Скачать презентацию CANADA Government and politics Canada is Скачать презентацию CANADA Government and politics Canada is


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Government and politics • Canada is a constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II, Queen of Government and politics • Canada is a constitutional monarchy with Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, as head of state. The constitution is the supreme law of the country, and consists of written text and unwritten conventions. • Executive authority is constitutionally vested in the monarch, but is in practice exercised by the Cabinet, a committee of the Queen's Privy Council, through the monarch's representative, the Governor General. As the monarch and viceroy stay apolitical and predominantly ceremonial in order to ensure the stability of government – by convention almost invariably deferring all governmental matters to their ministers in the Cabinet, who are themselves responsible to the elected House of Commons – real executive power is said to lie with the Cabinet, though the monarch and Governor General do retain the right to use discretionary powers in exceptional constitutional crisis situations.

 • The Prime Minister, generally the leader of the political party that commands • The Prime Minister, generally the leader of the political party that commands the confidence of the House of Commons, is appointed by the Governor General to select and head the Cabinet; thus, the Prime Minister's Office is one of the most powerful organs of government, responsible for selecting, besides the other Cabinet members, Senators, federal court judges, heads of Crown corporations and government agencies, and the federal and provincial viceroys for appointment. • The federal parliament is made up of the Queen and two houses: an elected House of Commons and an appointed Senate. Each member in the House of Commons is elected by simple plurality in a riding or electoral district; general elections are called by the Governor General when the Prime Minister so advises or when the government loses the confidence of the House. While there is no minimum term for a Parliament, a new election must be called within five years of the last general election.

WEATHER • Northern Canadian vegetation tapers from coniferous forests to tundra and finally to WEATHER • Northern Canadian vegetation tapers from coniferous forests to tundra and finally to Arctic barrens in the far north. The northern Canadian mainland is ringed with a vast archipelago containing some of the world's largest islands. • Average winter and summer high temperatures across Canada vary depending on the location. Winters can be harsh in many regions of the country, particularly in the interior and Prairie provinces which experience a continental climate, where daily average temperatures are near -15 °C (5 °F) but can drop below -40 °C (-40 °F) with severe wind chills. In non-coastal regions, snow can cover the ground almost six months of the year (more in the north). Coastal British Columbia is an exception and enjoys a temperate climate with a mild and rainy winter. • On the east and west coast average high temperatures are generally in the low 20 s °C (70 s °F), while between the coasts the average summer high temperature ranges from 25 to 30 °C (75 to 85 °F) with occasional extreme heat in some interior locations exceeding 40 °C (104 °F). For a more complete description of climate across Canada see Environment Canada's Website.

LANGUAGE • English and French are the mother tongues of 59. 7% and 23. LANGUAGE • English and French are the mother tongues of 59. 7% and 23. 2% of the population respectively, and the languages most spoken at home by 68. 3% and 22. 3% of the population respectively. 98. 5% of Canadians speak English or French (67. 5% speak English only, 13. 3% speak French only, and 17. 7% speak both). English and French Official Language Communities, defined by First Official Language Spoken, constitute 73. 0% and 23. 6% of the population respectively. Although 85% of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, there are substantial Francophone populations in Ontario, Alberta and southern Manitoba. Ontario has the largest French-speaking population outside Quebec. • Non-official languages are important in Canada, with 5, 202, 245 people listing one as a first language. Some significant non-official first languages include Chinese, Italian, German and Punjabi.

INDUSTRY • Canada has mainly coal, metal, oil and gas, machinebuilding and chemical industries INDUSTRY • Canada has mainly coal, metal, oil and gas, machinebuilding and chemical industries which are highly developed. Although only about 7% of the land area is suitable for farming, agriculture is the fifth largest producer of wheat in the world and the second largest wheat exporter. 80% of Canada’s farmland is in the prairies. Other important agricultural items are livestock production, oats, vegetables, fruits, tobacco, dairy product and leather. Canada is very rich in natural resources – gold, uranium, other metals and oil and gas.

