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CARE Electronics EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
CARE Electronics (Comprehensive Approach for the Recycling and Eco-efficiency of Electronics) / CARE Electronics is an umbrella project within the EUREKA framework / CARE Electronics has positioned itself as the independent, industrial, environmental R&D network of the electronics and recycling industry in Europe / more than 60 members in Europe (and US) e. g. 3 M, Apple, IBM, ICL, Matsushita, Motorola, NOKIA, Philips, Siemens, Sony, . . . / Bi-annual International Symposium, Brokerage Event and Environmental Exhibition CARE INNOVATION EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
CARE Electronics is a strategic initiative to understand the international & national implications of sustainability for the electr(on)ics industry in the future. CARE Electronics is an independent, industrial R&D network with members from large & small companies & research organisations. CARE Electronics /forecasts products, technologies, services & societal expectations /identifies & researches strategic issues /provides a platform for dialogue with government, business, academia & society. /initiates and supports a series of projects which deliver sustainable solutions. EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Strategic CARE project SCARE ! 2009 EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Requirements Strategic Project m strategic topic which affects whole Europe (EEE, IPP, WEEE, Ro. HS, . . . ), m strong industrial participation (including large as well as small and medium sized companies), m partners from Central and Eastern Europe. EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Closing the Loop • Reduce material to landfill • Reduce hazardous substances • Reduce resource dependency • Use secondary materials EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Roles and Responsibilities Eco-design Material supplier Raw material processing Component supplier Component Production Manufacturer assembly Production Component reuse recycled material processing Disassembly/ sorting Retailer Distribution sales use product repair & refurbish & reuse Take back/ Collection/ sorting Municipality Recycler End-of life management EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics User
Strategic CARE project - SCARE Information Management Education and Training Financial and Economical Impacts Innovative Product/ System Design EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics New Production Technologies Use Phase Consumer Behaviour End of life Management
EUREKA Country Contribution / Austria / Belgium / Czech Republic / Denmark / European Union / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics / Ireland / Italy / Norway / Poland / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / The Netherlands / United Kingdom
SCARE Finances /Overall Costs: 100+ MEURO (5 years) / Innovative Product/System Design 35% / New Production Technologies 15% / Use Phase (Consumer Behaviour) 2% / End of Life Management 30% / Information Management 8% / Education & Training 5% / Financial & Economical Impacts 5% EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
SCARE Summary /Co-ordination of existing projects and networks by providing a „one stop shop“ for information on research and development projects in order to avoid duplication /initiating research projects among various partners as wells as initiating real pilot applications /transferring eco-efficient technologies from large enterprises within the EU to European SMEs as well as to organisations in Central and Eastern European Countries /> 80 partner from 18 countries, 5 years, 100+ million EURO /Participation in new projects still possible EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Re-use of products and components in IT equipment EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
EOL - Services EOL-Possibilities Highest Level 1) Re-use of whole products 2) Re-use of subassemblies and components 3) Material recycling 5) Incineration Lowest Level EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics 6) Disposal as waste Re. Use EOL-Services à Collection/Transportation à Testing and Sorting à Data erasure and cleaning à Resale of working units à Manual and automated disassembling à Resale of subassemblies and components
Asset Management of IT equipment /Sources: à obsolete equipment à excess equipment /Collection in co-operation with leading logistics companies à certified according ISO 9001 and 9002 standards à rich experience on national as well as on international levels à highest level of quality Products have to be handled with care during collection and transportation EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Asset Management of IT equipment /Secure erasure of all data and software /Testing of all components for necessary repairs or upgrades /Cleaning /Re-marketing of re-usable products à second hand markets à co-operation with companies world-wide working in asset management of electr(on)ic products and components EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Asset Management of IT equipment /Products that cannot be re-used as whole: à disassembling into parts and components à re-marketing of subassemblies and components Key points: /process of high quality and innovation /best environmental standards /security of data /extraction of maximum value from obsolete/excess equipment EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Chip recovery technologies until now /manual process /tools: à tongs à tweezers à screwdrivers /de-soldering tools: à hot plates à heat guns à soldering irons à ovens EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Problems of “conventional” technologies /Quality of the re-use components à Heating of the chips (body & pins) shortening of the remaining lifetime à No constant quality (manual process with different employees) /Small amounts of equal re-use components /Quality/Efficiency of the process dependent on the experience/knowledge of the employees “Not enough” for High-End Applications EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
High quality chip recovery /Intelligent, semi-automatic disassembly cell for printed circuit boards à recognition system à laser desoldering station à robot with special grippers /minimal thermal stress for the components extended life-time for re-use components /process guided by market information /re-marketing via virtual market place EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
TVTARGET Eco-effizient treatment of TV-sets and monitors in order to fulfil the recovery targets of the European Directive EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Background /Currently about 2 billion TV-sets in the world /WEEE-Directive: Recycling: minimum 70% of total weight Recovery: minimum 75% only possible by dismantling /TV-sets/computer monitors disassembled manually: 6 -8 person-minutes to disassemble one TV-set 4 -6 person-minutes to disassemble one monitor need for efficient technology EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Project Goal Development of economically feasible technology for the disassembling of TV-sets and monitors /Reduction of the disassembling time close to 3 minutes per piece /Ability to disassemble all products of the group TV-sets and monitors /Identification of the producer - individual billing system /Possibility to generate spare parts EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Project topics Development of a methodology /to identify and separately remove all potentially hazardous substances /for suitable treatment or pre-treatment of CRTs that allows material streams open to novel applications to be obtained /for suitable treatment or pre-treatment of housings that provides material streams capable of later valorisation EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
EUREKA Project Partner /Philips (NL) /Sony (DE) /Mirec (ES) /Re. Use (AT) /STENA Technoworld (SE) /Indumetal Recycling (ES) EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics /SAT (AT) /Gaiker (ES) /Robotiker (ES) /Fraunhofer IML (DE) /Vienna University of Technology (AT)
Re. LCD Eco-efficient Recycling and Reuse of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
EOL-Management Current Situation: / Rate of separate collection very low / Disassembling of LCDs and re-use of parts and components is done very rarely too high costs for manual disassembling Current Treatment of LCDs: / Shredding / Incineration / Landfill EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
EUREKA Project /Technology for LCD Recycling /Design of disassembly system /Test of System (Prototype) /LCD Test & Requalification /Integration of re-usable LCDs into new products / Repair /Eco-efficient treatment of the remaining materials EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
Partner /Already committed: Active. Recycling (UK), Electronics Display Recycling (AT), Innovative System Solutions (AT), SAT/VUT (AT), GAIKER (ES) /Looking for: SMEs (re)using LCDs in their products /Total Costs: 1, 5 MEUR, Duration: 2 years /CRAFT, Deadline: February 2002 EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics
GOING GREEEN - GOING GREEN CARE INNOVATION´ 2002 November 25 -28, 2002 Austria Center Vienna / International Symposium / International Brokerage Event / Environmental Exhibition / Excursions Co-operation of: Europe EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics Asia America
GOING GREEN CARE INNOVATION´ 2002 November 25 -28, 2002 Austria Center Vienna Organized by: International (S)CARE Electronics Office c/o Austrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation Brunhildengasse 1 A/5 A - 1150 Vienna Tel: +43 -1 -7864603 Fax: +43 -1 -7864603 -99 Email: care_vision_2000@nextra. at WWW: members. nextra. at/care_vision_2000 EUREKA Umbrella CARE Electronics