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Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility Watershed Protection Source Water Protection Planning 2008/09 Presentation to Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities 104 th Annual Conference, November 5, 2009 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility The Collective Voice for Nova Scotia Municipalities unsm
CBRM Water Supply Areas 11 sources of supply 7 surface watershed areas 1 well field 3 small wells Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
CBRM Water Utility Statistics Treatment and Pumping Source of Supply Gallons pumped per day Area Served Total Water Services Population Sydney Middle Lake Well Field 3, 300, 000 Sydney, Coxheath, Westmount, Sydney River, Grand Lake Road, Mira Road 9, 000 26, 000 Glace Bay Mac. Askill's Brook Dam 2, 200, 000 Glace Bay, Dominion, Reserve Mines, Tower Road, Donkin 8, 000 21, 000 New Waterford and Kilkenny Lake 1, 500, 000 New Waterford, Scotchtown, River Ryan, New Victoria, Lingan 3, 550 9, 400 Northside Pottle Lake 3, 200, 000 North Sydney, Sydney Mines, Northside rural area 6, 550 17, 600 Louisbourg Kelly Lake 250, 000 Louisbourg 500 1, 100 Birch Grove John Allen Lake 24, 000 Birch Grove 110 320 Port Morien Sand Lake 26, 000 Port Morien 160 465 Pine Tree Park Well 24, 000 Former Radar Base 85 250 Floral Heights Well 5, 000 Floral Heights 30 90 Gardiner Mines Well 2, 000 Strang Road area 15 45 SYSCO Sydney River Dam 2, 500, 000 Harbourside Commercial Park 5 TOTAL 13, 031, 000 Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility 28, 005 76, 270
5 Steps to Developing a Source Water Protection Plan Step 1 Form an Advisory Committee Step 2 Delineate the Boundary Step 3 Assess Risk Identify and Step 4 Adopt a Plan Develop and Step 5 Monitor and Evaluate the Plan Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
CBRM SWPP Committees include: landowners municipal councillors CBRM watershed coordinator municipal planner agriculture sector (dairy and beef farmers) forestry sector (New Page) community development associations fish and game associations ATV clubs Citizens Against Strip Mining CBRM regional police NS Natural Resources (forester, geologist, and enforcement) NS Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal NS Environment (watershed planner and inspectors) NS Fisheries and Aquaculture DEVCO and ECBC Parks Canada (Fortress of Louisbourg) Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Pottle Lake Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Pottle Lake 1971 designation and 1986 zoning Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Kelly Lake Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Using Global Mapper and Li. DAR data to create contours Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Using GIS to trace the high points around the watershed boundary Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Waterford Lake Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Contaminant Transport from Summit to Waterford Lake Source: Public Works and Government Services Canad Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
• Advantages: Low Permeability Synthetic Cover • Eliminates site • Disadvantages: operating requirement and associated costs. • Highest capital cost O&M costs also • Removing the existing relatively low vegetation, which in • Widely accepted as an many ways is healthy effective means of ARD and robust mitigation, with low • Requires replacement performance risk of liner in the future • Requires transition period to reduce the amount of ARD exiting the site • Performance risk, while low, is higher than and Source: Public Works in case of Active Government Services Canada Treatment Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Kilkenny Lake Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Mac. Askills Brook Dam Reservoir Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
John Allen Lake Sand Lake Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Middle Lake Well Field Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Floral Heights Gardiner Mines Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
NSDNR Groundwater Map and Database Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
Source Water Protection in CBRM Public Water Supply (PWS) Zone Prescription or designation Source Water Protection Committees Public Education and Stewardship Liaison with other levels of government Land Acquisition Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility
SOURCE WATER PROTECTION OBLIGATIONS UNDER MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT ACT Municipal Government Act (MGA) says … Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) primary planning tool for municipalities MGA lists … 5 statements of Provincial interest; one of which is public drinking water. MGA says … a Municipality’s MPS must be consistent with these statements of Provincial interest. MGA also says … Provincial Departments MUST carry out their activities consistent with these statements. What are Nova Scotia Environment and Department of Natural Resources doing to fulfill their obligations to respect this statement of Provincial interest? Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility The Collective Voice for Nova Scotia Municipalities unsm
Thank you Britt Roscoe Watershed Coordinator CBRM Water Utility Malcolm Gills Manager, Development Service Branch CBRM Planning Department Phone (902) 563 -5551 Phone (902) 563 -5027 Email blroscoe@cbrm. ns. ca Email mggillis@cbrm. ns. ca www. cbrm. ns. ca/ Go to quick link for water utility Click on source water protection Go to quick link for municipal planning strategy Cape Breton Regional Municipality Water Utility The Collective Voice for Nova Scotia Municipalities unsm