Скачать презентацию CDL changes 2015 In this presentation we will Скачать презентацию CDL changes 2015 In this presentation we will


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CDL changes 2015 In this presentation we will talk about the changes that will CDL changes 2015 In this presentation we will talk about the changes that will be taking place this year as part of Federal Regulation changes with a compliance date of July 8, 2015 2

Third Party Tester Agreements • Currently the Third Party Tester Agreements are open ended Third Party Tester Agreements • Currently the Third Party Tester Agreements are open ended with no expiration date. • The Department will be issuing new Agreements that will now have an expiration date of 4 year from agreement date, that will include the changes required by Federal Regulation. 3

Third Party Tester Agreements • All Third Party Testers will be required to be Third Party Tester Agreements • All Third Party Testers will be required to be placed under the new agreement. • As part of the new agreement application process all current and perspective Third Party Testers will be required to have a fingerprint based criminal background check completed. This requirement applies to everyone. 4

Changes for the Third Party Tester • A Third Party Tester may not test Changes for the Third Party Tester • A Third Party Tester may not test an applicant that they have trained. • Refresher training is required every four years for all CDL skills testers. 5

Changes for the Third Party Tester • Implementation of the Commercial Skills Test Information Changes for the Third Party Tester • Implementation of the Commercial Skills Test Information Management System (CSTIMS). • Third party testers must submit to DHSMV a schedule of their Commercial Driver License Skills Test appointments two business days in advance of conducting those tests. (CSTIMS) 6

Additional Requirements • Commercial Learner Permits must be held by all applicants before a Additional Requirements • Commercial Learner Permits must be held by all applicants before a Commercial Driver License may be issued or upgraded. The Permits will be valid for 180 days with one renewal allowed. For an applicate to receive additional Commercial Learner Permits they will be required to start as an original applicant and pass the knowledge exams again. 7

Additional Requirements • Commercial Learner Permits must be held at least 14 days before Additional Requirements • Commercial Learner Permits must be held at least 14 days before the Commercial Driver License Skills Test may be taken. (CSTIMS) • The three parts of a Commercial Driver License Skills Tests must be administered and passed in a specified order - Pre-trip, Basic Skills (backing exercises), and Road Test. (CSTIMS) 8

Additional Requirements • Commercial Driver License Skills Test scores for the different parts that Additional Requirements • Commercial Driver License Skills Test scores for the different parts that are “banked” during the time applicants’ hold their initial CLPs may not be used if the CLP is renewed before issuance of a full Commercial Driver License. (CSTIMS) 9

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Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • Then: The medical exam being performed for Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • Then: The medical exam being performed for school bus drivers met or exceeded the medical exam required by 49 CFR 391. Based on this assessment and with agreement from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) the ESE 479 was allowed to be used as a DOT Medical Examiner Certificate (Med Card). 11

Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • This allowed school bus drivers to self-certify Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • This allowed school bus drivers to self-certify as a non-excepted interstate or intrastate driver using just the ESE 479 form. • Helping to ensure drivers have valid med cards • Second jobs • School bus drivers in counties that have contracted services. 12

Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • Now: With changes to the Federal regulations, Medical Examiner Certificate Then and Now • Now: With changes to the Federal regulations, the exams no longer meet the minimum requirements in 49 CFR 391. Therefore we are no longer accepting the ESE 479 as a valid DOT Medical Examiner Certificate (Med Card). • Now drivers that are required to self-certify as non-excepted interstate or intrastate must have two med cards. In some cases requiring two medical exams. 13

Medical Examiner Certificate What Changed? • § 391. 43 Medical examination; certificate of physical Medical Examiner Certificate What Changed? • § 391. 43 Medical examination; certificate of physical examination. • (a) Except as provided by paragraph (b) of this section and as provided by § 391. 42, the medical examination must be performed by a medical examiner listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners under subpart D of part 390 of this chapter. 14

Medical Examiner Certificate What Changed? • Along with the regulation change FMCSA also changed Medical Examiner Certificate What Changed? • Along with the regulation change FMCSA also changed the Medical Examiner Certificate. 15

ESE 479 16 ESE 479 16

Medical Examiner Certificate 17 Medical Examiner Certificate 17

Medical Examiner Certificate What’s Next? • DOE to propose that the medical examination must Medical Examiner Certificate What’s Next? • DOE to propose that the medical examination must be performed by a medical examiner listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners. • DOE to propose use of the FMCSA Medical Examiner Certificate instead of the ESE 479. 18

Benefits • This would allow school bus drivers to selfcertify as a non-excepted interstate Benefits • This would allow school bus drivers to selfcertify as a non-excepted interstate or intrastate driver using just the one form. • Helping to ensure drivers have valid med cards • Second jobs • School bus drivers in counties that have contracted services. 19

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 20 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles 20

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