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Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018 Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Edward G. Rendell Governor Gerald L. Zahorchak, D. Ed. Secretary Center for Teaching Excellence Edward G. Rendell Governor Gerald L. Zahorchak, D. Ed. Secretary Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Shawn Barry NBCT 2004 English Language Arts Adolescence and Young Adulthood Millcreek Township School Shawn Barry NBCT 2004 English Language Arts Adolescence and Young Adulthood Millcreek Township School District Erie County “The National Board process has been the most important and influential process that I have completed in my career. Through reflection and analysis, I am better able to discern what is effective and meaningful for my students. Being involved in the National Board process has changed how I view teaching and myself as a teacher. ” Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 The Five Core Propositions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teachers are committed to The Five Core Propositions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Common Standards Ø knowledge of students Ø knowledge of content/field Ø instructional resources Ø Common Standards Ø knowledge of students Ø knowledge of content/field Ø instructional resources Ø learning environment Ø equity, fairness and diversity Ø assessment Ø collaboration with families and community Ø professional responsibilities Ø analysis of the teacher and his/her practice as a reflective learner

Teacher Self Analysis Key Aspects of This Standard Clear, Consistent, Evidence of My Possible Teacher Self Analysis Key Aspects of This Standard Clear, Consistent, Evidence of My Possible Demonstration of Improvements This Standard My Improvement Plan

Portfolio Entries Ø #1 -- Student work + materials + written commentary Ø #2 Portfolio Entries Ø #1 -- Student work + materials + written commentary Ø #2 – Video of whole class discussion + written commentary Ø #3 – Video of small group instruction + written commentary Ø #4 – 8 major accomplishments demonstrating student impact of: q Partnerships with families and community q Collaboration with other educators q Professional development


 Assessment Center Exercises Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics Exercise 1: Algebra -- Candidates Assessment Center Exercises Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics Exercise 1: Algebra -- Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of theoretical, graphical, and symbolic representations of functions, and the interrelationships that exist between two concepts in Algebra. Exercise 2: Calculus -- Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of limits and continuity, differentiation and integration, and the ability to apply the knowledge to meaningful situations. Exercise 3: Discrete Mathematics -- Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of sequence and series, probability, and counting theory. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Assessment Center Exercises Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics Ø Exercise 4: Geometry -- Assessment Center Exercises Adolescence and Young Adulthood Mathematics Ø Exercise 4: Geometry -- Candidates will demonstrate the ability to use deductive reasoning to construct a proof, explain the interrelationships between two important concepts in Geometry, and apply measurement formulas to a three-dimensional figure generated by the rotation of a two-dimensional figure about an axis. Ø Exercise 5: Statistics and Data Analysis -- Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of Statistics and Data Analysis to graph a normal distribution of a given situation and find various probabilities; identify and explain types of association, effects on trend lines, and values of correlation coefficients; graph and provide a numerical analysis of given data; and explain an important statistical concept. Ø Exercise 6: Technology -- Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of the appropriate use of technology that will support instructional goals, and errors and limitations associated with graphing calculators. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT’s) by State WA 2717 OR 227 CA 4240 MT National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT’s) by State WA 2717 OR 227 CA 4240 MT 74 ID 347 NV 385 UT 161 AZ 556 ND 30 WY 198 CO 398 WI 589 KS 297 OK 2307 MI 272 NY 880 PA OH 496 IL IN 2932 WV 3191 137 VA 422 MO 1765 KY 1608 490 NC 14211 TN 338 AR SC 1116 6498 AL GA MS 1546 2503 2897 LA 1389 FL 12670 IA 627 NE 70 TX 472 AK 103 MN 319 SD 66 NM 387 NH VT 18 ME 110 154 HI 203 MA 474 RI 338 CT 132 NJ 173 DE 430 MD 1364 DC 47 Nearly 74, 000 NBCTs As of December 9, 2008 Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 So What is NBPTS? Ø National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Øa nonpartisan, So What is NBPTS? Ø National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Øa nonpartisan, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization created in 1987 Ø offers a voluntary, national assessment program for pre. K-12 classroom teachers Ø generously supported by federal, state, corporate and foundation funds Ø governed by a board of directors, most of whom are teachers Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

NBPTS: History Two landmark reports: ØA Nation at Risk (1983) ØA Nation Prepared: Teachers NBPTS: History Two landmark reports: ØA Nation at Risk (1983) ØA Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21 st Century 1986 q. The Report of the Task Force on Teaching as a Profession q. Recommended raising the standards for teachers by creating a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards q. Recommended redefining teaching as a career q Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

