Скачать презентацию Canadian GAA in Association with Ulster GAA Strategy Скачать презентацию Canadian GAA in Association with Ulster GAA Strategy


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Canadian GAA in Association with Ulster GAA Strategy and Action Plan Canadian GAA in Association with Ulster GAA Strategy and Action Plan

OUTCOMES FOR THE SESSION By the end of the day we will have worked OUTCOMES FOR THE SESSION By the end of the day we will have worked to develop • A clearer understanding and appreciation challenges that the GAA in Canada face moving forward. • An appreciation of the need to work together as a Team in Canada. • A recognition of the need to deliver on the Strategic Vision in Canada and the need to reduce the degree of the dependency on Ulster GAA. • A strategic framework and action plan that will empower volunteers in the delivery of coaching, games, refereeing, administration and governance and that matches vision, goals and objectives.

Meet and Greet Meet and Greet

Rules of Engagement • • • Opinions valued No put downs Open Mind Listen. Rules of Engagement • • • Opinions valued No put downs Open Mind Listen. . . Listen Communicate concisely Achieve an action plan Outside box Blue sky thinking Consider how we deliver Bring Solutions. . . Canadian Perspective

From East to West From East to West

ULSTER GAA Contextual Overview “To foster and grow the GAA across Ulster, strengthening its ULSTER GAA Contextual Overview “To foster and grow the GAA across Ulster, strengthening its position as the Province’s leading amateur sporting; cultural; community; and volunteer driven movement” YOUR STATEMENT…. . ULSTER GAA CORE VALUES Community Volunteerism Identity Inclusion Excellence

Canadian GAA - Core Values CANADA GAA CORE VALUES Volunteerism Governance Growth and Development Canadian GAA - Core Values CANADA GAA CORE VALUES Volunteerism Governance Growth and Development Community and Inclusion Culture and Heritage Respect Team Work and Collaboration


Building and Developing a Working Relationship Challenges? ? Building and Developing a Working Relationship Challenges? ?

Working Together Working Together

Practical Deliverable Realistic Solutions Practical Deliverable Realistic Solutions

Where is Canadian GAA? 1. What are the good things we do that we Where is Canadian GAA? 1. What are the good things we do that we must keep doing? 2. What do we do occasionally that we need to do consistently? 3. What are the bad things we do that we must stop doing? 4. What didn’t we do- that we must start doing?

n. What are the good things we do that we must keep doing? n. n. What are the good things we do that we must keep doing? n. What do we do occasionally that we need to do consistently? n. What are the bad things we do that we must stop doing? n. What didn’t we do- that we must start doing?

Summary n. What are the good things we do that we must keep doing? Summary n. What are the good things we do that we must keep doing? n. What are the bad things we do that we must stop doing? do we do occasion ally that we need to do consisten tly? n. What didn’t we dothat we must start doing?

Discussion around the Challenges and Issues Discussion around the Challenges and Issues

Put the big Pillars in Place • What are the BROAD Themes for Your Put the big Pillars in Place • What are the BROAD Themes for Your Strategy

IDENTIFY THEMES + vote if required Volunteerism K E Y T H E M IDENTIFY THEMES + vote if required Volunteerism K E Y T H E M E S Community and Inclusion Governance Growth and Development Culture and Heritage Respect Teamwork

Delivery Against the Themes each year Theme - Area EXAMPLE 2011 2013 Governance Review Delivery Against the Themes each year Theme - Area EXAMPLE 2011 2013 Governance Review Committee System Communication Teams set up Communications Plan in Place Coaching and Games Competitions Coach Development Tutor Development Facilities and Infrastructure Health and Safety Assessment Partnerships identified Culture and Heritage Community Development, Inclusion and Cohesion Referee Development Games Programme Summer Camp Programme Teachers Programmes Camogie Camps Access GAA money GAA Facility in each region 2015 Referees Assessors Young Whistlers Schools Competitions

Theme –CANADA 2012 2013 2015 Volunteerism, recruitment, retention, coach development, games development, child protection Theme –CANADA 2012 2013 2015 Volunteerism, recruitment, retention, coach development, games development, child protection Audit Clubs Recruitment & retention strategy Club structures & roles of officers Identify & train new tutors Foundation Course offered Police Vetting initiated for coaches Develop 4 team leagues Audit Report and Seminar Consolidate structures in clubs. Review impact of audit work Community, Inclusion, added value, open doors to others, quality product, Engage Irish Community One event that adds value Engage Canadian Community Two events supported by all clubs that add value. Engage extended community Three events supported by all clubs that invite the extended community in (music, song, dance) Growth and Development (Governance – marketing, promotion, finance, recruitment Define roles and increase volunteers for club executives. Review expenditure and Income. Review current marketing and promotion strategy for the games. Develop a marketing and promotion strategy for GAA in Canada. Explore the development of a minor team to represent divisional board Plan for the development of Hurling Camogie and Handball Canadian team(s) travel to CYC Games annually> Canadian All Stars visit Ireland Bi annually. Canadian Championship is vibrant Divisional Minor teams established Respect Refereeing, Spectators, Players All club players sign up to a Code of Behaviour. Promote Respect at the Club All Executive members education club members and enforce Code. All spectators embrace Code of Behaviour and Respect Culture and Heritage language, history Cultural Officer appointed at Canadian Board Develop idea of a Community based event Scór competition delivered Deliver Community based event to reflect cultural and heritage of GAA in Canada Offer Irish Language Class Divisional Scór Event Signage in Irish, English and French at games and events Facilities? ? Refurbishment, health and safety Audit of Clubs to include facility review. Explore potential new partnerships for facility development Discuss access to financial support with National Infrastructure for partnership programmes Target partners and present the case. Facility development with partners Completed by Bank of tutors available Foundation and Level 1 run out Police Vetting enforced junior club coaches Outreach officer to development Club structures training to all clubs Tutor active in course delivery Level 2 Course Delivered Police vetting enforced for all club members with access to children Outreach programme reviewed

