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CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Update on the CPUC’s Demand Response and Advanced Metering Proceedings Bruce Kaneshiro Energy Division California Public Utilities Commission March 3, 2008 1
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Presentation Outline • DR Policy, Action Items, Accomplishments • Advanced Metering Projects • Rate Cases and Dynamic Pricing • Demand Response Programs ü Enabling Technologies ü Integration with CAISO’s MRTU • Forecasting, Measurement and Evaluation Tools March 3, 2008 2
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Overall DR Policy and Action Items § DR continues to be a high priority energy resource for the state; second only to Energy Efficiency in the Energy Action Plan’s ‘loading order’ § The Energy Action Plan 2008 Update lists several key DR action items: • Adopt load management standards to establish a DR infrastructure • Legislative authorization for time-varying pricing for residential customers • More progress on dynamic pricing rate design for all customers. • Programs that utilize advanced metering, tariffs, and other automated DR infrastructure. • Modify retail programs to more fully participate in the CAISO’s wholesale market structure. • Develop DR load impact and cost-effectiveness protocols. March 3, 2008 3
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop DR Accomplishments to Date § Advanced metering deployment is underway for PG&E and starting soon for SDG&E § Default Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) approved for SDG&E’s large C&I customers § Peak Time Rebate (PTR) program approved for SDG&E’s residential customers § First phase of integrating DR resources with CAISO operations in place for summer 2008 § Existing DR programs offer a broad range of options for customers and equate to over 2, 000 MWs of DR potential capacity § DR qualifies as a resource in meeting a load serving entity’s Resource Adequacy Requirement. March 3, 2008 4
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop PG&E’s AMI Project § In 2006, the CPUC authorized PG&E’s AMI proposal (5. 6 million electric meters and 4. 5 million gas meters) § Full deployment of PG&E’s AMI system technology and network is scheduled to take 5 years (2006 -2011). § As of November 2007, PG&E has installed approximately 243, 000 meters (gas and electric), mostly in Bakersfield and Sacramento. § In December 2007, PG&E filed a proposal to upgrade its AMI system: • Solid state meter technology • Remote connect/disconnect switches • Home Area Network Gateway devices March 3, 2008 5
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop SDG&E’s and SCE’s AMI Project § In 2007, the CPUC authorized SDG&E’s AMI proposal (1. 4 m. electric meters, 900, 000 gas meters) SDG&E currently finalizing contracts with meter and infrastructure vendors – will seek Commission approval of the contracts this spring. • Full deployment of SDG&E’s AMI is expected to be complete by 2011 (deployment expected to begin towards the end of 2008) § § SCE’s AMI proposal (5. 3 million electric meters) is currently under review • CPUC decision on SCE’s AMI proposal is scheduled for August 2008 § Proposed AMI deployment schedule: 2009 to 2012 March 3, 2008 6
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Rate Cases and Dynamic Pricing § Dynamic Pricing is being developed by the CPUC in the utilities’ individual rate design proceedings § SDG&E’s General Rate Case (GRC). Following rates approved: § Default Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) for >20 k. W customers § § § Two opt-out windows provided Bill protection for one year Capacity Reservation Charge option • Peak Time Rebate (PTR) program for residential customers § § Customer receives an incentive ($ per k. Wh basis) for the amount of reduction provided below the customer’s specific baseline during PTR event hours. Customer’s baseline: historical usage, adjusted for temperature Two-tier incentive structure: higher incentive payment for customers who install demand response technology SCE’s GRC application will be filed in March 2008 § Default CPP and PTR anticipated in SCE’s filing March 3, 2008 7