AGRICULTURE • Agriculture in Canada refers to all activities that involve the domestication of AGRICULTURE • Agriculture in Canada refers to all activities that involve the domestication of plants or animals to produce goods for human use, and related activities such as food processing and marketing. The word agriculture comes from Latin and refers to cultivation (cultura) of the field (ager). However, in Canada agriculture has come to include animal husbandry, orchards, and other related activities. The Canadian federal government's department of Agriculture and Agri-Food has a mandate to provide "information, research, technology, policies and programs for [the] security of the food system, [the] health of the environment and innovation for growth. " Agricultural production may fulfill international human and animal sustenance needs. The particular commodity produced is dependent upon its particular biogeography or ecozone and can also be classified by Canadian province. Agricultural production of food via soil tillage is the main impetus for agriculture in Canada. Data for the livestock and fisheries food production industry is included when relevant.

HISTORY • Archaeological studies support a human presence in northern Yukon from 26, 500 HISTORY • Archaeological studies support a human presence in northern Yukon from 26, 500 years ago, and in southern Ontario from 9, 500 years ago. Europeans first arrived when the Vikings settled briefly at L'Anse aux Meadows circa 1000. However it existed only shortly and from long-term angle there wasn´t no point in. Canada was found again for Europe at the turn of 15 th and 16 th century. With arrival of Europans quickley started widen europan diseasses which decimated first ihabitans and opened way for colonists to indians territory. • While Britishes were populating thirteen colonies on the east shore of USA, Frenchies colonized area of St. Laurence River. In years 1689 -1769 took place a lot of french and indian wars. These wars flew into doom of french powewr in Canada which fell on Great Britian. That acepted Quebec Act to catholic religion, french civil law-book and French as official lenguage of Quebéc. • For ameriacan war for independence Canada wasn´t join to insurrection of thirteen colonies and became objective country of thousand loyalists who went away from territory from USA. A lof of english protesters got to area of Great Lakes. That made for divison of Québec on Upper and Under Canada.

 • USA repeatedly nibbled at occupation of Upper and Under Canada, but their • USA repeatedly nibbled at occupation of Upper and Under Canada, but their invasions were knock off. Posture of indians inhabitants, which side with Britishes. In the end Britian decided to creating United Canadian Province. In 1919 were signed Oregon dealing and finished territorial disputes between USA and Canada. • Canada automatically came in First World War by promulgation of Great Britian and sended out contingent compound of volunteers. However, losses were so much hard Robert Borde had to excerpt obligatory levy for completion of canadian powers. • In 1919 Canada came into League of Nations and in 1931 Westminster statute confirmed her independence. • Before Second World War Canada aided policy of appeasment vis-avis Germany, after assault of Poland her prime minister W. L. Mackanzie King enforced declaration of war in ccanadian parliament. During war came to great development of war industry. • Even through opposition of Québec representatives came to approbation new version of constitution. And in line with it Canada became quite independent, in which stand monarch shared with Great Britian.

SIGHTS OF CANADA National park Gros Morne Old city Lunenburg • It´s situated on SIGHTS OF CANADA National park Gros Morne Old city Lunenburg • It´s situated on west shore of island Newfoundland, in the easternmost part of Canada. Its origin date back to long-ago when continents formed in the Earth. Just thanks to geologic origin Gros Morne was included in UNESCO. In the park much rare plants and animals find refuge. They are for example cariboo Karibu, canadian elk, black bear, red fox, ehite fox, castor etc. • It´s the best extant example of british colonial architecture in North America. Luneneburg was found in 1753 and all its streets originated in line witg geometrically regular model. Every full block of houses creates rectangle. Most of buildings in center of city have been built in 18 th and 19 th century. Almost all are from wood. Lunenburg was signed on UNESCO in 1995.

International park of peace Waterton-Glacier In principle concerns about two parks - smaller canadian International park of peace Waterton-Glacier In principle concerns about two parks - smaller canadian Waterton Lakes and almost nine times bigger american national park Glacier, which were joined in proof of old friendship between USA and Canada in 1932. Typical trait are deep valleys of glacial origin, lakes, lot of mountain rivers and falls. Park was signed on UNESCO in 1995. National park Miguasha Canal Rideau It´s situated in south-east part of province of Québec on south coast of devonian season which is known as „season of fish“ In this era took place turning poin of their progression and first overland vertebrates appeared in devon in addition. The most fascinating fact are 370 000 old years findings. Park was signed on UNESCO in 1999. It´s meanwhile last canadian sight on UNESCO since last year. It was constructed on lakes Rideau and Cataraqui in 19 th century. It measures 202 km and heads from Ottawa south of harbor Kingston on lake Ontario. It´s the best constructed technology so-called in North America. It has been built for strategic reasons where Great Britain and USA compete for control of this area. In winter keeps eight kilometric ice-rink which is the longest in the world.


