Скачать презентацию Center for the Treatment and Study of Traumatic Скачать презентацию Center for the Treatment and Study of Traumatic


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Center for the Treatment and Study of Traumatic Stress (CTSTS) Patrick A. Palmieri, Ph. Center for the Treatment and Study of Traumatic Stress (CTSTS) Patrick A. Palmieri, Ph. D. Director, CTSTS Trauma Informed Care Advisory Committee Meeting February 27, 2014

CTSTS Staff § Patrick Palmieri, Ph. D. – Director, CTSTS § Joseph Varley, M. CTSTS Staff § Patrick Palmieri, Ph. D. – Director, CTSTS § Joseph Varley, M. D. – Chair, Psychiatry § Ellen Harrington, Ph. D. – Staff Psychologist § Brittain Lamoureux, Ph. D. – Staff Psychologist § Erin Farrer, Ph. D. – Staff Psychologist § Amanda Shea, Ph. D. – Postdoctoral Fellow § 4 Graduate Student Clinical Trainees § 6 Undergraduate Research Assistants 2

Mission § The mission of the CTSTS is to be a Center of Excellence Mission § The mission of the CTSTS is to be a Center of Excellence for the treatment and investigation of trauma and its consequences 3

Mission § The mission of the CTSTS is to be a Center of Excellence Mission § The mission of the CTSTS is to be a Center of Excellence for the treatment and investigation of trauma and its consequences § Clinical Services § Education/Training § Research We are the only integrated traumatic stress center in our region 4

Community Partners § § § § Community Mental Health Centers Primary Care clinics Battered Community Partners § § § § Community Mental Health Centers Primary Care clinics Battered Women’s Shelters OHIOCARES / Ohio National Guard Law enforcement community / CIT Kent State University, University of Akron Summit County Sexual Assault Coalition And others § As well as emerging collaborations (e. g. , via telehealth) § Also national partners 5

Example Types of Traumatic Events § § § Physical or sexual assault (e. g. Example Types of Traumatic Events § § § Physical or sexual assault (e. g. , being beaten, shot, or raped) Military combat Terrorist attacks Natural disasters (for example, earthquakes, floods, or hurricanes) Serious accidents (for example, car or workplace accident) Sudden or violent loss of a loved one Childhood abuse Domestic violence War & other forms of political violence Bullying in schools School shootings Gang-related violence 6

Common Symptoms of Traumatic Stress § Emotions § § § Fearfulness or Anxiety Mood Common Symptoms of Traumatic Stress § Emotions § § § Fearfulness or Anxiety Mood swings Overly sensitive/Over-reactive Anger Depression Thoughts § Irrational beliefs/Guilt § Trust issues § Suicidal thoughts § Behaviors § § § Poor coping skills Sleep problems/Nightmares Social withdrawal Aggression Suicidal behavior Avoidance 7

Clinical Services § Referrals from numerous sources… § Assessment/Evaluation § Inpatient consults § Screening Clinical Services § Referrals from numerous sources… § Assessment/Evaluation § Inpatient consults § Screening (primary care, inpatient psych, outpatient psych, elsewhere) § Comprehensive evaluations (including some forensic evaluations) § Individual Psychotherapy § Prolonged Exposure Therapy § Cognitive Processing Therapy § Other empirically supported interventions § Group Psychotherapy § § § Dialectical Behavior Therapy Cognitive Processing Therapy Sleep and Nightmare Treatment Psychoeducation (inpatient and outpatient) Trauma Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) Pharmacotherapy § As an adjunct to psychotherapy 8

Education/Training § Training next generation of providers § § Clinical trainees from Psychology, PC, Education/Training § Training next generation of providers § § Clinical trainees from Psychology, PC, MFT, and other programs Postdoctoral fellows receiving advanced clinical and research training 3 rd year Psychiatry Residents completing 3 -month rotations Clinical and research courses for medical students and psychiatry residents § Training current professionals § Inpatient psychiatry; primary care; medical departments; TIC initiatives § And in outside organizations § Conducting and sponsoring educational events § Grand Rounds, Half- and Full-Day conferences/workshops § Participation, consultation, collaboration on local/state/national initiatives, policies, and other community or system efforts § Over 50 undergraduate and graduate psychology students and Summa summer research fellows have had research training and experience 9

Research § Over 25 intra- and inter-institutional research teams have been established and supported Research § Over 25 intra- and inter-institutional research teams have been established and supported § Over 60 research faculty involved from Summa, KSU, U of Akron, and other local, state, national, and international institutions § Summa: Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine, Trauma Medicine, Surgery, Ob. Gyn, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Oncology, Nursing, Women’s Health, Bariatrics, Pain Management, Cardiac Rehabilitation § KSU: Psychology, Nursing, Sociology, Philosophy, Criminal Justice, Family and Consumer Studies, Human Development Center, Institute for Study and Prevention of Violence § National Centers for PTSD – Boston and Palo Alto § Local/state/federal govt grants; Private grants; Internal grants § Professional presentations at local, regional, state, national, and international venues § Publications in high-impact, peer-reviewed professional journals 10

Example Research Projects/Topics § PTSD risk screening for returning military personnel § PTSD risk Example Research Projects/Topics § PTSD risk screening for returning military personnel § PTSD risk screening for hospitalized children § PTSD treatment development for battered women residing in shelters § Trauma and disordered eating § Impact of trauma on physical health § Integrated care; Service delivery; Healthcare reform; ACOs § Integrated trauma and substance use treatment § Early diversion programs § Trauma-focused telehealth services § Virtual reality-based PTSD treatment § Treatment outcome; Program evaluation; QA/QI 11

Center for the Treatment & Study of Traumatic Stress Summa St. Thomas Hospital 4 Center for the Treatment & Study of Traumatic Stress Summa St. Thomas Hospital 4 th Floor Ambulatory Building, Suite 420 444 North Main Street Akron, OH 44310 Ph: (330) 379 -5094 Fax: (330) 379 -5095 ctsts@summahealth. org