Theme: Coaching Action Timing Outcome sought Committee / Person responsible Led by 1. Tutor Theme: Coaching Action Timing Outcome sought Committee / Person responsible Led by 1. Tutor Development to help deliver programmes within Canada March 2011 • Tutors Identified • Training delivered Ulster GAA and Coaching Committee Joe Bloggs March 2012 • Tutor In-service June 2011 • Foundation Course delivered Vancouver Ulster GAA and Coaching Committee • Foundation course Calgary Ulster GAA and Coaching Committee September 2011 • Level 1 Children’s Course Ottawa Ulster GAA and Coaching Committee March 2012 • Level 1 Youth and Adult Programme Vancouver March 2013 • Level 2 Programme 2. Course Delivery at foundation and awards 1 and 2 3. Summer Coaching Programme in major clubs 4. Action Planning

WHAT Needs doing in each theme • Key Actions (that will be delivered) • WHAT Needs doing in each theme • Key Actions (that will be delivered) • Theme 1: Facilities – – Action 1: We will develop a new pitch in Ottawa Action 2: We will refurbish a pitch in Toronto Action 3: We will upgrade changing facilities in Vancouver Action 4: We will work with local authorities and get joint use of facilities • Theme 2: • Theme 3: • Theme 4:

Theme: Volunteerism (to be completed in final plan) Action Timing Outcome sought 1. Audit Theme: Volunteerism (to be completed in final plan) Action Timing Outcome sought 1. Audit Clubs December 2012 Complete audit on governance and coaching 2 Seminar re club structures and roles of officers December 2012 Workshops throughout Canada in Clubs 3 Identify existing Tutors and train new tutors December 2013 Use existing tutors to deliver Train new tutors 4 Coaching Programme offered December 2012 Foundation Level 1 Level 2 5 Police Vetting Procedure initiated December 2015 All Volunteers active vetted Children's Officer in each club Procedure clear Action Planning Committee Person responsible Led by

Theme: Respect (will be completed in the final plan) Action Timing 1. 2 3 Theme: Respect (will be completed in the final plan) Action Timing 1. 2 3 4 5 Action Planning Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by

Theme: Culture and Heritage (will be completed in the final plan) Action Timing 1. Theme: Culture and Heritage (will be completed in the final plan) Action Timing 1. 2 3 4 5 Action Planning Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by

Theme: Governance – Growth and Development ( detail in final plan) Action Timing 1. Theme: Governance – Growth and Development ( detail in final plan) Action Timing 1. 2 3 4 5 Action Planning Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by

Theme: Community and Inclusion Action Timing 1. 2 3 4 5 Action Planning Outcome Theme: Community and Inclusion Action Timing 1. 2 3 4 5 Action Planning Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by

Theme: Facilities Action Timing Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by 1. Focused Facility Theme: Facilities Action Timing Outcome sought Committee Person responsible Led by 1. Focused Facility for Gaelic Games 2015 One facility for Games in each city Provincial Council County Board Divisional Boards 2. Explore potential for partnerships 2013 Partnerships with Schools Partnerships with cities Maximise the GAA network and Department of Foreign affairs Capital Development Budget Maximise professional expertise within AA County Board Divisional Board 3. Negotiate partnerships funding with National GAA 2013 Formal presentation to Overseas and National Infrastructure Committee County Board Action Planning

Building for Excellence – Focus on whole System. . . . Leadership 10% Canadian Building for Excellence – Focus on whole System. . . . Leadership 10% Canadian Board County Board Process Policy & Strategy (8%) Vision and Direction Action Plan Juvenile Boards Ulster GAA People Satisfaction (9%) Players Spectators Coaches People Management (9%) Education Training Vetting Resources (9%) Finances People Facilities ENABLERS 50% 14% Governance Administration Discipline Competitions Customer Satisfaction (20%) Players Spectators Coaches Results 14% More Playing Good Discipline Administration Governance Structures Coaching Facilities Competitions Refereeing More Clubs Impact on Society (6%) Health Social Cultural RESULTS 50%

OUTCOMES FOR THE SESSION By the end of the day we will have worked OUTCOMES FOR THE SESSION By the end of the day we will have worked to develop • A clearer understanding and appreciation challenges that the GAA in Canada face moving forward. • An appreciation of the need to work together as a Team in Canada. • A recognition of the need to deliver on the Strategic Vision in Canada and the need to reduce the degree of the dependency on Ulster GAA. • A strategic framework and action plan that will empower volunteers in the delivery of coaching, games, refereeing, administration and governance and that matches vision, goals and objectives.

Summary – What Next • • • Foreword – President (100 words) - TBD Summary – What Next • • • Foreword – President (100 words) - TBD Background – GAA in Canada - TBD SWOT Analysis Key Themes Identified Key Actions Required Delivery by to be agreed Submission to Canadian Board AGM 2 Dec. Submission to GAA International Committee Delivery starts January 2012