Скачать презентацию CDIO and internationalising the curriculum to produce a Скачать презентацию CDIO and internationalising the curriculum to produce a


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CDIO and internationalising the curriculum to produce a “Global Engineer” Paul Hermon Programme Director CDIO and internationalising the curriculum to produce a “Global Engineer” Paul Hermon Programme Director - Product Design and Development (PDD) School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Shane Black MEng graduate PDD (2009) Composite Design Engineer – BE Aerospace

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty

Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate CDIO is an international network of over 80 collaborating universities dedicated to improving Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate CDIO is an international network of over 80 collaborating universities dedicated to improving the education of engineering students.

CDIO Community Biannual International Meetings 2005 Kingston, Canada 2006 Linkoping, Sweden 2007 Cambridge, USA CDIO Community Biannual International Meetings 2005 Kingston, Canada 2006 Linkoping, Sweden 2007 Cambridge, USA 2008 Gent, Belgium 2009 Singapore 2010 Montreal, Canada 2011 Copenhagen, Denmark 2012 Brisbane, Australia 2005 Liverpool, UK 2006 Pretoria, South Africa 2007 Shantou, China 2008 Phoenix, USA 2009 Turku, Finland 2010 Sydney, Australia 2011 Monterey & Palo Alto, USA 2012 Brest, France

CDIO Stakeholder Survey CDIO Stakeholder Survey

12 CDIO Standards 1. CDIO as Context 2. CDIO Syllabus Outcomes 3. Integrated Curriculum 12 CDIO Standards 1. CDIO as Context 2. CDIO Syllabus Outcomes 3. Integrated Curriculum 4. Introduction to Engineering 5. Design-Build Experiences 6. CDIO Workspaces 7. Integrated Learning Experiences 8. Active Learning 9. Enhancement of Faculty CDIO Skills 10. Enhancement of Faculty Teaching Skills 11. CDIO Skills Assessment 12. CDIO Program Evaluation

CDIO Syllabus (XX level) 1. Technical Knowledge (associated with the specific Engineering discipline) 2. CDIO Syllabus (XX level) 1. Technical Knowledge (associated with the specific Engineering discipline) 2. Personal & Professional Skills 2. 1 Eng. Reasoning and Problem Solving 2. 2 Experimenting and Knowledge Discovery 2. 3 System Thinking 2. 4 Personal Skills & Attributes 2. 5 Professional Skills & Attitudes 3. Interpersonal 3. 1 Teamwork and Leadership 3. 2 Communications Skills 4. Product & System Building 4. 1 External & Societal Context 4. 2 Enterprise & Business Context 4. 3 Conceiving 4. 4 Designing 4. 5 Implementing 4. 6 Operating

Integrated Curriculum (Standard 3) SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Computer-Aided Design 1 (1. 0) MEE Integrated Curriculum (Standard 3) SEMESTER 1 SEMESTER 2 Computer-Aided Design 1 (1. 0) MEE 1020 Product Design Methods & Practice 1 (1. 0) MEE 1024 Creative Design Skills 1 (0. 5) MEE 1030 Design Project 1 (0. 5) MEE 1025 Introduction to Product Design 1 (1. 0) MEE 1033 Materials 1 (0. 5) MEE 1021 Statics 1 (0. 5) MEE 1022 Mathematics for Product Design 1 (1. 0) MEE 1026 (Stream B) Engineering Mathematics 1 (0. 5) MEE 1036 (Stream A) Electrical Engineering 1 (0. 5) FOE 1006 (Stream A) Hermon, J. P. , Mc. Cartan, C. D. , Cunningham, G. (2010); Group design-build-test projects as the core of an integrated curriculum in product design and development; Engineering Education – Journal of the Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Centre; Volume 5 Issue 2, p 50 -58.

CDIO workspaces (Standard 6) MIT – Chalmers – ASU – DTU – Liverpool - CDIO workspaces (Standard 6) MIT – Chalmers – ASU – DTU – Liverpool - Stanford - Milano

Self Assessment Rubrics for 12 CDIO Standards In 2003 (when SMAE joined CDIO) we Self Assessment Rubrics for 12 CDIO Standards In 2003 (when SMAE joined CDIO) we were at 0 In 2012 we are closer to a 4

Design Build Experiences (Standard 5) Hospital Bed guided vehicle – 25 k Awards finalist Design Build Experiences (Standard 5) Hospital Bed guided vehicle – 25 k Awards finalist 2007 BED | EZ | Anti DVT aircraft footrest All Ireland Student Enterprise Awards Runners up 2008 Lime – “The last delivery you will ever sign for” aircraft seat footrest to prevent DVT High security domestic heating kerosene tank Quick assembly (2 minutes) and compact storage (car boot) two person boat for fishing Waste water turbine All Ireland Student Enterprise Awards finalists 2010

ERASMUS exchange (Stage 4 option) Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden • 50% modules ERASMUS exchange (Stage 4 option) Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden • 50% modules from a range of International Masters programmes • 50% multi-disciplinary, multi-national teams projects carried out in association with a number of companies in the region. Novel tidal power plant Minesto Time Magazine 50 Best Innovations of 2010 Deep Green Underwater Kite

Coop. QA – Cooperation on Quality Assurance with Higher Education Institutions € 500 k Coop. QA – Cooperation on Quality Assurance with Higher Education Institutions € 500 k EU application for 2 year cross evaluation among 7 universities (all CDIO collaborators) • • Turku University of Applied sciences (Finland) Queen’s University Belfast Telecom Bretagne (France) Technical University of Denmark Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) Aston University (UK) Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) Objective to refine existing self and peer assessment using CDIO rubrics to be generally applicable

www. cdio. org www. cdio. org