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Canadian Collaborating Centre Introductions October 23 rd and 24 th, 2009 Ottawa, Ontario
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment Mandate: To assess and manage risks to the health of the population Key projects: Radiation Risks, Prion Diseases, Air Pollution and Drug Safety Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Global Burden of Disease Chronic Wasting Disease Pharmacovigilance Contact person: Dr. Daniel Krewski, University of Ottawa cphar@uottawa. ca 613 -562 -5381 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Mandate: Research and related activities in MH&A Key projects: • • • Unhappy Hours: Alcohol and Partner Aggression in the Americas (book edited by K. Graham et al. ), Innovative mental health programs in Latin America and the Caribbean –K. Mc. Kenzie chapter on Jamaica: Community mental Health Services GENACIS- numerous researchers from CAMH on a number of related projects & activities (e. g. , Graham, Rehm, Taylor) Tobacco and Public Health: From Theory to Practice Global Alcohol Database (Global Information System on Alcohol & Health) needs based planning symposium in 2008 Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Continuation of projects pending funding. PAHO may join an international advisory committee on needs based planning. Contact person: Louis Gliksman, louis_gliksman@camh. net , (416)-535 -8501, ext. 6609 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Bioethics Mandate: Strengthening international collaboration in bioethics, building global capacity in research ethics, & conducting research on policy-relevant issues Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Collaboration: development of Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres in Bioethics in coordination with WHO-Geneva and 5 other WHO-CCs Capacity-building: a) international MHSc program to build research ethics capacity in developing countries; b) development of global e-commons on research ethics resources Research: a) pandemic preparedness & response, b) XDR-TB, c) priority setting in developing countries Contact person: Ross Upshur (Director) – ross. upshur@utoronto. ca, www. jointcentreforbioethics. ca JCB Mission: To improve healthcare through leadership in bioethics research, education, practice, & public engagement. Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Biosafety Technology and Consultative Services Mandate: Provide leadership with the international biosafety community to develop global approaches to biosafety, biocontainment and biosecurity to protect the health and safety of Canadians. Key projects: • • • Providing consultative services to organizations and institutions for assistance in biosafety, biocontainment and biosecurity Providing biosafety, biocontainment and biosecurity training and resources Providing surveillance and applied research programs in biosafety, biocontainment and biosecurity Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Provide advice on legislative and regulatory oversight measures Develop and offer on-line and classroom training and resources in biosafety Address the gaps in biosafety information and promote the research agenda through harmonization of biosafety procedures and practices and evidence-based research. Contact person: Sandra Fry, Executive Director, Pathogen Regulation Directorate, PHAC sandra_fry@phac-aspc. gc. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for the Development of Healthy Cities and Towns Mandate: Support the WHO and the PAHO in the development of the Healthy Cities and Towns (HCT) Movement Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Development of a training session on community development as a health promotion strategy to be given at: § Dakar (Sénégal) Summer University in Oct. 2010 § and eventually to Haïti Explore possibility for collaboration with Haïti Reorganization of CC and WEB site around 3 fields: § Training on Community Development and HP § Development of tools and training on Process participatory evaluation methods § Development of tools for Community Capacity Assesment Project of a common research project on Healthy Cities and Public Policies for Health (with other CC in Latin America) Support evaluation projects in Mali Contact person: Paule Simard, Ph. D. Coordinator téléphone: (418) 650 -5115 poste 5515 courriel: paule. simard@inspq. qc. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases Detection, Diagnostics, Reference and Research Mandate: To provide support to WHO and laboratories worldwide in addressing emerging zoonotic disease issues Key projects: Diagnostics, reference services, field studies, training, outbreaks and emergency response Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Surveillance for zoonotic disease activity in Canada; support of PAHO dengue and related zoonotic disease outbreaks through a PAHO directed network; outbreak support as required; emergency preparedness for events such as the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. Contact person: Dr. Harvey Artsob, Public Health Agency of Canada harvey_artsob@phac-aspc. gc. ca 204. 789. 