Captain America: The First Avenger The basics: year

Captain America: The First Avenger

The basics: year 2011 country United States slogan «When patriots become heroes» directed by Joe Johnston screenplay by Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, Joe Simon, ... Producer Amir Madani, Kevin Faig, Victoria Alonso, ... operator Shelley Johnson Composer Alan Silvestri Artist Rick Heinrichs, Dean Clegg, John Dexter, ... installation of Robert Dalva, Jeffrey Ford genre of fantasy, action, adventure, ... budget of $ 140 million charges of U.S. $ 176,654,505 charges in the world + $ 191,750,151 = $ 368,404,656 charges in Russia, $ 8,638,677.

Actors: Creeks Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving Dominic Cooper, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke Stanley Tucci Haley Atwell Sebastian Stan, Richard Armitage.

Content Captain America (English Captain America; real name - Steven "Steve" Rogers) - a superhero comic book company Marvel Comics. It was created by writer Joe Simon and artist Jack Kirby and first appeared in the comic book Captain America Comics (March 1941), the predecessor of Marvel Comics of the 1940s, Timely Comics [1]. Over the years, according to various estimates about 210 million copies of the comic «Captain America» has sold a total of 75 countrie. In the comics themselves appeal "Captain America" applies to anyone who is selected by the U.S. government (which considers itself "owns" persona) to wear a suit and shield. Almost the entire history of the publications of the character, however, Captain America was the alter ego of Steve Rogers (born Steve Rogers), sickly young man who was enhanced by an experimental serum to a peak of human perfection, in order to help the U.S. military operations. Captain America wears a costume, painted in the motif of the American flag, and armed with indestructible shield that can be used as a weapon. Captain America - it is purposefully created a patriotic character. He is often depicted fighting the Axis nations. Captain America was the most popular character during World War II, but when the war ended, the popularity of this character decreased, and by 1950 he stopped using years, except for an unsuccessful revival in 1953. This character was used again in the comics only in the period known as the Silver Age of comic books when he became a member of the superhero team the Avengers in Avengers # 4 vypuskeThe (March 1964). In May 2011 Captain America took 6th place in the list of "One hundred of the best comic book characters of all time" according to IGN .

Version of the film other film directors. "Captain America" (1944) - Dick Purcell "Captain America" (1979) - Rab Brown "Captain America 2: Too quick death" (1979) - Rab Brown "Captain America" (1990) - Matt Salinger "First Avenger" (2011) - Chris Evans "The Avengers" (2012) - Chris Evans.

I recommend everyone see this movie. Presentation was made by a student in grade 9 Nikolai Vasilev.

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