Catering Service. Belolipetskaya.IFF2-4.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 13
RESTAURANTS. Many hotels have their own catering. Restaurant - public catering enterprises, usually with a wide variety of dishes elaborate preparations, snacks, confectionery, alcoholic beverages, fruit, mineral water, juices, ice cream and desserts. Often in restaurants high level of service combined with the organization of leisure visitors.
RESTAURANTS. Ø Ø Ø Ø There are restaurants of national cuisine. World famous: Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Turkish, French, German, Austrian.
SOME EXAMPLES: in Bavaria Tourists see the famous Bavarian cuisine, famous for white sausages with pretzel, mustard and beer. in Munich tourists necessarily lead to the "Hofbräuhaus" - the largest beer hall in the Czech Republic fed dumplings. in Austria - world famous Viennese schnitzel and apple strudli. And, of course, no lunch for tourists in Italy is impossible to imagine without the pasta
REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY OF TOURISM PRODUCT. ISO standards (MS ISO) 9000, aimed at establishing identical rules for similar products and services worldwide, including in the field of tourism. According to GOST 28681. 0 -90 "tourist services - the result of the tourist enterprise to meet the respective needs of tourists. "
REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALITY OF TOURISM PRODUCT. Quality of service is determined by the requirements of Art. 4 of the Law "On Protection of Consumers' Rights. Legal framework for the development of standards in the field of tourism is indicated in the Law of the Russian Federation "On standardization".
REQUIREMENTS TO ENSURE: - Security products, works and services to the environment, life, health and property; - The quality of products and services in accordance with the level of development of science, engineering and technology; - Traceability; - Saving all kinds of resources.
Requirements for tourist services defined in IEC 5069094 "Tourist excursions. General requirements. They determine the amount of technologies that are designed to provide the tourist attractiveness of the product as a complex of tourist services.
FUNDAMENTAL STANDARDS IN THE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF TOURIST PRODUCTS ARE: - GOST 28681. 0 Standardization in the field of tourism and guided sailing service. - GOST 50646 -94 Services to the public. - GOST 50762 -95 Catering. - GOST 50935 -96 "Catering. Requirements for service personnel. GOST 50644 -94 "Tourist excursions. Requirements to ensure the safety of tourists and sightseers "; GOST 50645 -94 "Tourist excursions. Classification of hotels. "
CONSIDERATION OF COMPLAINTS. The guests become more aware of their rights and responsibilities and hotel companies tend to insist on their rights. The increased demand for hotel services contribute to entry of new hotels, the less experienced and less-resourced. Much of the complaints arise from a false advertising, poor preparation of contractual documentation and negligent in its design, quality and inconsistency set of services stated in the contract.
ALL COMPLAINTS TO THE HOTEL INDUSTRY CAN BE DIVIDED INTO FOUR CATEGORIES. Non-performance or improper performance of hotel services. Reasons: • be provided at the lowest category (or with fewer opportunities) than promised; • Cancellation of additional services; • the absence of any conditions on vacation, for example, hot water in the room, etc. Failure to inform guests about the changes in the terms of service. Misleading or inaccurate information about the hotel product. Drafting and signing the contract, infringes on the rights of the consumer.
RULES. • Guests must listen sympathetically, with marked attention. • If possible, isolate the disgruntled guest to others nor to hear his claims. • Often called the guest by name and patronymic. Psychologists say that the proper name - one of the main values for humans. • If a guest is furious, staff should not enter the room alone. • Hotel staff do NOT promise that exceed its powers. • Listening to a guest, you need to take notes. Fixing the key facts, the employee can decide who can still connect to the resolution of the problem and demonstrate care and attention to guest service. • Staff need to determine the exact time of the request and give it to the guest. • Be sure to follow the resolution of the problem, if it is someone you redirected. • Report of the decision problem is to someone who has taken a request. • If the problem can not be resolved, the staff should be recognized as early as possible. • The team should be conducted regularly role-playing games, which will be considering the possibility of conflict. • All complaints must be recorded in the relevant journals.
Catering Service. Belolipetskaya.IFF2-4.pptx