6050 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre on Environmental and Occupational Health Impact Assessment and Surveillance Mandate: a) support in health impact assessment; b) toxicological and public health expertise for WHO offices on regional plans for priority chemicals; c) support in laboratory control and training; d) environmental health promotion and capacity development; e) collaboration on geographical information systems Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: The Caribbean Eco Health Programme. 1. 6 M$ funded by IDRC (Teasdale-Corti initiative) for 4 years (2008 -2012) with CEHI, CAREC and PAHO, with co-funding 350 k$ by the World Bank. Research in burden of illness in 15 CARICOM States (gastroenteritis; quality of water in cisterns; exposure to POPs and pesticides in maternal blood and urine). Our Atlantis mobile lab is the hub for this research, operated by Caricom technicians; includes training locally and in Canada, as well as adapted lab techniques development. • The South Pacific research program on dietary and epidemiologic transition is funded by France (2. 850 M$ for 2006 -2011); prevalence and intervention studies, training, dissemination. • Health Impact Assessment focus point for PAHO and expert group for WHO: ad hoc requests for HIA of major projects in Mexico, Dominican Republic, T&T, El Salvador and Barbados over last two years. Participation to WHO technical document elaboration (HIA in development lending); online course on HIA of mining available soon, with support from Health Canada and WHO Geneva. • Training and support for laboratory quality control (chemicals): on-going interlaboratory comparisons programs (over 200 labs worldwide in 30 countries); specific CIDA-funded program for Cuba (20072010) • Participation to the current book sponsored by PAHO on Environmental Health and Sustainable Development in the Americas (2 chapters). Contact person: Pierre Gosselin MD pierre. gosselin@inspq. qc. ca 1 -418 -650 -5115 ext. 5205 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Food Contamination Monitoring Mandate: Support the WHO in the management and administration of the WHO GEMS/Food Occurrence Database of Contaminants in Food and to improve and expand the functionality of the database by; monitoring data on levels of contaminants in Canadian food; actively recruiting food monitoring expert centres; cooperating with and assisting other institutions participating in GEMS/Food and; exchanging information for the development of exposure & health assessments, and activities related to the prevention, monitoring, and control of chemical contaminants in food. Key projects: GEMS/Food Occurrence database Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Maintain and Establish New Data Streams for the Population of the WHO GEMS/Food Occurrence Database of Contaminants in Food Contact person: John Moisey, John_Moisey@hc-sc. gc. ca Frank Geraghty, Frank_Geraghty@hc-sc. gc. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion (Victoria, BC) Mandate: 1) Enhance global and national initiatives aimed at improving and assessing health promotion effectiveness particularly those aimed at taking action on the determinants of and health inequities; 2) Stimulate and strengthen research and knowledge translation focused on health promoting schools; 3) Develop capacity by providing unique training/education opportunities in health promotion for researchers, students, community members, policy makers and practitioners at the national and international levels. Key projects: 1. 2. 3. Documenting experiences and synthesizing evidence from community initiatives that address the social determinants of health and health inequities Create new methodologies that capture the complexity and context of health promotion community interventions that promote health. Work with the WHO CC at PHAC to synthesize evidence of the effectiveness of health promotion community interventions to promote health, prevent and manage chronic diseases. Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Several related to above Contact person: Marcia Hills, RN, Ph. D Professor, School of Nursing, University of Victoria Director, WHO CC for Health Promotion Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion (Toronto, ON) Mandate: To strengthen capacity, conduct research/evaluation, and disseminate technical information about health promotion. Key projects: A. Building Health Promotion Capacity in Latin America through: - creating a political culture supportive of evaluation - developing resources on participatory evaluation and economic evaluation - teaching & training in evaluation - building a database on best practices in health promotion in Latin America & the Caribbean B. Mainstreaming health promotion in PAHO through: - development of a framework - development of a short virtual course in health promotion for all staff Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: a) Continuing to build the database and analysis procedures for the best practices in HP interventions database b) Mainstreaming health promotion in PAHO through development and pilot-testing of short course on health promotion as well as a longer course. Contact person: Suzanne F. Jackson, Ph. D. Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Science Education and Practice Mandate: • • To contribute to the development of Health Human Resources optimally responsive to individual and population health needs. To contribute to the improvement of primary health care and community health service delivery through capacity building of human resources. Key projects: • • • « PAHO’s project on Human Resources for Health Development » to support the practice of primary health care and implement local curricula oriented towards PHC. Development of post-graduate and continuing of medical education in family medicine in Mali Support the Faculty of Medicine in Montevideo with the implementation of its renewed MD Curriculum oriented towards PHC and contribute to the reinforcement of family and community medicine in Uruguay and Quebec. Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Numerous exchanges in knowledge, expertise, literature, residents and students. Contact person: Dr Paul Grand’Maison, MD, MSc, FCFPC, FCAHS, Director of the CC. Paul. grandmaison@usherbrooke. ca Martine Morin, MD, FCFPC, Assistant Director of the CC Martine. morin@usherbrooke. ca Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning and Research Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: : The Centre’s activities are focused in three areas: I. Health Human Resources (HHR) Planning II. Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer/Exchange III. Evaluation Current projects include domestic activities, as well as those in Jamaica, Brazil, and Zambia Contact person: www. whocentre. dal. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Knowledge Translation and Health Technology Assessment in Health Equity Mandate: The Centre improves access to health information, moves knowledge to action, and supports evidence based decision making at multiple levels. Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011 : • Research in the Americas: Knowledge Translation and Decision Support (6 Ps); Outcome Measures (OMERACT); Equity Evidence Aid; Clinical Practice Guidelines (GRADE) • Training: Institutional Strengthening; Research Fellowships; EVIPNet Americas; Global Health Diplomacy Course; E-Learning as training tool • Toolkit and Decision Aids: Equity Oriented Toolkit; Equity Evidence Aid; Equity Checklist for Cochrane and Campbell Reviews • Networks and Activities Network of WHO CC in HTA: Network of WHO CC in Health Equity; Measurement and Evidence Knowledge Network CSDH; INCLEN - Can. USAclen / Latin. CLEN; Cochrane Collaboration Contact person: Jan Hatcher Roberts, jroberts@csih. org or Dr. Peter Tugwell, elacasse@uottawa. ca - http: //www. cgh. uottawa. ca/whocc/index. htm Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Training and Policy Mandate: Mental Health Policy, legislation & capabilities evaluation: a) mental health training needs for professionals. b) Mental health legislation & policy reform/development. Education & Training: a)enhancing mental health competencies in all health professionals: mental health professional training, enhanced training for primary health care professionals; & health professional training in mental health primary care. b) postgraduate training: Canadian postgraduate psychiatry training & international postgraduate psychiatry training. Dissemination of information/scholarship: a) community psycho education. b) mental health education for health care providers & policy makers. c) scholarship. Dissemination of information for implementation of innovative skill set based training models internationally. Key projects Mental Health Protection in a disaster situation for English Speaking Caribbean Countries Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Mental Health Training Program for the Caribbean and Latin America Suicide Prevention Mental Health Protection in a disaster situation for English Speaking Caribbean Countries Enhancing Primary Mental Health Care by Human Resources Development through Linking Clinical Trials Methodologies to Community Health Care Practice in Cuba and Canada Assist PAHO in the Development of a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Framework for the Region Contact person: Dr. Stan Kutcher, Director Dr. Sonia Chehil, Associate Director Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre on Non Communicable Disease Policy Mandate: The WHOCC’s role is to provide strategic expert support, expand technical capabilities for CNCD policy research, conduct systematic analysis and monitoring, provide training and capacity building, document policy dialogue and strengthen multi-sectorial collaboration initiatives in the countries and regions. Key projects and Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • The CARMEN Policy Observatory, a joint initiative between PAHO and our WHOCC, which serves as a platform for the network of countries and institutions of the Americas engaged in the systematic analysis and monitoring of CNCD policies (5 areas); The development of a systematic analysis and monitoring framework for the Partners Forum for Action on Chronic Disease to measure success and adapt action to local challenges. Contact person: Sylvie Desjardins, Scientific Director, 613 -946 -3919 Lai Yin Lee Rodriguez, Research & Policy Analyst, 613 -941 -5029 