Canada Canada Canada comes from an Indian word
- Количество слайдов: 33
Canada Canada comes from an Indian word kanata, meaning ‘a village’ or ‘a settlement’. Canada is the second largest country after Russia. Total area is 9, 984, 670 km. Canada is a very cold place with long winters. In the northern islands it is often cold even in summer. Settlement – колония, поселение Area – площадь Island - остров
Population of Canada Canada has fewer people than many other countries that are much smaller. Population of Canada is 33, 574, 000 people. There are such ethnic groups as European( English, French, Scottish, Irish, German, Russian and many others). Few – меньше Population - население Ethnic groups – этнические группы Scottish - шотландцы Irish - ирландцы
National symbols The maple leaf The beaver
Official languages. Canada’s official languages are English and French. But many other languages are spoken there, including Inuktitut (the language of the Inuit, or Eskimos) and other Canadian Indian languages. Language - язык To include – включать в себя Inuktitut – инуктитут (язык инуитов) The Inuit, or Eskimos – инуиты( эскимосы)
Government Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. Head of state: Queen Elizabeth II National anthem: ’O, Canada’ Royal anthem: ‘God Save the Queen’ Government - правительство parliamentary democracy – парламентарная демократия constitutional monarchy – конституционная монархия Anthem - гимн Royal - королевский
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are a symbol of Canada and the heroes of hundreds of adventure stories. Mounted Police – конная полиция Hero - герой Adventure – приключение
Canada is surrounded by three oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic. It has the longest coastline in the word: 243, 000 kilometers. No wonder the country’s motto is ‘from sea to sea’ To surround – окружать Ocean - океан The Pacific - Тихий The Atlantic - Атлантический The Arctic - Арктический Coastline – береговая линия Motto - девиз
The latest big craze in Canada is whale –watching. Special boats go out into the ocean – at the right place and at the right time – and you have a 99 % chance of seeing whales. whale –watching – наблюдение за китами Boat - лодка
Forests cover almost half of Canada’s territory. There are a lot of different minerals such as coal, copper, nickel, and iron ore are found in the mines. Minerals - минералы Coal - уголь Copper - медь Nickel - никель Iron ore – железная руда Mine - рудник шахта
Nearly one-fourth of all the fresh water in the world is in Canada. There are a lot of different lakes, rivers and mountains in Canada. The longest river is the Mackenzie river. The highest mountain is Mount Logan fresh water – пресная вода Mountain - гора
Cities and towns. About 77% of Canadians live in cities and towns. Ottawa, the capital of Canada, is one of the countries most attractive cities. It’s the public face of Canada There are many parks, museums, art galleries, and universities and historic buildings. Attractive - привлекательный Museum - музей Art galleries – галерея искусств University - университет
Toronto is the largest city in Canada. Here you can see one of the world’s tallest buildings, the CN Tower. Toronto is the country’s business centre and home to the largest companies and banks. Montreal is unlike any other city in Canada. It has an atmosphere all of its own. It’s a friendly, romantic place where couples kiss on the street and strangers talk to each other! The oldest part of the city, Old Montreal, dates from the 1700s. Toronto - Торонто CN Tower – Си-Эн Тауэр (телебашня) Bank – банк Montreal – г.Монреаль Couples – пары To kiss - целоваться
Canada has 10 provinces. They are: 1)Newfoundland and Labrador 2) Prince Edward Island, 3) Nova Scotia, 4)New Brunswick, 5) Quebec, 6) Ontario, 7) Manitoba, 8) Saskatchewan, 9)Alberta, 10)British Columbia. Province - провинция
Province Alberta In the province of Alberta you can find strange-looking sandstone formations that are called ‘hoodoos’. They were created by wind and water. There are 42 national parks in Canada. The oldest National Park is Banff in Alberta. It was created in 1885 in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Alberta – провинция Альберта Sandstone - песчаник Hoodoo – худу(горное образование National Park – национальный парк Banff - Банф Rocky Mountains – Скалистые горы
Newfoundland Newfoundland is the oldest Viking settlement in North America. The Vikings first landed in North America about 1,000 years ago. But the territory of Canada had been inhabited for thousands of years before the Vikings’ arrival. The first people came to Canada from Siberia in the middle of the Ice Age, about 27,000 ago. Newfoundland - Ньюфаундленд Viking - викинг To inhabit- населять Arrival – прибытие, приезд Siberia - Сибирь Ice Age – ледниковый период
Quebec Quebec is the oldest and the largest of Canada’s ten provinces. Quebec City, the capital of Quebec province, is the oldest city in Canada. About 240 kilometers southwest of Quebec City is Montreal, the largest city in the province. The first European to visit Quebec was Jacques Cartier of France in 1534. Today, eight out of every ten people in Quebec are of French origin. The French language they speak is unique. Quebec - Квебек Jacques Cartier – Жак Картье Origin – происхождение Unique - уникальный
Territories of Canada Canada has 3 main territories: Nunavut, Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories In 1999, one half of Canada’s territory was officially returned to the Inuit people. The name of this new territory is Nunavut. In Inuktitut it means ‘Our land.’ Inuit - интуиты Nunavut - Нунавут Inuktitut – инуктитут ( язык интуитов)
Yukon The Yukon is a territory in northwest Canada where the Klondike Gold Rush took place in 1890s. Jack London came to the Yukon in September of 1897. He was 21 years old and full of hopes to find gold. Although he didn’t become rich, he later turned his Klondike adventures into fame and fortune with his legendary short stories and books. Gold Rush – золотая лихорадка Yukon - Юкон Hope - надежда Fortune - богатство Although - хотя
Niagara Falls Niagara Falls is one of the world’s wonders. These beautiful waterfalls can be found on the border between Canada and the United States. Niagara Falls is often called ‘ the honeymoon capital of the world’. Honeymoon – медовый месяц Niagara Falls – Ниагарский водопад Waterfall - водопад Border - граница
Canadians like to eat maple syrup! It’s usually eaten with pancakes. It’s delicious. There are a lot of polar bears in Canada. Polar bears are very big (they weigh up to 600 kilos) and may be dangerous polar bear – полярный медведь Dangerous - опасный maple syrup – кленовый сироп Pancake - блин Delicious - вкусный
Ice hockey and lacrosse are the national sports of Canada. Canadians also ski, golf, curl, ride horses, play baseball, football and tennis. Lacrosse - лакросс Ride horses – гонки на лошадях
National holiday: National holiday is Canada day. Canada’s birthday is celebrated on the first of July. There are fireworks, parades and picnics all over the country.
The name ‘Canada’ comes from Indian word ‘kanata’. What does this word mean? settlement city c) town d) province
What official languages are there in Canada? English and German English and French c) English and Spanish d) Niagara Italian
What is the capital of Canada? Toronto Montreal c) Quebec d) Ottawa
Which animal is an official emblem of Canada? The moose The black cat c) The beaver d) The polar bear
Which place in Canada is called ‘the honeymoon capital of the world’? The Yukon Newfoundland c) Montreal d) Niagara Falls
What are Canada’s two national sports? Ice hockey and baseball Ice hockey and lacrosse Football and tennis Basketball and lacrosse
How many provinces are there in Canada? Ten Twelve Fifteen Twenty one
Which ocean doesn’t surround Canada? The Pacific The Atlantic The Arctic The Indian
Where can you find ‘hoodoos’? Montreal Yukon Alberta Toronto
What is the largest city in Canada? Toronto Montreal c) Quebec d) Ottawa