OTTAWA • is the capital of Canada and the country´s fourth largest municipality, as OTTAWA • is the capital of Canada and the country´s fourth largest municipality, as well as the second largest city in the province of Ontario • it is located in the Ottawa Valley in the eastern portion of the province of Ontario • Ottawa has got about 1 200 000 inhabitants • Ottawa consists of six territorial parts. Kanata, Nepean, Downtown, Gloucester, Orléans and Cumberland • Inhabitants speak english and french • the current mayor of Ottawa is Larry O´Brien • Foreign born residents in Ottawa made up 18. 46 percent of the population in which many come from China, Lebanon, northeast Africa, Iran, and Balkan Europe. Members of visible minority groups (non-white/European) constituted 14. 14 percent, while those of Aboriginal origin numbered 1. 28 percent of the total population. The largest visible minority groups consisted of Black Canadians: 3. 32%, Chinese Canadians: 2. 59%, Arab: 2. 19%, and Asian: 2. 02%, as well as smaller mixed race, and other East Asian groups • Ottawa has a humid continental climate with a range of temperatures from a record high of 37. 8 °C in the summers of 1986 and 2001, to a record low of -38. 9 °C (38 °F) being recorded on December 29, 1933, the third coldest temperature recorded in a capital city

 • In addition to being the capital of Canada, Ottawa is politically diverse • In addition to being the capital of Canada, Ottawa is politically diverse with regard to local politics. Central Ottawa is usually more left-leaning, and the New Democratic Party can win ridings there as government unions and activist groups are fairly strong. • The Ottawa region was long home to First Nations peoples who were part of the Algonquin • The west side of the canal became known as "Uppertown" where the Parliament buildings are located, while the east side of the canal (wedged between the canal and Rideau River) was known as the "Lowertown". At that time, Lowertown was a crowded, boisterous shanty town, frequently receiving the worst of disease epidemics, such as the Cholera outbreak in 1832, and typhus in 1847 • On December 31, 1857, Queen Victoria was asked to choose a common capital for then province of Canada (modern Quebec and Ontario) and choose Ottawa • On September 5, 1945, only weeks after the end of World War Two, Ottawa was the site of the event that many people consider to be the official start of the Cold War. A Soviet cipher clerk, Igor Gouzenko, defected from the Soviet embassy with over 100 secret documents • In 2001, the old city of Ottawa (estimated 2005 population 350, 000) was amalgamated with the suburbs of Nepean , Kanata , Gloucester , Rockliffe Park , Vanier and Cumberland, and the rural townships of West Carleton , Osgoode , Rideau and Goulbourn , along with the systems and infrastructure of the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, to become one municipality

Parlament Hill Canadian Civic Heraldry OTTAWA Parlament Hill Canadian Civic Heraldry OTTAWA

TORONTO • • • it is the largest city of Canada and the capital TORONTO • • • it is the largest city of Canada and the capital province Ontario it is located on the north-west shore of Lake Ontario there is 2, 5 millions inhabitants and with suburb there live 5, 2 millions inhabitants it is the main economic center of Canada it has got the most developed financial set, telecommunications, transport, media, art and health service in all country it is considered by the most expensive Canadian city is the highest Tower in the world (Tower CN)-it is 553. 33 metres high, this tower is considered for main sing of city there are the biggest skyscrapers in Canada (Downtown) around Bay Street are important financial and business centres Toronto's climate is moderate for Canada due to its southerly location within the country and its proximity to Lake Ontario. It has a humid continental climate , with warm, humid summers and generally cold winters Toronto is a major scene for theatre and other performing arts, with more than fifty ballet and dance companies, six opera companies, and two symphony orchestras. The city is home to the National Ballet of Canada, the Canadian Opera Company, and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra

