Central Case Study: Starving the Louisiana Coast of Sediment
Why are Louisiana’s wetlands disappearing?
Where do we get our drinking water from?
How is water renewed and recycled? (Hydrologic Cycle)
The water cycle: Inputs Or SOURCES
What is the role of Groundwater?
A typical aquifer
The Ogallala Aquifer
Other Sources include Rivers and Streams (Surface Water)
Ponds and lakes change over time (Surface Water)
Wetlands are valuable-where the sea meets the land…
What is our affect waterways?
How will the unequal distribution of water affect us?
Water Outputs or USE-think of Surf your Watershed Activity
Why does agriculture use so much water?
We build dikes and levees to control floods. But this causes other problems…
We have erected thousands of dams
A typical dam
Some dams are being removed
We divert surface water for our needs
We are draining rivers and lakes
The Aral Sea
We are depleting groundwater
Bottled water has heavy ecological costs
Will we see a future of water wars?
Solutions can address supply or demand
Agricultural demand can be reduced
Reducing residential and industrial demand
Freshwater pollution and its control
Point and nonpoint sources of pollution
Freshwater pollution sources
Indicators of water quality
Nutrient pollution
Eutrophication is a natural process, but…
Biodegradable wastes
Toxic chemicals
Sediment pollution
Thermal pollution
Pathogens and waterborne diseases
Oil pollution
Nets and plastic debris
Oil spills have decreased
Pollutants contaminate groundwater
It is best to prevent pollution
Legislative efforts reduce pollution
Enforcement of water quality needs money
We treat our drinking water
We treat our wastewater
Municipal sewer systems
A typical wastewater treatment facility
Artificial wetlands clean wastewater