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Carcomponents production in Chuvash Republic
«ELARA» JSC «ELARA» is a leading Russian developer and producer of: • printed circuits boards of precision class 4 -5; • heat equipment; • marine navigating equipment; • automobile electronics; • aviation electronics; • industrial electronics for industrial enterprises technological processes automation; • banking equipment, means of communication. electric pump of headlight washer (JSC «GAZ» ); rear fog lamps relay (JSC «PAZ» » , JSC «GAZ» , JSC «Avto. VAZ» ); auxiliary resistor (JSC «GAZ» ); heater automatic control system (JSC «Avto. VAZ» ); on-board control system indication block (JSC «Avto. VAZ» ); glow plug control unit (JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «PAZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); electronic dashboard unit (JSC «Avto. VAZ» ); ignition switchboard (JSC «Avto. VAZ» ); heating electric pump (JSC «GAZ» , JSC «Kam. AZ» ); liquid diesel heater control unit (JSC «Kam. AZ» ); liquid diesel heater timer and thermo-regulator (JSC «Kam. AZ» ). QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 Moskovsky prospect, 40, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428015, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (8352) 45 -39 -80, fax: +7 (8352) 42 -53 -03, e-mail: elara@elara. ru, web-site: http: //www. elara. ru
«CHUVASHKABEL» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 1, 1 bil. rubles (42, 2 mln. USD) JSC «CHUVASHKABEL» is a leading manufacturer of a large range of cabelconducting production used in many branches of industry including space aviation. wires automobiles and tractors; cables for geophysical activities; management cables; mounting wires and cables; winding wires for in water plunged engines; Lighting wires and flexes; power wires for home purpose; onboard wires and cables; cable heating systems; heating wires and cables; wires for electrical machines winding outlet; phone wires; radio frequency cables; power wires for electrical installation. • wide range of tractor wires for any kind of tractor vehicle corresponding to the international standards (German standard DIN 72551 establishing requirements to low voltage automobile posting). QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 Kabelny proezd, 7, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428022, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (8352) 56 -32 -50, 63 -17 -51 fax: +7 (8352) 64 -08 -02, e-mail: chk@cable. chtts. ru, web-site: http: //www. chuvashcable. ru
«CHPO named after V. I. Chapaev» FGUP Industrial output in 2006 year – 861 mln. rubles (33 mln. USD) FGUP «Cheboksary production association named after V. I. Chapaev» is a multi-profile enterprise : Rubber technical production: • rubber technical products; • quality glue rubber footwear; • rubber balls for children made from natural rubber. Mechanic and plastic production : • wring-out devices for washing machines, various metal and plastic products. Pyrotechnic production: • products for protection from hail, products for influencing the clouds to provoke or redistribute precipitation; • consumer pyrotechnic products; • professional pyrotechnic salut’s. condensing rings of various sections for hermeticity creation in sound-proofing and electric insulation brake systems compressions, including rubber and metal packing glands and cuffs; rubber and metal shockabsorbers used for strike softening, noise adsorption when vehicle units move; pack gaskets, valves and diaphragms for regulation and dosing of supplied liquid and gas; condensing profiles of various section for automobile, tractor, agricultural, building and road machine-building. Socialisticheskaya str. , 1, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428006, Russian Federation tel. : +7(8352) 69 -62 -58, 69 -66 -32, 69 -62 -46; fax: (8352) 62 -10 -47, 62 -45 -81, 62 -41 -58 e-mail: rti@chtts. ru web-site: http: //www. rti. chuvashia. com
«CHEBOKSARY AGREGATE WORKS» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 5 bil. rubles (193 mln. USD) One of the biggest tractorbuilding companies in Russia. The leader in spare parts production to undercarriages of tractor techniques. The quite part of manufacturing products are supplied on assembly line of leading tractor-building, earthmoving, engine building and motor-car construction enterprises of Russia, CIS and other foreign contries. g-sort, circular plate, replacement component to motor-coach JSC “Kam. AZ”, JSC “GAZ”, JSC ‘ZIL”, JSC “UAZ’, JSC “MAZ”, JSC ‘Kr. AZ” QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 428022, Russian Federation, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Mir Ave. , 1, e-mail: chaz@chaz. ru, Web-site: www. chaz. ru, dispatching office phone: +7(8352) 30 -95 -05