NBPTS Mission To advance the quality of teaching and learning by: Ø maintaining high NBPTS Mission To advance the quality of teaching and learning by: Ø maintaining high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do Ø providing a national, voluntary system certifying teachers who meet these standards Ø advocating related education reforms to integrate National Board Certification into American education and capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

National Board Certification Ø recognizes experienced educators for the quality of their practice Ø National Board Certification Ø recognizes experienced educators for the quality of their practice Ø signifies that a teacher or school counselor: q is accomplished q has met challenging professional standards as evidenced by performance-based assessments Ø is a powerful professional development experience based on high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers and school counselors should know and be able to do Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Scoring Ø based on evidence submitted by candidates q video recordings q student work Scoring Ø based on evidence submitted by candidates q video recordings q student work samples q candidate analysis – descriptive, analytic and reflective q response to assessment center prompts Ø No one teaching or counseling approach is mandated or rewarded. Ø Each portfolio entry’s instructions contain criteria by which the entry will be scored. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Scoring Results and Feedback Ø reflect the degree to which assessors were able Scoring Results and Feedback Ø reflect the degree to which assessors were able to locate clear, consistent, and convincing evidence that the candidate has met the Standards specific to his/her certificate field Ø Only the evidence provided is evaluated. Ø Final total weighted score is computed. Ø must meet the performance standard of 275 points Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Score Report Example ENTRY OR EXERCISE NAME RAW EXERCISE SCORE (RES) WEIGHT (W) Score Report Example ENTRY OR EXERCISE NAME RAW EXERCISE SCORE (RES) WEIGHT (W) WEIGHTED SCALED SCORE (RES X W) Portfolio Entry 1 3. 000 16. 00 48. 00 Portfolio Entry 2 2. 375 16. 00 38. 00 Portfolio Entry 3 2. 625 16. 00 42. 00 Portfolio Entry 4 2. 500 12. 00 30. 00 Assessment Center Exercise 1 2. 750 6. 67 18. 34 Assessment Center Exercise 2 3. 000 6. 67 20. 01 Assessment Center Exercise 3 2. 375 6. 67 15. 84 Assessment Center Exercise 4 2. 500 6. 67 16. 67 Assessment Center Exercise 5 1. 750 6. 67 11. 67 Assessment Center Exercise 6 3. 375 6. 67 22. 51 Sum of Scaled Scores: 263 Uniform Constant: 12 TOTAL WEIGHTED SCALED SCORE 275 Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Score Banking and Retakes Ø Portfolio entry and assessment exercise scores are banked. Score Banking and Retakes Ø Portfolio entry and assessment exercise scores are banked. Ø may continue to attempt certification for 24 months from date on initial score report Ø may retake any combination of portfolio entries and/or assessment entries on which did not meet the entry/exercise performance standard Ø original entry/exercise score will be replaced with the new score, even if new score is lower Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Certificate Renewal Ø National Board Certification is awarded for ten years. Ø may Certificate Renewal Ø National Board Certification is awarded for ten years. Ø may only renew in original certificate area Ø must complete before original certificate expires Ø can apply in 8 th, 9 th, or 10 th year of certification Ø complete a Profile of Professional Growth Ø Renewal candidates show the connections they make between their continued professional growth and student learning. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Who is Eligible? Qualified applicants must have: Ø at least 3 years’ experience Who is Eligible? Qualified applicants must have: Ø at least 3 years’ experience as a pre. K-12 classroom teacher or school counselor in a public or state-approved nonpublic school Ø a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution Ø a valid, unencumbered teaching license, or a license to practice as a school counselor (if applying for the School Counseling Certificate), where required Ø NOTE – PA funding of $1250 of the $2500 candidate fee is only available to q Teachers and school counselors who are PA residents q Teachers and school counselors who are currently serving in PA schools Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Why Become a NBCT? Ø NBCTs attest to the positive effects the National Why Become a NBCT? Ø NBCTs attest to the positive effects the National Board Certification process has on their teaching practice. Ø NBCTs work with advanced professional standards and standards- based assessments of pedagogy and content knowledge. Ø NBCTs develop new ways to help students learn. Ø Having a national certification system contributes to the enhancement and credibility of teaching and school counseling as professions willing to hold themselves accountable to high standards. Ø Achievement of this highest symbol of professional teaching excellence will be recognized by colleagues, administrators, parents and community members. Ø Research indicates that NBCTs positively impact student learning. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Beth Cerulo NBCT 2002 Social Studies History Adolescence and Young Adulthood Millcreek Township School Beth Cerulo NBCT 2002 Social Studies History Adolescence and Young Adulthood Millcreek Township School District Erie County “National Board Certification is a process that continues long after official certification is granted. It has enhanced the way I view my responsibilities as a teacher by helping me to analyze and focus on how each teaching decision I make impacts student learning. Using my own classroom practice makes this process relevant and rewarding. ” Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

