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Case Study - Getting into Europe and wider: Sheffield’s projects, present and future. Lessons of value to all? Dr Shaun Topham Co-ordinator of EU IST projects for Sheffield City Council.
What I want to cover • The background to how we got involved in the first place. • What we decided to specialise in. • Our strategy based upon working with networks. • And our current portfolio of projects. • Some indication of what we plan to do next.
Policy context 2003 - 2006 • • e. Government Communication + Council Conclusions 2003 Cobra recommendations, Sept 2004 (national initiatives) • • • Procurement Directives, e-procurement Action Plan Draft Services Directive Paperless customs, etc Electronic Signature Directive Water Framework Directive Measurement, e. ID & Authentication, legal issues Modinis studies IST/e. Govt, IDAbc, e. TEN studies and projects Lisbon revision March 2005 i 2010 – the initiative to boost growth and employment with ICT Towards Ministerial Conference - Ministerial Declaration Nov 2005 Ministerial Declaration from Riga on e. Inclusion. 2006 Towards e. Government 2006 - 2010
EU ICT programs for Modernisation and Innovation in Public Administrations Ministers of Public Administrations, Internal, Economic Affairs, Finance Ministers of Information Society, Telecoms, Research, Innovation e. Government policy, Ministerial Conferences, e. Gov subgroup of e. Europe, Interoperability Frameworks, good practice exchange, studies on pan-European services, e. ID, multi-platform, free/open source software, … IST/e. Govt R&D e. TEN pilots, validation, deployment IDA Implementation Structural Funds
EU IST FP 4 • Sheffield’s current public access and public participation policy evolved from an EU funded project in the Fourth Framework Programme. • The results of the project Public Data. Web were deployed in Sheffield
Long standing partnerships. • “From Policy to Practice” Group Bremen, Prato, Tampere, Bologna, Torino…. All winners in 2001 e. Forum Ministerial Declaration to share Best Practice at a EU level. UK -e. GISE Network
• Electronic Services for South Yorkshire (e@SY CONNECTS) is a public sector partnership organisation consisting of Sheffield, Barnsley, Rotherham and Doncaster local authorities, health authorities, emergency services, voluntary sector, Job Centre Plus, Yorkshire Forward and the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive. • The aim of the e@SY Connects programme is to ensure that innovative means of access to specific public information and services is made as easy as possible for all, but particularly for those in greatest need. • The partnership and the systems it delivers are all about giving the citizens of South Yorkshire the information and access to interactive services as and when they need it, all in an intuitive manner. • Partners sharing the workload, getting more for less with a build once use many approach. • The two principal mediums or brands of the programme are e@SY Connects Online (Internet and touch screen kiosks) and e@SY Connects TV (Digital TV).
The specialisms emerging • Access for citizens without the ability or the means to use a home PC. (e. Inclusion) • How to get them involved more? (e. Participation) • How do we prove who these people are online, particularly from public access points? (e. Identity - particularly smartcards) • How do we provide secure means of communication which they will trust? (secure messaging)
New R&D Towards Innovative Government e. Participation Tools formulation and enactment of democratic decisions, scalable large scale dialogues, new forms of interactivity, Active Citizen, … Intelligent, personalised e. Government services for all Intuitive interaction, inclusion, multi-channel service delivery platform, context-awareness, privacy protection & enhancement, Adaptive and proactive e. Government Knowledge-based government, process models, tools for administrative management, technologies for transparency, diversity, multi-level governance, . . Secure pan-European e. Government Very large scale, heterogeneous, cross-border admin architectures/ processes/ information infrastructures; pan-European e. Government ID, policy-driven, … + International Cooperation
Research programmes Timeline WP 03 -04 Call 1 FP 6 Call 2 2003 WP 05 -06 Call 4 Call 3 2004 Call 5 2005 Call 6 (? ) 2006 FP 7 2007 - 2010 ? Communication: "Preparing the future: reinforcing European research policy" (16/06/04) Adoption WP + Calls Proposals on FP and SPs New Financial Perspectives 2007 – 2013 ?
Sheffield EU Projects • Portfolio of projects in the field of Smartcards, Electronic Signatures and Secure messaging. • Some R and D in the IST Programme, with most being aimed at rectifying the market failure in these already mature technologies. • These are mainly funded by e. TEN. • We also look to other programmes such as e. Content and Interreg IIIC.
IST Fifth Framework • Proof of the concepts behind the European Smartcard Charter. • Sheffield smartcard tested for interoperability with National cards from Italy, France, Israel etc. • Software developed for all major card manufacturers to use. • “Son of e. Epoch” to follow. • www. e. Epoch. net
The e. TEN Projects • SPES • W. SPES • CERTISERV • FAST • P*P*P • CARMEN • PHARMACLICK • EU PAY Covering areas which we are interested in pursuing regardless. Match Funding is referred to as “Investment”, which is planned for anyway. Total value of these Projects exceeds € 30 million
• Replicating the overall European e. Government prize-winning application of 2003, developed by Bremen, in Sheffield and in Bologna. • A Secure e. Mail archiving and timestamping service.
This Project continues the work started in the original SPES project-Setting Processes for Electronic Signatures in European Cities It sought to develop and utilise electronic signatures in a wide range of applications in the partner cities of Prato, Bologna and Saarbrucken. It also worked on creating interoperability betweent he different Certification Authorities involved. New partners from other countries as well as Sunderland Dundee were added.
P*P*P Provide e. Government Good Practices Portability. Sheffield to lead the two strands of gathering and disseminating Best Practice examples, in the areas in which it has the greatest interest PKI/security/smartcards. e. Forum is both a public and private sector organisation which distinguishes it from other networks.