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing and Mental Health Mandate: • To collaborate with PAHO/WHO to develop and implement strategies to address the human resource needs of nursing • To collaborate with PAHO/WHO and other partners to strengthen nursing education • To collaborate with partner organizations to conduct and disseminate research in support of evidence-based practice and human resource management in nursing and mental health • To support PAHO/WHO endeavours to integrate mental health into primary health care initiatives Key projects: • Research capacity-building with nursing faculty from Brazil, Thailand Ghana through masters, doctoral and postdoctoral studies • Collaboration with nursing faculty in Brazil to develop system capacity for safer health care • Representation on the International Network of Nursing experts on mental health • Global health program of research to strengthen nurses’ capacity in HIV policy development in Sub. Saharan Africa and the Caribbean • Collaboration with U of Maryland CC survey development designed to give an overview of mental health nursing practice in USA and Canada as preparation for cross-country survey in PAHO region Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • Develop Global Citizenship opportunities for undergraduate students • Continue development of key projects Contact person: Judy Mill, judy. mill@ualberta. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition Changes and Development Mandate: Appui de l’OMS et de ses partenaires par la formation, la recherche et la communication sur la transition nutritionnelle et le double fardeau (2007 - 2011) Key projects: Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Mise en place du nouveau programme de Licence professionnelle de nutrition, Bénin Poursuite de la recherche-action communautaire et scolaire, Bénin & Burkina Mise au point d’outils de plaidoyer sur le diabète, Afrique de l’Ouest Contact person: Helene Delisle, helene. delisle@umontreal. ca (514) 343 -6111 poste 25219 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Mandate: Support the Advancement of Occupational Health and Safety Key projects: • • • IPCS INTOX, IPCS INCHEM Pandemic Planning Web Portal, Bringing Health to Work Web Portal OSH Answers Collaboration between CCOHS and WHO: – Musculo-Skeletal (MDSs) Disorders Awareness – Occupational & Environmental Cancer: Recognition and Prevention – Violence in the Workplace Collaboration with other WHO Collaborating Centres – Servico Social de Industria (SESI) Brazil – Industrial Accident Prevention Association (IAPA), Canada – National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Advancing and Supporting Healthy Workplaces Contact person: Dr P K Abeytunga, Vice President & Director General Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention of Work and Environmental Related Illnesses Mandate: Support research and training in occupational and environmental health, using an ecosystem and gender-based approach Key projects: • • Community of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health in Latin America and the Caribbean Mental health and women’s paid and unpaid work in Chili Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • Curricula development Training of labour inspectors on psychosocial factors (Chili) Document on best practices for gender, health and work Contact person: Donna Mergler, CINBIOSE, Université du Québec à Montréal; mergler. donna@uqam. ca, http: //www. cinbiose. uqam. ca/ Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre in Primary Care Nursing and Health Human Resources Mandate: To strengthen education and practice in developing countries by providing unique educational approaches for the development of nurses and other health care professionals in order to enhance leadership roles and stimulate new research opportunities in primary health care. To strengthen capacity in health human resource policy and planning in nursing; and generate collaborative opportunities within the Network for sharing innovative PHC and HHR strategies. Key projects: 1) Primary Health Care and Public Health Collaborative study (secondary focus on nursing contributions) funded by CHSRF 2) CIHR funded study to explore provincial policy implementation aimed at renewing public health systems in the areas of chronic disease prevention and STI prevention in ON and BC; R. Valaitis Academic Lead in Ontario 3) Community of Practice with street and outreach nurses: development of an international community of practice of public health nurses is being explored; discussions involving John Hopkins University 4) Evaluation of Community Health Nurses Learning Needs: Tool Development and National evaluation based on the Canadian Community Health Nursing Standards of Practice across Canada 5) Educational Consultancy: consultancy provided on the Core Competencies for Public Health via website, and module development for logic models for program evaluation in health promotion 6) Lectureship series of PHC: provided via Elluminate to street and outreach nurses Key Projects in Health Human Resources: 1) HHR Series reports published (11 -17): informed decision making from both a Canadian and International perspective, topics include employment