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Canada’s National Forest Information System (NFIS) a Web-enabled Distributed Service-based Architecture NEFIS Mid-term Meeting Vienna May 25, 2004 Natural Resources Canada Canadian Forest Service Ressources naturelles Canada Service canadien des forêts
NFIS Vision CCFM-NFIS VISION Acquire Integrate Analyze Model Disseminate Report Authoritative Transparent Secure Distributed Autonomous
NFIS is • a set of conventions for shared information management by independent parties • a network of distributed forest resources “content servers” -- NFIS network nodes • Web content delivery
Why distributed? • Leverages sparse resources • Data managed closest to source • better, faster response to requests • centralization leads to stale data; supplier usually has a stake in the data • Access to current data • Addresses concerns regarding supplier credit/visibility, access control • Avoids system/vendor heated debates
NFIS Delivery. NFIS Project • Steering Committee – CCFM • • Provinces, Territories, Canada • • Chair Ontario Deputy Minister Geo. Connections Observer Project Office – CFS, Pacific Forestry Centre • • • Secretariat NFIS Implementation Funding • Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) • Geo. Connections • Canadian Forest Service
Development Requirements • Operating Guidelines • • CGDI Principles • Vendor neutrality • • International Standards (OGC, ISO, etc. ) Open Source Absolutes • Security • Minimal impact on business practices • Branding
Development Principles Open: NFIS is based on open and shared specifications for operational transactions and information exchange. Transparent: NFIS allows users to access data and services seamlessly in a manner that removes the complexities of the underlying technology and information infrastructure. Cooperative: NFIS is facilitating the cooperation and interoperability of autonomous participating organizations, provincial and territorial forestry and related resource departments.
Evolving: The CCFM network of participating organizations is defining the requirements and business applications for information and service delivery to their respective users. Self-organizing: NFIS is enabling various levels of participating organizations to contribute without the requirement for centralized administration, access, and warehousing. Self-sustaining: NFIS is ensuring its long-term sustainability through its relevance to the needs of the participating agencies and users. Timely: NFIS depends on services that support real-time and timely response in support of distributed access to information and ‘location-based’ services.
NFIS Connectivity Status NFIS Project Office Node Provincial/Territorial Nodes British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Nfld. & Labrador Nunavut Alberta Ontario Nova Scotia Yukon Saskatchewan Quebec PEI NWT CFS Nodes Atlantic Laurentian Great Lakes Northern Pacific Other Federal Infrastructures CISE NLWIS DFO CGKN CANSIS CTI CCRS Established In process Planned To be initiated Servers in place, connectivity to be established HQ
NFIS - Next Steps • Maintain existing operational systems • Complete Connectivity • • CFS • • Provinces and Territories Other Federal Infrastructures Build Services • • • Analytical Capabilities New applications including NFI, EOSD Enhance Existing Capabilities • DACS, NFDP, etc.
NFIS Services • Infrastructure / Connectivity / Web Site • Publishing – Thematic Templates • Security - Distributed Access Control System • Terrain Server • Area of Interest • Data Domain Statistics • Spatial Operations • Data capture, access, analysis, download and reporting –
Access to National and Provincial Thematic Views and Information
PEI Thematic Portal – anonymous access
NS Thematic Portal – anonymous access
Fisheries and Oceans Thematic Portal – anonymous access
Fisheries and Oceans Thematic Portal – anonymous access
NFIS Distributed Access Control System (DACS) controls access to information holdings
NFIS Web Site – Work Activities
Accessing distributed Protected Areas Information (CISE/CCEA)
Credits Canadian Council of Forest Ministers Canadian Provinces and Territories Natural Resources Canada Environment Canada Canadian Council on Ecological Areas Geo. Connections Canadian Forest Service
Local Schemas
Disparate Services operating against Provincial /Territorial Schemas Reports, maps, statistics, raw data, interactive Web applications Web get/post Service A National - Design, build NFIS reference services Jurisdictional Service B Service C Threshold NS Services (A, B, C. . ) NS NB Services (A, B, C. . ) NS Nfld. Services (A, B, C. . ) NS PEI Services (A, B, C. . ) - modify & implement reference NFIS services against P/T schemas NS NB NB Nfld. PEI PEI etc. Others Eco-zones Protected Areas Provinces & Territories Forestry
Common Services operating against National Schemas Reports, maps, statistics, raw data, interactive Web applications Web get/post National Service A Service B Service C - Design, build and implement NFIS services National Schemas Jurisdictional Threshold Provinces & Territories Schema Mapping NS NS NS - Collectively define national data models - map information holdings to National Schemas NS NB NB N&L N&L PEI PEI etc. Others Eco-zones Protected Areas Forestry - host and run services
Viewing Scolytidae Collections (Bark Beetles) using Terrain Server ?