 Why Become a NBCT? (Candidates report that the process takes 200 to 600 Why Become a NBCT? (Candidates report that the process takes 200 to 600 hours to complete. ) Ø To be successful teachers must examine their skills and knowledge and be willing to take an honest look at their teaching practices to evaluate both strengths and areas for improvement. Ø Most agree that going through the process revolutionized their approach to the challenge of teaching. Ø They became more reflective and improved their practice by making changes that improved student learning. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

National Board Certified Teachers as Leaders Ø improve student learning Ø serve as instructional National Board Certified Teachers as Leaders Ø improve student learning Ø serve as instructional leaders and model effective teaching practice in their schools and districts Ø understand promote standards-based learning Ø earn a greater voice in deciding what happens in their classrooms and schools Ø are often recognized as leaders of their profession by their school districts and their colleagues Ø build a collaborative learning community in their school Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

National Research Council Ø Committee on Evaluation of Teacher Certification by the National Board National Research Council Ø Committee on Evaluation of Teacher Certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Ø 2008, 340 page report after Congressionally-mandated 30 month study Ø To evaluate the effectiveness and impact of National Board Certification Ø “Assessing Accomplished Teaching …” Ø Addresses issues: q Impact on teachers who obtain, attempt but are unsuccessful, and who do not apply q Impact on student achievement q Cost-effectiveness Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

National Research Council Ø Teachers who earn board certification are more effective at improving National Research Council Ø Teachers who earn board certification are more effective at improving their students’ achievement than other teachers. Ø improves teacher retention Ø considered a powerful professional development experience Ø School systems vary greatly in the extent to which they recognize and make use of board-certified teachers. Ø The report makes recommendations for the kind of research that is needed to fully evaluate the impact of board certification by the NBPTS. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Research More than 150 studies have examined National Board Certification and the majority (75%) Research More than 150 studies have examined National Board Certification and the majority (75%) found NBCTs make a significantly measurable impact on teacher performance and student learning, engagement and achievement. q Students of NBCTs score 7 -15 percentage points higher on yearend tests. q More math NBCTs helped their students achieve larger testing gains in 9 th and 12 th grades than their non-certified colleaguesdemonstrating particular benefits among special needs, African. American, and Hispanic students. q Students of NBCTs exhibit deeper learning outcomes more frequently than students of non-NBCTs. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – Federal Funding n n As funding enables, Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – Federal Funding n n As funding enables, the Pennsylvania Department of Education will utilize federal NBPTS Candidate Subsidy funds to award qualified candidates 50% of the $2500 certification fee in the form of a scholarship totaling $1250. Deadline to apply -- December 14 annually Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – State Funding n In 2006, 2007, 2008, Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – State Funding n In 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania awarded scholarships in $1250 increments (50% of the tuition cost) per qualified candidate based on established criteria. n As funding enables, PA will continue this funding of ½ of first-time candidate fees. n Funding will be available to PA residents serving as teachers or school counselors in PA public schools. n PA Deadline to apply -- December 14 annually Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – State Funding n In future years, there Pennsylvania Funding Available First Time Candidates – State Funding n In future years, there will probably be a cap on the # of candidates that may be funded by the state. n Priority certificate areas: n. Early Childhood Education n. Math or Science Secondary n Priority Schools: Candidates teaching in any school that has been identified as Needs Improvement or in Corrective Action under the NCLB AYP Program definitions n All other funds will be awarded to all NBPTS certificate areas on a first-come first-served basis. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Funding Available Advance Candidates Ø The Pennsylvania Department of Education will provide up Pennsylvania Funding Available Advance Candidates Ø The Pennsylvania Department of Education will provide up to $700 in state subsidy funds to eligible advance candidates to retake up to two entries/exercises per year of eligibility, as funding enables. Ø Funding note – In the 2009 -2010 retake cycle, the PDE will provide $350 in state subsidy funds to eligible advance candidates to retake one entry/exercise. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Funding Available Candidate Release Time n As funding enables, the state will provide Pennsylvania Funding Available Candidate Release Time n As funding enables, the state will provide reimbursement to school districts for substitutes for National Board candidates, to complete their National Board Certification activities. n n up to three days up to $100/day n School districts are not required to grant leave for candidates. n School districts may request reimbursement at www. education. duq. edu/nbpts. n Funding note – in the 2009 -2010 candidate cycle, funds for substitute reimbursement will not be available. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Centers for Teaching Excellence Ø four geographically distributed centers: q Gannon q East Pennsylvania Centers for Teaching Excellence Ø four geographically distributed centers: q Gannon q East University, Erie Stroudsburg University q Duquesne q Temple University Ø established fall of 2006 by the Pennsylvania Department of Education Ø provide information about National Board Certification Ø support pre-candidates, and advance candidates for National Board Certification Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Pennsylvania Centers for Teaching Excellence Process Support Ø Awareness: providing information on National Board Pennsylvania Centers for Teaching Excellence Process Support Ø Awareness: providing information on National Board Certification and Pennsylvania support for candidates to teachers, school administrators, school board members, parents, and community members Ø Recruitment: working with administrators and other groups to increase candidate numbers in Pennsylvania Ø Candidate Support: providing guidance and support to candidates as they apply for certification, build their portfolios, and prepare for Assessment Center exercises Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