Replicating an Italian NHS “unattended pharmacy” pilot in Sheffield. Use of secure messaging and smartcards for authentication Video links to pharmacist. New E 111 card implications “Joining up the dots” by selecting sites for trials to maximise synergies or to create new partnerships. In this case with students and smartcard applications in education.
• Replicating the French Government’s Secure Messaging Service in Sheffield and in the Region of Valencia. • EU Best Practice award in 2005 • System developed by the French “Caisse des Depots et Consignments” and trialled in Versailles/Yvelines • Large private/public sector partners in support including French Telecom, La Poste, to help with roll-out. • New Secure Electronic Messaging Directive on the horizon?
• Looking at a variety of mechanisms for making payments to the council from a variety of sources and bringing them together in a seamless fashion. • Payments from shops, adaptation of existing bar codes, working with Credit Unions etc. • Italian, German and French partners.
CARMEN. Citizens Advanced relationship management A Market Validation Project. Designed to replicate some of the advances already made in the field of Customer Relationship Management in the private sector, adapting them to public sector needs. Utilising open source technology developed by the Italian “LGA”.
FP 6 Project Led by Brunel University with technical partners from Norway including their National Computing Centre. Working to provide a simplified internet access for elderly people -building upon work carried out in the DATES e. Innovations Project by Sheffield and the Black Country. Sheffield and Torino will provide the test facilities, working with local organisations such as Age Concern. Intention to deliver something of real value to the residents of sheltered housing as well as research results.
Interreg IIIC Project which looks at how the Best Practice award winning e. Patitioning system from the Scottish Assembly might be enhanced for other e. Gov purposes with strong authentications, and utilising more channels.
e. EPOCH ONOMA TOPIC The strategic objective is to provide a complete technical platform and a framework enabling the European Governments to issue interoperable documents (Citizen Card, Electronic Identity, Visas or Passport documents) for electronic identification or authentication and for access to e-Services. The Onom@Topic+ consortium incorporates all key players from the European smart-card industry: smart-card manufacturers (Axalto, Gemplus, Oberthur CS), silicon founders, (STMicroelectronics, Philips Semiconductors), electronic design companies (ID 3 semiconductors), biometrics specialists (Precise Biometrics), software and services companies (Esterel Technologies, OKsystem, Compu. Worx), security laboratories (CEA-Leti). and Consumer Electronics laboratories (Innovation Lab of Philips CE). The project will deliver both specifications, contributions to European and International standards, benchmark test tools, silicon ICs, SW reference platforms and dedicated prototypes. Sheffield is collaborating with Onoma@Topic+ and will be a demonstration site.
Strategic Advantages of Participation. 1, Policy comes from Brussels. Directive on Electronic Signatures, Directive on e. Procurement -future e. Inclusion Directive. 2. Ability to integrate with UK initiatives. 3. Specialisation made possible. Public Key Infrastructure, smartcard applications for security and e. Inclusion etc. 4, Overall cost reduction as initial deployments can be tested and different approaches compared before full deployment takes place. Shared risks and entry costs.
Importance of Networks • Large funds available for Projects. • But…. As much as 50% of this goes to existing partnerships with experience of the programme and what it needs. • And then a further 25% to those needed to bring special skills to join these networks. • With the remaining 25% being fought over with a one in six/seven chance of success. • So, if a smaller public authority is keen to get involved, it can be better to work alongside those already experienced and sharing your interests rather than risk a lot of wasted effort in submitting a proposal. • For every co-ordinator of a project, there are many more “partners” who gain equally from the project submitted.
Why does a city participate? • “Each project is required to include participation of the full range of users and other stakeholders and to explore further deployment beyond the project itself with a wider group of potential adopters. ” - So we are actually useful! • “to launch services in a real life environment. ” • "digital exclusion” and “Services exploiting trust and security” - Our interests co-incide with the aims of the programme.
Other Programmes Just as National Research should not stand in isolation from European Programmes, there are other European Funding streams which compliment IST and e. TEN. Sheffield has Interreg IIIC Projects running, involving their core partners such as Tampere and Bremen, in the areas of e. Participation, e. Citizen and One Stop Shops. Good starting point. e. Content application on GIS submitted
European Centre for Smart. Media and e. Inclusion
European Centre for Smartcard Technology and e. Inclusion Crucial Objectives in the South Yorkshire Objective 1 Programme can be helped by this initiative Involves Industry and University. Designed to capitalise on EU Projects and to disseminate and create new projects. Smart. Cities (FP 4), LASSEO, CEN ISSS
European Centre for Smart. Media and e. Inclusion • Launched in the city by the UK Head of e. Government in May 2005. • Combines the needs of industry, academics and Government. • Intention is to provide greater focus and resources for taking this area of EU funding more seriously.
Future Developments -Global interoperability of e. ID EU-China IST Co-operation Project. Collaborating with the five model cities in China for show-casing e. Government, including the cities specialising in smartcard schemes Collaboration with Japanese city demonstrating Japanese National e. ID Card- the Residence Card, through NICCS and the Asian IC Card Forum. Collaboration with North American city as a first stage in creating a Group of cities capable of collaborating on wider interoperability trials. First meeting of this new group planned for Beijing in May 2007.
In Summary • Keep an eye on European Policy so as to be “Europe-proof”. • Specialise and build from recognisable strengths, such as roles in National Projects. • Get involved regardless of the immediate financial gain. • Stick with the partners which you get along with. • Rely on others until enough experience gained. • DTI IST Helpdesk
More… e. Government research website europa. eu. int/egovernment_research (or search for “egovernment”)
Contact shaun. topham@ukonline. co. uk Setting Processes for Electronic Signature