JSC «KANASH AVTOAGREGAT PLANT» (JSC “KAAZ”) Industrial output in 2006 year – 734 mln. rubles (28 mln. USD) JSC «КААZ» is one of the leading manufacturers of spare parts for home motorcar building: • axles and front axles (JSC «Li. AZ» , JSC «PAZ» , JSC «LAZ» , MARZ buses, Zi. U trolleybuses, EO excavator); • motor transport trailer axles; • wheel-stepped group spares (JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» cars, JSC «ZMA» car, JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC Kam. AZ trucks, buses and trailers). POSSIBILITIES: the range of axle treated beams varies from 3 to 8 t; there is a technological line of beam processing for serial products; Line for processing of small and medium carrying capacity axles cams; automatic line for processing of turning cams of big carrying capacity axles; equipment unique in Russia (automatic line completed from machine-tools produced by German firm “Turmat”) used for manufacturing of wedge unclench mechanism. QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 Frunze str. , 40, Kanash, Chuvash Republic, 429330, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (83533) 4 -33 -49, fax: +7 (83533) 4 -39 -39, e-mail: info@kaaz. ru
«ELECTROAUTOMAT» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 307 mln. rubles (12 mln. USD) JSC «ELECTROAUTOMAT» is specialized on production of smallsized commutating and protective electrical equipment for: aircraft equipment; • radio electronics; • power engineering; • machine building; • railway transport; • motor-car construction; • shipbuilding. pressure signal indicator sensors (JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); limit switchers (JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); automobile protection automatic machine(JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); under steering wheel multifunctional switcher (JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» ); bayonet lamp-socket of В 15 d 42 MK – 2 C type (trolleybuses); automobile seat belts (JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 B. Hmelnitsky str. , 19 “a”, Alatyr, Chuvash Republic, 429800, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (83531) 2 -31 -35, 2 -03 -56, 2 -03 -95 fax: +7 (83531) 2 -31 -35, e-mail: info@elav. ru, web-site: http: //www. elav. ru
OJSC «PLANT «ECTROPRIBOR» Industrial output in 2006 year – 146 mln. rubles (5, 6 mln. USD) One of the four companies in Russia, producing switching equipment. The main products of company: magneto-electric low-current relay commutations for electric curcuits – relay: open type, dustproof, airproof, reed, transitory and timing relay. Gasoline tank units of emergency oil pressure, pressure switches of air; light switch of back action JSC “GAZ”, JSC «Auto. VAZ» QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 429800, Russian Federation, Chuvash Republic, Alatr, sq. Revolution of October, 23 tel. : (8 -3531) 2 -05 -91, fax: (8 -3531) 2 -03 -57, e-mail: elpri@cbx. ru
«ZEIM-LINE LTD» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 220, 2 mln. rubles (8, 5 mln. USD) JSC «ZEi. M-Line» is one of the leading Russian developers, manufacturers and suppliers of automobile electronics. Our main products: «МIKAS 7. 1 -7. 2» - ZMZ 406(405) Engine control unit supplied for JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» conveyors; «APS-4 – 6» - automobile antitheft systems; • «KMD-2000» Diesel engine control unit; • Diagnostical scanner-tester SMT-2. PURPOSE Diagnostics of fuel-injection engine control units for JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» vehicles equipped with the following controll units: «Yanvar 4» ; «М 1. 5. 4. » BOSCH; «Yanvar 5» М 1. 5. 4 N BOSCH; МР - 7. 0 BOSCH; «МIКАS 5. 4» ; «МIКАS 7. 1» ; М 1. 5. 4. АVTRON. QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 Ivana Yakovleva pr. , 1, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428020, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (8352) 62 -23 -36, 62 -87 -01 fax: +7 (8352) 20 -32 -03, e-mail: zla@chtts. ru, web-site: http: //www. zeimline. ru
ELEKTROM LTD is one of the leading manufacturers of generator units in Russia and neighbouring countries. The main assortment: • starters; • ship generators; • tractor, harvester combine and agricultural machinery generators; • commercial vehicles generators; • car generators. Serial Cheboksary generators G 700, G 1000, G 3000 and their modifications are applied in JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «GAZ» , JSC «UAZ» cars, JSC «PAZ» , RUE «MAZ» , JSC «Li. AZ» , Nef. AZ, Ikarus and Neoplan buses, JSC «Kam. AZ» , RUE «MAZ» , JSC «Kr. AZ» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , JSC «ZIL» trucks, they are supplied to Volgograd, Pavlodar, Harkov tractor plants, to assembly production departments of Lipetsk, South, Rybinsk and Vladimir plants and to Harkov, Barnaul and Minsk motor plants. ADVANTAGES: increased resource (not less than 10000 moto/hours); absence of brush-contact unit; simple replacement of shaft bearing; presence of permanent magnets on rotor; Traktorostroiteley pr. , 101, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428028, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (8352) 63 -27 -20, fax: +7 (8352) 63 -35 -24, e-mail: mail@elektrom. ru, web-site: http: //www. elektrom. ru