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Rate Cases and Dynamic Pricing § PG&E’s Dynamic Pricing Proceeding: • Objective: to create a year-by-year strategic work plan that will direct PG&E to develop and integrate dynamic pricing rates into PG&E’s rate design for all customers by 2011. • The strategic work plan should answer three questions: 1) What types of dynamic pricing tariffs should PG&E offer to its customers? 2) When should PG&E offer each type of dynamic pricing tariffs to each customer class? 3) How should the dynamic pricing tariffs be designed and integrated into PG&E’s overall rate design? March 3, 2008 8
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Rate Cases and Dynamic Pricing § PG&E’s Dynamic Pricing Proceeding (con’t): • Highlights from the Draft Timetable for PG&E Rate Proposals: • Residential Rates: v If AB 1 X remains in place: default PTR w/ flat rate or opt-in TOU/CPP in 2010 v Post-AB 1 X: default TOU-CPP with opt-out to TOU or flat rate (one year after AB 1 X ends) • Small/Medium C&I: default TOU-CPP in 2010 with opt-out to TOU. No flat rate option • Large C&I: Choice of TOU-CPP or RTP in 2010, with opt-out to TOU v In 2011, default RTP with opt-out to TOU or CPP • Small/Medium Agriculture: default TOU in 2010 with opt-out to TOU or flat rate • Large Agriculture: Choice of CPP or RTP in 2011, with opt-out to TOU • For more details see Commissioner Chong’s Jan. 23 Ruling: http: //docs. cpuc. ca. gov/efile/RULINGS/77986. pdf March 3, 2008 9
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Demand Response Programs § Utility DR Programs are currently funded on a three-year budget cycle (’ 06 -’ 09) § Utility DR portfolio has different triggers (day-of, day-ahead, emergency), incentive structures (capacity payments, energy payments or both) and operators (utility or 3 rd-party aggregator) § Enabling technologies starting to play a larger role in utility DR portfolios: § PG&E AC Cycling Program: customers may opt for the installation of Programmable Communicating Thermostat (PCT) § Auto-DR Program – showing promising results § Future DR programs will need to be aligned with CAISO wholesale market design March 3, 2008 10
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop 1 Enrolled MWs in Utility Demand Response Programs July 2003 July 2005 Dec. 2007 5% DR Goal Emergency-triggered Programs 1, 485 MWs 1, 600 MWs 1, 800 MWs N/A Price-Responsive Programs 0 MWs 800 MWs 4652 -1, 125 MWs 2, 500 MWs 3 [1] “Upper-bound” estimates except for the 465 MWs referenced by footnote [2] Represents actual MWs: estimate based on past performance or other methods (no formal method at this time on how to estimate actual load impacts) [3] 5% of an assumed 50, 000 MWs of system peak demand – illustration purposes only For more information on CPUC staff’s proposed DR goals for 2009 and beyond see: http: //docs. cpuc. ca. gov/efile/RULINGS/73410. pdf March 3, 2008 11
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Demand Response Programs § Utilities’ DR portfolio proposals (’ 09 -’ 11) are due in June 2008: § CPUC guidance to the utilities for their portfolio included: § § Emphasis on alignment with CAISO MRTU framework and operation § Integration of DR and EE in customer outreach/marketing § Expansion of programs that provide enabling technology: Auto. DR for example § Find ways for customers to participate in both DR incentive programs and dynamic pricing tariffs without ‘double-dipping’. § Encourages pilot programs that explore new ideas. For example, DR following intermittent load (renewables) § Criteria by which IOU’s DR portfolio will be evaluated by the CPUC For more details see: http: //docs. cpuc. ca. gov/efile/RULINGS/79323. pdf March 3, 2008 12
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Forecasting, Measurement and Evaluation Tools § § CPUC 2007 DR Rulemaking: Load Impact (LI) Protocol and a Cost. Effectiveness (CE) Protocol LI Protocol provides data for: § Long-term planning and Resource Adequacy purposes § Day-to-day operational and procurement needs (CAISO or utility) § Settlement purposes: accurately calculate the load drop to fairly compensate DR participants CPUC proposed decision on a LI protocol (for long-term planning purposes) is expected in the near term. Outputs from the LI protocol are inputs (benefits) for the CE Protocol. § CPUC is considering a proposed settlement on a CE protocol in its rulemaking. § CPUC anticipates that a CE protocol will be in place to evaluate the utilities’ ’ 09 -’ 11 DR portfolio proposals March 3, 2008 13
CEC Load Management Standards Workshop Contact Information: Bruce Kaneshiro Supervisor, Demand Response Programs California Public Utilities Commission 415. 703. 1187 bsk@cpuc. ca. gov March 3, 2008 14