2010 - 2011 Candidacy Calendar Ø NBPTS Applications Open Ø January 1, 2010 Ø 2010 - 2011 Candidacy Calendar Ø NBPTS Applications Open Ø January 1, 2010 Ø NBPTS Application deadline Ø December 31, 2010 Ø PA Application deadline Ø December 14, 2010 Ø portfolio submission deadline Ø March 31, 2011 Ø complete Assessment Center Ø January 4 - June 15, 2011 exercises Ø receive scores no later than Ø December 31, 2011 Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Ø two support programs, available at no cost, Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Ø two support programs, available at no cost, awarding 90 Act 48 hours each, have been developed: q NBPTS Candidate Preparation I – each spring or summer q NBPTS Candidate Preparation III – each fall Ø also available for three graduate credits each Ø can be the 2 electives in a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction; cohort could be formed in this region Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Ø Ø Ø NBPTS Candidate Preparation I foundation Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Ø Ø Ø NBPTS Candidate Preparation I foundation for understanding the National Board concept of master teaching exploration of the NBPTS Five Core Propositions in-depth study of content area specific standards and how they relate to the propositions and to development of the NBPTS portfolio practice writing about teaching and student work in the required descriptive, analytic and reflective styles application of these writing styles in preparing a draft of Portfolio Entry 4: Documented Accomplishments Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University NBPTS Candidate Preparation III Ø support as participants Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University NBPTS Candidate Preparation III Ø support as participants complete NBPTS portfolio entries and prepare for assessment center testing Ø exploration of the decision making process in order to analyze entry choices in relation to the NBPTS Standards and the practice of master teaching. Ø development of personal goal calendars Ø preparation of classroom-based portfolio entries, which participants will analyze, self-score, and share Ø submission of completed portfolios to NBPTS as a final course requirement. Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018

Candidate Prep I in IU 10 Ø 9: 30 a. m. – 4: 00 Candidate Prep I in IU 10 Ø 9: 30 a. m. – 4: 00 p. m. Ø Saturdays Ø March 6, March 20, April 17, and May 1 – 2010 Ø Bellefonte High School Ø “Blended” support program Ø Online collaboration between face to face sessions Ø Facilitator – Dr. Kristen Dewitt, NBCT ************* Ø Group would continue with Dr. Dewitt in Prep III in Fall/Winter 2010

Planning for Further Awareness in the IU 10 Region ØDiscussions with district administrative teams Planning for Further Awareness in the IU 10 Region ØDiscussions with district administrative teams ØAfter school informational sessions in 3 -4 sites around the region ØWeeks available: November 2 -6 q. November 16 -20 q. January q

Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Linda S. Cook, Director Phone: (814) 871 – Center for Teaching Excellence Gannon University Linda S. Cook, Director Phone: (814) 871 – 5358 or 1 -800 -GANNON-U, ask for ext 5358 E-mail: cook 027@gannon. edu Web site: www. gannon. edu/nbpts AJ Palumbo Academic Center Room 2019 Center for Teaching Excellence 15 March 2018