps? • Actions to take forward • What additional training would you like? • What happens next? 22
How to get in touch with us Amy Tyler-Jones Tel: 0203 206 1881 Email: amy. tylerjones@planningaid. rtpi. org. uk Adam Brown Email: adam. brown@planningaid. rtpi. org. uk National Advice Line: 0330 123 9244 E-mail: advice@planningaid. rtpi. org. uk Web: www. rtpi. org. uk/planningaid 23