 • Toronto is a major international centre for business and finance. Generally considered • Toronto is a major international centre for business and finance. Generally considered the financial capital of Canada, Toronto has a high concentration of banks and brokerage firms on Bay Street, in the Financial District • Toronto is a singer-tier municipality governed by a mayor-council system. The structure of the municipal government is stipulated by the City of Toronto Act. The Mayor of Toronto is elected by direct popular vote to serve as the chief executive of the city • When Europeans first arrived at the site of present-day Toronto, the vicinity was inhabited by the Huron tribes, who by then had displaced the Iroquois tribes that occupied the region for centuries before c. 1500 • The city is intersected by two rivers and numerous tributaries: the Humber River in the west end and the Don River east of downtown at opposite ends of the Toronto Harbour. The harbour was naturally created by sediment build-up from lake currents that created the Toronto Islands.

 • • • QUÉBEC it is the capital of Canadian privince Quebec it • • • QUÉBEC it is the capital of Canadian privince Quebec it is the second largest city in province after Montreal there is 717, 6 thousands inhabitants Quebec´s old city is only one city in all North America which it is all the time fortified city walls are in the list protected memories UNESCO city is mainly known by Winter Carnival, Carnival is the biggest sui generis in the world. in city is Countified Parliament, Museum mild artistry, Museum civilisation´s etc. tourist allurement are Montmorency Falls-83 metres high (this Falls are over 30 metres higher then Niagara Falls) Quebec was primaryly settled by Indians from tribe Algonkin and Irokéz, Eskimos live in his north to this day 5 millions people is Canadian French origin, about 350 thousands people is British origin and about 137 thousands are Indians, Eskimos and Mestici

MONTREAL • it is the second largest city in Canada after Toronto and after MONTREAL • it is the second largest city in Canada after Toronto and after Paris it is the second largest city with french language in the world • there is more than 1 000 people • the main language is french (65 %), next language is english (10 %) and the rest is divided between Italian, Germans, Jews and Europeans from east and center Europe • the main religions is Roman Catholic • it is situated on the island Montreal Island • the city was named according Mont-Royal mountain-232 metres high • there are long, cold winters • in summer is warmth abou 22ºC and it is a lot raining • the first European who came on place today´s Montreal was Jacques Cartier

EDMONTON • it is the capital of Canadian province Alberta • there is 730 EDMONTON • it is the capital of Canadian province Alberta • there is 730 000 inhabitants but all agglomeration is 1 034 945 inhabitants • the first settlement was after finish ice age • the first European which he came to place today´s Edmonton was Anthony Heynday • during the First World War number of inhabitants declined for one third • there is continental climate • summers are mildly warm but winters are frosty • the mayor is Stephen Mandel

VANCOUVER • the capital is Victoria • it is island in Pacific Ocean • VANCOUVER • the capital is Victoria • it is island in Pacific Ocean • the islan is 460 kilometres long and 80 kilometres wide • it is the second the most populous island of Canada • it is named by George Vancouver-officer british Royal Marine • there is abou 734 thousand inhabitants and from this 326 000 in Victoria • the highest mountain is Golden hinde • island was settled 8 000 years ago • European started engage island in 1774 • sea transport is very important becase it ensure connection with continental part-there isn´t no one bridge

Canada´s the most famous personality • Terrance Stanley Canada´s the most famous personality • Terrance Stanley "Terry" Fox, (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981) was a Canadian humanitarian, athlete, and cancer treatment activist. He became famous for the Marathon of Hope, a cross-Canada run to raise money for cancer research, which Fox ran with one prosthetic leg. He is considered one of Canada's greatest heroes of the 20 th century and is celebrated internationally every September as people participate in the Terry Fox Run, the world's largest one-day fundraiser for cancer research.

 • CANADA has got lot of famous people in ice-hockey for example Eric • CANADA has got lot of famous people in ice-hockey for example Eric Lindros or Sidney Crosby. • In culture is famous Céline Dion – sang of main sing to film Titanic, or Avril Lavigne – young woman, who became world´s star. • In politics is star Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who as prime minister in years 1968 to 1984 helped canadian economy come to „Frist World´s States“