- Количество слайдов: 17
Overview: Ireland in the 17 th century Flight of the Earls Oliver Cromwell James II vs William of Orange Ireland in the 18 th century Catholics vs Protestants Industry Theobald Wolfe Tone
Ireland in the XVII-th century 1607 Hugh O’Neill and Rory O’Donnell -> to France -> the flight of the Earls Land confiscated James I: the plantation of Ulster (1610 – 1613) Protestant settlers: outnumbering the native Irish 1641 rebellion in Ulster, massacres of Protestants Co. Donegal
Ireland in the XVII-th century 1642 – 1651: the Civil War in England, King Charles I executed (1649) Oliver Cromwell: to crush resistance, impose Protestantism 1649 Drogheda captured, defenders massacred The civil population terrorized The 1652 Act of Settlement -> Oliver Cromwell The Catholic nobility -> Connaught A new Protestant ruling class
The man who could take Drogheda could take hell. - Sir Arthur Aston, Royalist commander of Drogheda Oliver Cromwell mural in Northern Ireland
Ireland in the XVII-th century 1653 – 1654 – another plantation Irish Catholics -> less fertile lands west of the River Shannon Confiscated lands -> Englishmen 1660 – export of cattle to England banned Booming exports of meat and butter Ireland: lower labour costs 1699 – export of wool forbidden (England! + ) High import duties, little demand, exports ended
Ireland in the XVII-th century England: James II: Catholic, unpopular. 1688: deposed, fled to France William of Orange and his wife Mary invited (Dutch, Protestant) 1689: James, Jacobites, Kinsale Derry: William 1689: James, siege of Derry 1 July 1690: the Battle of the Boyne James defeated. Siege of Limerick James II The Treaty of Limerick. Lenient to Catholics
Penal Laws for Catholics (XVII – XVIII cent. ) Banned from the Parliament No right to vote / go to school / buy land The 1704 Act: all MPs -> the Church of Ireland By 1778: 5% of the land -> Catholics Taxes to the Church of Ireland The 1719 Act: the Irish Parliament -> subordinate
Ireland in the XVIII-th century From 1778 -> restrictions repealed Catholics: allowed to lease and buy land (1782) 1782: Poyning’s Law repealed 1792: allowed to practice as lawyers and marry Protestants 1793: allowed to vote National Seminary St. Patrick’s College Maynooth 1795: seminary founded in Maynooth (Co. Kildare)
St. Patrick’s College Maynooth
Ireland in the XVIII-th century Linen industry 1711: Linen Board Concentrated in the north 1782: Belfast The north: industrialization The south: agricultural Population: 2 mln in 1700 vs 5 mln in 1800 1783: the Bank of Ireland
Theobald Wolfe Tone (1763 – 1798) The Enlightenment 1791: the Society of United Irishmen Independent republic Religious equality Fled abroad 1796: the French fleet May 1798: risings in Wexford, Wicklow, Mayo No unity -> crushed Wolfe tone captured and jailed Died in prison
Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen Theobald Wolfe Tone: status and aim) his education the English government Personality the French and their advantage job, personal life Skills The English and their advantage the great gamble of the French the United Irishmen (its
H/W: The Curse of Cromwell by W. B. Yeats: read the poem and say what curse the poet is talking about. Links: https: //www. poemhunter. com/poem/the-curse-ofcromwell/ https: //www. counter-currents. com/2011/06/w-b-yeats/ http: //www. bbc. co. uk/timelines/zttpsbk Watch the video and put down the key facts: Week 2, Lecture 9 - The Bantry Bay Invasion, 1796 https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=t 5 n 40 p. Xtz. KE
Extra Resources (video): https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=t. Dm. OEQJrqvw Week 2, Lecture 8 - Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=f 1 y. B 4 f. Jp 4 q. U Wolfe Tone and the Protestants of 1798 (Documentary) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=SZk. Jc 1 Rd. K 6 Q Wolfe Tone The Protestant Republican (short documentary) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=OEZ 2 Wg. Vwr. Gg - The Legacy of Wolfe Tone
Extra Resources: http: //www. countysongs. ie/song/? songtheme=Flight%20 of%20 Earls – Flight of the Earls http: //www. irishcentral. com/roots/history/oliver-cromwells-war-crimes-themassacre-of-drogheda-this-day-in-1649 - Cromwell http: //www. historytoday. com/tom-reilly/cromwell-irish-question - Cromwell http: //www. iisresource. org/documents/0 a 3_trafford_ks 3_y 8. pdf - Henry VIII and others http: //www. historyireland. com/early-modern-history-1500 -1700/the-battle-ofkinsale-1601/ - Battle of Kinsale http: //www. irelandseye. com/aarticles/history/events/dates/ch 5. shtm - The Battle of the Boyne http: //www. ucc. ie/celt/online/E 703001 -010/text 001. html - The Treaty of Limerick http: //www. evangelicaltruth. com/orange-html - the Orange Order http: //www. libraryireland. com/articles/Eighteenth-Century-Ireland/Irish-Penal. Laws. php - Penal Laws
Extra Resources (audio): https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v= d. Anh 1 Coh. Mj. M - Flight of the Earls https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v= 6 L 7 f. Dk-a. Zl. U&list=PL 60 B 4941163 F 8 DA 01 (Scottish, Jacobites) https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v= zwr. Vh. W 2 n. Ys. I Wolfe Tone (+lyrics!) The Wolfe Tones