Capoeira - philosophy, dance, martial arts.
This Afro-Brazilian culture that has evolved from the cultures of many African and Brazilian tribes. Capoeira for the first time mentioned in any of the documents only in the second half of the XVIII century. But the exact date or mention of who was the founder of Capoeira is not written in any literature. Philosophical view of sports, which is called capoeira. it is best to compare with the "battle" of flamenco. You know about this? Dancers and singers are given a Navajo and fast-flowing and Dramatic rave and dance is becoming more deadly. Because flamenco - it's not just the stories of unrequited love and death, it is love, and death. Here and capoeira - a game of life, the game of death, where every movement full of inner meaning, and every sound frames the mystic rites, comprehensible only to the initiated.
". . . Capoeira - it is like the air, we know what it is, we give them breathe, we can not live without it. At the same time, we can not catch it, enclose it in any frame. Capoeira is not limited to a single formal organization and that more than one group of craftsmen, who claim a monopoly on the ownership of it. Capoeira is beyond all of us. No society, group, or person will never control it. . . "- Mestre Cobra Mansa (Mestre Cobra Mansa)