of domestic graduates; rural HHR; and the impact of international trained nurses Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: Primary Health Care: PHC and Public Health Collaborative study continuation, Support the International Community of Practice (COP) in PHC, Communicate with the regional PHC nursing networks affiliated with PAHO, Enhance education and training of nurses, health care workers in the region of Caribbean (Trinidad & Tobago), Lectureship series in PHC continuation Health Human resources: Continue to conduct systematic literature reviews to support evidence based practice in HHR & PHC, Strengthen the education of nurses, midwives, and physicians in women’s reproductive health supporting the reduction of maternal mortality in Haiti, Initiate and conduct HHR studies in the areas of community nursing, migration patterns and impact, PHC and rural nursing, Workforce profiling, Effective HHR planning regarding Workforce Profile Contact person: Dr. Andrea Baumann, Associate Vice President, Faculty of Health Sciences, International Health Mc. Master University Tel. 905 -525 -9140 ext 22581; Email: baumanna@mcmaster. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health Mandate: Advisory, Scientific and Training Key projects: • • 2009: Projects in Policy (Dominica); Training (Belize) and Research (Jamaica) 2007: World Atlas on Intellectual Disabilities 2005: Mental Health in the Workplace (MH Policy and Program Guidance Package) 2000: Mental Health in the Workplace – Report published by WHO and ILO Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • MH Policy and Plan (Dominica) MH in Primary Care (Belize) Mental Health in Emergencies (part of PAHO Emergency Prep and Disaster Relief project Contact person: Marc Laporta, MD, FRCPC, Associate Director Associate Psychiatrist, Mc. Gill University Health Center marc. laporta@mcgill. ca 514. 762. 3006 Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating for Safety Promotion and Injury Prevention Mandate and Key projects: • • Monitoring systems & adoption of CIM-10 Initiatives to support WHO injury prevention networks Support WHO’s program of activities on safety promotion and injury prevention (violence, road safety, child injury) Support WHO Global Mentoring Program Support training and programming - Fall prevention among the elderly Foreign missions and trainees Réseau francophone en prévention des traumatismes et en promotion de la sécurité Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • Capacity building in safety promotion: Karolinska Institutet – Safe communities, São Paulo Involvement with Africa, mainly French-speaking countries: Séminaire francophone Montréal 2009 – Dakar 2010 Prevention of Violence Canada (POVC) Public policies: strategies, violence, road safety Contact person: Pierre Maurice, pierre. maurice@inspq. qc. ca Julie Laforest, julie. laforest@inspq. qc. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Water Quality Mandate: Water & sanitation - focusing on guidelines for drinking and recreational water quality Key projects: • • Participation in the continuing revision of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality & the revision of the WHO Guidelines for Safe Recreational-Water Environments; Contributing to the ongoing revision of WHO guidelines for drinking-water quality by preparing human health risk assessments of microbiological & chemical contaminants; Conducting laboratory & field investigation of chemical contaminants in drinking-water; and Participating in the development of standards for drinking water materials. Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: • • • The Collaborating Centre's projects are typically on-going. Health risk assessments for drinking water contaminants are continually being conducted, in order to be able to finalize 5 Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality every Work to coordinate our assessments with WHO needs. Current primary areas of reporting include: – Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water; Chemical Quality of Drinking Water; Drinking Water Materials; Recreational Water Quality; Re-use Water Quality; and New areas of focus such as small community water supplies. Contact person: John Cooper, Director, Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau Véronique Morisset, Manager, Water Quality Program Division, Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Workplace Injury and Illness Prevention Mandate: Representing 50, 000+ member firms and 1. 5 million+ workers in Ontario, IAPA is Canada’s largest health and safety organization and has taken a leading role in the prevention of Workplace injury and illness, working for improvement in the health and safety performance of our member firms Key projects: EOHSBI (Brazil); PAHO HS&WC Proposed activities for 2010 -2011: PAHO HS&WC Contact person: Elaine Posluns, eposluns@iapa. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada
PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Control, Pathogenesis and Epidemiology of Rabies in Carnivores Contact person: Alexander Wandeler Tel. : 613. 228. 6698 ext. : 4498 wanderlera@inspection. gc. ca Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop • Ottawa, Canada