Bark Beetle collection sites draped over terrain
Forest Cover classified for root risk draped over terrain
Area of Interest (AOI) capability Area of Interest
Data Domain Statistics Existing Geometry or User Digitized Area (AOI) • Stage 1 – Min, Max, Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Frequency Distribution • Stage 2 – Implementation of R Statistical package (http: //www. r-project. org/
WMS Spatial Operations Intersection of forest cover with ownership
WMS Spatial Operations - Masking
WMS Spatial Operations – Buffer 10 pixels
WMS Spatial Operations Intersection of Road Buffer with Ownership
Analysis Representation of MAI by Forest Types Entire Area - 8. 4 million ha C u l m i n a t i o n Parks Area - 0. 4 million ha M A I Cover Types
Representation of Age Classes (CCFM C&I 1. 1. 2 and 1. 1. 3) Entire Area - 9. 5 million ha Protected areas - 0. 43 million ha P e r c e n t A r e a Age Classes
Multi-temporal NFI Query ? 1980 1990 T-GENUS 1 PICE T_GENUS 2 PINU T_GENUS 3 POPU
NFIS Operational Applications NFIS Development Site NFIS National Web Site Distributed Access Control System Access User Account Manager National Forestry Database Program National Afforestation Inventory GHG Monitoring, Accounting & Reporting Systems (MARS - Forestry Working Group) Cube. Werx Cube. Suite UMN Map. Server Refractions Terrain Server
Computing Array Layers Application Specific Software and Configurations mod_ssl, Cube. Serv, f-prot, …| Cube. Stor Software Extensions Tomcat /Apache Base Software| Oracle Net. NS | Linux | Operating System Solaris Cisco | DELLHardware | Network Presentation Business Logic Sun Database | IBM Data Storage
Computing Array Hardware Network Presentation Business Logic Distributed Servers Data Storage
Where to now …. w. CCFM - agreement for two years, 2004 -2006 w Governance Model to be developed w Services to be expanded based on partner needs w Industry, NGOs and others to be engaged
Visit NFIS at: Where to now …. http: //nfis. org w. CCFM - agreement for two years, 2004 -2006 w Governance Model to be developed w Services to be expanded based on partner needs w Industry, NGOs and others to be engaged
NFIS Development Site Application: NFIS Development Site Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: dev. nfis. org Description: dev. nfis. org (DEV) is the NFIS Project Office Developer Web Site. DEV serves project documentation, the Track+ issue Web application, xplanner, an Extreme Programming planning Web application, SVN the Subversion replacement for CVS revision control system, project documentation, reference materials, etc. Online Link: https: //dev. nfis. org Protocol: https
NFIS Operational Applications Application: NFIS National Web Site Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: nfis. org Description: nfis. org is the primary Web site of the National Forest Information System. It provides project information and entry points to member Web sites in the nfis. org federation. Protocol: http/s Ports: *: 80 DACS ENABLED
Distributed Access Control System Application: NFIS DACS NRCan Jurisdictional Server / Public Jurisdictional Server Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: nrcan. nfis. org / public. nfis. org Description: DACS authentication server for NRCan Jurisdiction DACS authentication server for Public Jurisdiction Protocol: https Ports: _default_: 811 10. 1. 1. 11: 443
Access User Account Manager Application: Access Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: ca. nfis. org Description: Access is the user account and profile management suite of the NFIS Project Office. Access provides the user interface for such functions as user login, registration, forgot password etc. Online Link: https: //ca. nfis. org/access/why_register. jsp Protocol: https Ports: _default_: 815 10.
National Forestry Database Program Application: NFDP Data Capture Application Owner: National Forestry Database Program Site: nfdp. nfis. org Description: nfdp. nfis. org is the Web application of the National Forestry Database Program. It serves provincial, territorial and federal agencies in the annual data capture requirement for the NFDP Forest Statistics Compendium. Online Link: https: //nfdp. nfis. org/questionnaire/index. jsp Protocol: https Ports: *: 80, _default_: 813 10. 1. 1. 13: 443 DACS ENABLED
National Afforestation Inventory Application: NAI Application Owner: Canada Carbon Accounting Team Site: nai. nfis. org Description: nai. nfis. org is the Web application site for the National Afforestation Inventory. The site permits users to access and/or update NAI information based on assigned Access roles. Protocol: https Ports: *: 80, _default_: 817 10. 1. 1. 17: 443 DACS ENABLED
GHG Monitoring, Accounting & Reporting Systems (MARS) - Forestry Working Group Application: MARS Custom PHPCollab Owner: Canada Carbon Accounting Team Site: mars. nfis. org Description: mars. nfis. org is a team collaboration Web site operated on behalf of PFC-CAT. The site supports discussion lists, task assignment, status and issues tracking and document upload. Online Link: http: //mars. nfis. org redirect to https: //mars. nfis. org/ Protocol: http/s Ports: *: 80, _default_: 812 10. 1. 1. 12: 443 DACS ENABLED
Cube. Werx Cube. Suite Application: Cube. Suite Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: ca. nfis. org Description: Cube. Suite is the product set of Cube. Werx (http: //cubewerx. com) implementing the OGC WMS, WFS, SLD and other specifications. . Online Link: https: //ca. nfis. org/cfsnet/arc/index. html Protocol: https Ports: _default_: 817 10. 1. 1. 17: 443 DACS ENABLED
UMN Map. Server Application: UMN Map. Server Owner: NFIS Project Offic Site: ca. nfis. org Description: UMN Map. Server is the University of Minnesota implementation of the OGC WMS, WFS, SLD and other specifications. Online Link: https: //ca. nfis. org/mapserver/nfis-mapserver. phtml Protocol: https Ports: *: 80, _default_: 815 10. 1. 1. 15: 443 DACS ENABLED
Refractions Terrain Server Application: Terrain Server Owner: NFIS Project Office Site: ca. nfis. org Description: Refractions Terrain Server 3 D Web Mapping system adding a third dimension to Open. GIS WMS map servers delivering results over the web in real time. (http: //www. refractions. net/terrainserver ) Online Link: https: //ca. nfis. org/terrain/index. html Protocol: https Ports: _default_: 815 10. 1. 1. 15: 443 DACS ENABLED