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CDDA/European Protected Areas Technical Meeting Co. E - EEA - UNEP WCMC Coordination Copenhagen 3 -4 August 2015
Items of interest • • Emerald European Diploma
Emerald • • • Sites ü Candidate sites (only on Co. E webpage) ü Adopted Sites (full database and GIS) Designation types at National level (ENP + …) (species lists, habitats interpretation manual, …) (distribution maps on species and habitats) Etc …
N 2000 and Emerald Implementation
The Emerald Network coverage (end 2014) Country Number of sites Albania Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Bosnia-Herzegovina FYR of Macedonia Georgia Moldova Montenegro Morocco Norway Russia Serbia Switzerland Ukraine Total: 25 14 14 64 29 35 34 26 32 11 633 1267 61 37 169 2451 Total AREA (ha) % country coverage 522 430, 00 18, 20 346 950, 00 852 738, 00 1 897 123, 00 250 455, 00 754 383, 00 11, 56 9, 80 9, 12 4, 90 29, 30 1 421 982, 00 395 514, 00 240 077, 00 572 820, 00 4 296 073, 74 20, 40 11, 74 17, 10 1, 28 11, 15 47 919 986, 00 1 021 078, 00 64 216, 00 +- 12, 30 11, 60 1, 55 4 649 466, 00 7, 70 65 205 291, 74
EU/Co. E JP Emerald Network II Biogeographical Seminars Planning Subject Coverage 1 All but birds Caucasus (all bio-regions, AM, AZ, GE ) + Marine Black Sea (GE) + Marine Caspian (AZ) 2 All but birds Arctic and Boreal Region (BY, RU) + Alpine Urals + Marine Baltic and Marine Arctic 3 Birds BY, MD, RU, UA 4 Birds Caucasus (AM, AZ, GE) 5 All but birds Continental Region (BY, MD, RU, UA) + Pannonian and Alpine Carpathians (UA) 6 All but birds Steppic Region (MD, RU, UA) + Black Sea (RU) + Alpine Caucasus (RU) + Marine Black Sea (RU, UA) + Marine Caspian (RU) Year Approx. period 2015 Nr. Geogr. Evaluation units 8 + 2 (*) 2015 4 + 2 (*) 28 -30 September 2015 2016 4 3 6 23 -27 Nov. 2016 5 + 3 (*) 27 -29 May (*) Terrestrial + Marine
Emerald Sites • 37 Adopted Sites for Switzerland ü Database on CDR: CNTRYCH. MDB (old format !) ü Site Boundary Data (not yet on CDR ? ) ü Can be included in the EUNIS sites module
Designation (protection) Types at National Level • • List for 7 ENP countries How to integrate in CDDA, WDPA and EUNIS sites module ?
Data from Biogeographical process • Integrate in EUNIS search modules for species and habitats: ü Reference list (see example) ü Conclusions data base (see example) ü (Reservations)
Data delivery on CDR (Report. Net) ü Continuation of the successfully initiated delivery process under the first ENP project ü Sites tabular data delivery in xml format ü QA/QC automated process: cfr. N 2000 ?
Towards an Emerald Information System • Data Layers to be considered: internal and external • Naming Conventions • Physical place of source data bases • Data Management system … • Etc …
Internal Data Layers • Sites: delivered in xml but merged to MSAccess • Site boundaries: delivered in shp-files and Map. Info but merged in shp • Country Reference Data Base: delivered and merged in MSAccess • Distribution maps on species and habitats: delivered in a variety of formats but all integrated in shp (? ) • Electronic Library: MSAccess ( + Excel ? ) • Draft Conclusions and Conclusions Database: MSAccess • Reference List: MSAccess (as resulting from biogeo process) • Emerald Data Management System: data delivery versioning and QA/QC • ? ?
External Data Layers • • • Biogeographical Regions Map: N 2000 sites data layer Administrative Regions map(s) for countries Country borders: Euro. Geographics, EEA or ? Natural Vegetation Map (“Bohn map”) Potential Natural Vegetation Map (Council of Europe) Soil Map ? Reference Grids (EEA, CGRS 50 x 50 or UTM 10 x 10 km or ? ) Distribution maps from other sources ? Marine zones ? CAFF definition of the Arctic boundary ? ? ?
Sites • Country Sites Databases: As exported from the new Emerald Software: “export. Sites. To. XML” • Renamed as “export. Sites. To. XML-XX-YYYYMM” • At international level: All countries merged back in the software and exported to MSAccess: - “export. Sites. To. XML-ENP-YYYYMM” (only ENP countries) - “export. Sites. To. XML-Co. E-YYYYMM” (ALL Emerald countries) • Data definition and Relational Table Structure for the database is missing • …. .
Site Boundaries layer (GIS) • As requested in the data delivery note: “site-boundaries-XX-YYYYMM” • At international level: merged into: “site-boundaries-ENP-YYYYMM” (7 ENP countries) “site-boundaries-Co. E-YYYYMM” (ALL Emerald countries) • …. .
Country Reference Data Base • As requested in the data delivery note: “Reference. YYYYMM-XX” • At international level: merged into: “Reference. Database-ENP-YYYYMM” (7 ENP countries) “Reference. Database-Co. E-YYYYMM” (ALL Emerald countries) • Who ? • …. .
Distribution Maps for Species and Habitats • As requested in the data delivery note: The name of the layers for species should start with the species number, followed by a “-“, species name, “-XX” and “-YYYY” (e. g. “ 1307 -Myotis blythii-XX-YYYY”). (YYYY = year, XX = country ISO code). The name of the layers for habitats should start with the EUNIS code, followed by a “-“, habitat name as indicated in Res. 4, “XX” and “-YYYY”. (YYYY = year, XX = country ISO code) • At international level: merged into: ? …. .
Draft Conclusions and Conclusions Database and Reference Lists • No fixed format yet (ex. 1 -2014 preparatory seminars. mdb) • First experience within Emerald based on N 2000 formats • Experienced in seminars: Balkan, CH and NO, ENP preparatory seminars • Data structure and fields: overview and final agreement • Naming convention ? : • Who will do which parts ? (e. g. preparation of the final conclusions files and Reference Lists) • …. .
Emerald Data Management System • mirror N 2000 Intra. Net to manage data deliveries and QA/QC tools • Planned to be based on the N 2000 system in place • Bern Convention secretariat needs directly be involved at operational level, as it is mainly the secretariat which should benefit from the system, but also being the authority to follow deliveries • …. .
European Diploma for Protected Areas See ppt celebrating 50 years of EDPA