«STROYMASH» JSC «STROYMASH» produces rubber products using flourine-silicone rubber of leading world manufacturers, which have a low level of deformation during compression at extreme temperatures as well as a low swelling in oil: compression of oil heat exchanger core body JSC «Kam. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» , JSC «Ya. MZ» ); gasket of oil filter cowl repair completion for engine unit head, which consists of rubber products (JSC «Ya. MZ» ); repair completion for cylinders and engine unit head, which consists of rubber products (JSC «Kam. AZ» , JSC «GAZ» ); Rubber products for tractorand automobile industry. Mashinostroiteley proezd, 40, Cheboksary, Chuvash. Republic, 428022 Russian Federation tel. : +7 (8352) 64 -47 -57, 64 -14 -41 fax: +7 (8352) 64 -14 -41, e-mail: stroymash@cbx. ru
«SKM» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 80, 7 mln. rubles (3 mln. USD) JCS «SKM» is a leader among Russian manufacturers of seat belts. • seat belts (JSC «GAZ» , JSC «Avto. VAZ» , JSC «UAZ» , JSC «Kam. AZ» , JSC «PAZ» , JSC «ZIL» , JSC «Ural. AZ» , buses). QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 B. Hmelnitsky str. , 19 “a”, Alatyr, Chuvash Republic, 429800, Russian Federation tel. : +7 (83531) 5 -16 -65, 5 -60 -66, fax: +7 (83531) 5 -16 -65, 5 -60 -97. e-mail: skm 1@yandex. ru
«SHUMERLYA PLANT of PARTICULARISED AUTOMOBILES» JSC «Sh. ZSA» Industrial output in 2006 year – 1, 3 bil. rubles (49 mln. USD) «Sh. ZSA» JSC develops and producers particularized automobiles and mobile complexes: mobile means of machinery repair (movable work-shops) maintenance automobiles for technical repair of vehicles and retrieve caravan trucks and containers of special purposes, dwelling modules of fixed and variable volume fast mountable facilities (tents) and maintenance equipment for repair in stationary and field parks the products are provided with technological equipment and life support systems: lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 429122, Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya, Tsherbakova str. , 60. E-mail: info@shzsa. ru, Internet: http: //www. specmobili. ru/o/adres. html
«VAN PRODUCING PLANT» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 766 mln. rubles (29 mln. USD) Basic activities : • Production and marketing of special purpose vans, containers, consumer goods and other products • Development and production of van bodies and bodycontainers • Development and marketing of products of scientific and technical purposes • Rendering leasing services of equipment and vehicles • Trade and procurement activities, agency work QMS of company suits МS ISO 9000 429000, Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic, Shumerlya, pr. Lenina, 21 A. Tel. : +7 (83536) 5 -26 -95, fax: +7 (83536) 5 -22 -40, e-mail: kaf@chtts. ru, Internet: http: //www. chuvashia. com/reestor/main. asp? id=6
«KANASH PLANT «STROYTEKHNIKA» JSC Industrial output in 2006 year – 157 mln. rubles (6 mln. USD) «Kanash plant «Stroytekhnika» JSC specializes in production of special-purpose transport means for organizations of construction complex and other branches of national economy - trailers and semi trailers for: transportation of vehicles, panels, plates, farmers, vans, heavy loads; containers, sanitaryware, stoneware; dumper and chip trucks 429330, Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic, Kanash, Krasnoarmejskaya str. , 79. Tel. : +7 (83533) 24355, e-mail: str@cbx. ru, web-site: http: //www. chtts. ru/str/
«CHEBOKSARY ENTERPRISE «SESPEL» Ltd. The «Cheboksary enterprise «Sespel» Ltd. specializes in production of automobile tanker semi trailers series 9648 for transportation of bulk goods: of food industry, such as flour, sugar, mixed fodder, grain; • of construction branch of national economy, such as cement, caustic soda, quartz sand, gypsum, lime • Semitrailers are intended for operation at the temperature from - 40 C to + 40 C and at relative humidity 80% at 20 C. • Materials and technologies from Italy, Germany and Finland are used in production of automobile tanker semi trailers and in improvement of their unloading specifications. 428000, Russian Federation, the Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary , Yaroslavskaya str. , 76. Phone: +7 (8352) 62 -26 -38, 62 -52 -71, e-mail: sespel@cbx. ru, web-site: http: //www. chtts. ru/sespel