Скачать презентацию Can You See the Cow Stephen Lanham Madison Скачать презентацию Can You See the Cow Stephen Lanham Madison


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Can You See the Cow Stephen Lanham, Madison Central High School stephen. lanham@madison. kyschools. Can You See the Cow Stephen Lanham, Madison Central High School stephen. lanham@madison. kyschools. us Donna Brockman, Kentucky Department of Education donna. brockman@education. ky. gov Strategies for Mentoring New Teachers

Agenda n n n Sign in. Entry slip Intro Overview First day Characteristics of Agenda n n n Sign in. Entry slip Intro Overview First day Characteristics of mentoring programs Research n n n n Soft techniques Hard techniques 6 Cs Q and A Physical makeup Mirroring Body language Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

New teachers suffer fromn n n n n Inexperience One step ahead No classroom New teachers suffer fromn n n n n Inexperience One step ahead No classroom Most challenging students Multiple preps No access to resources Same age as students Hazing by veteran teachers Extra duties Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Mentoring- Sustained communication, transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support relevant to Mentoring- Sustained communication, transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psychosocial support relevant to work. PLC. Mentor. Ongoing training. External teacher network.

Community Culture- Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com Community Culture- Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

3 Info Sources- Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. 3 Info Sources- Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com Community. School. Teaching Profession

Outcomes Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com Strengthen. Outcomes Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com Strengthen. Retain. Student Achievement

Ø % of your new teachers who leave Some Statistics Ø between 8% - Ø % of your new teachers who leave Some Statistics Ø between 8% - 19 % leave the profession after the first year. Ø between 25% - 43% by the end of the third year Ø % of your teachers retiring every year Ø +/- 08 Ø $ amount to train a new teacher Ø The US Department of Labor estimates the costs to replace an employee averages 33 percent of the new hire’s salary Ø ($28, 930 x. 33 = $7, 897) Ø >5 years experience most evaluations least support Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

The American Association of Employment in Education report higher salaries, supportive policies and a The American Association of Employment in Education report higher salaries, supportive policies and a greater number of teacher preparing institutions, have had fewer problems hiring teachers. wealthy districts have surpluses of teachers More teachers will not solve the problems of high turnover and attrition that fuel chronic “shortages” in disadvantaged schools where salaries are too low and working conditions are unacceptable. 8 Qs What Does the Research Say? 2005 by the Education Commission of the States Most white & female. Increases minority. handling student diversity. mathematics and science. Smaller vs larger. Private vs public. strong administrative support and adequate autonomy. comparable teacher salaries Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

What do you have to know to work here? n n n n Where What do you have to know to work here? n n n n Where to get support Resources Time requirements Duties Culture Process Management Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

What can we look at? n n n Observations Value added Classroom work Portfolio What can we look at? n n n Observations Value added Classroom work Portfolio Teacher self -reflections Student Evaluations Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

How can we provide support? n n Coaching/ Mentoring PLCs & Peer critiques Retired How can we provide support? n n Coaching/ Mentoring PLCs & Peer critiques Retired teacher volunteers Negative feedback q n Corrective action plan Checklists Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School The Checklist Manifesto – Atul Gawande Associate Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard sc School of Public Health Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

The 3 Ms: Mentor, Manage, Motivate Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE The 3 Ms: Mentor, Manage, Motivate Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Image of wrecked bicyclist Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ Image of wrecked bicyclist Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Mirroring for deflating aggression and building positive relationships Order your copy of CAN YOU Mirroring for deflating aggression and building positive relationships Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

n Classroom Management q n Classroom Discipline q n The act or manner of n Classroom Management q n Classroom Discipline q n The act or manner of supervising, handling, or directing the consistent day to day operation of the classroom. When behavior and order are maintained by rules of conduct and control, and punishment is inflicted by way of correction. Contest of Wills q Competition, strife, dispute, or controversy between a teacher and student(s) to determine whose purpose or resolve will be imposed on the other. Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

3 Ps of classroom management n PREPARATION 3 days minimum n PREDICTABILITY How you 3 Ps of classroom management n PREPARATION 3 days minimum n PREDICTABILITY How you and your classroom work n 100% predictability POSITIVITY 2 to 1 rule Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

SOP EXPLIAN Define the procedure TRAIN Practice the procedure SUSTAIN Re-teach- Correct- Praise Order SOP EXPLIAN Define the procedure TRAIN Practice the procedure SUSTAIN Re-teach- Correct- Praise Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Soft Techniques n “I feel” statements n Don’t encourage disruption n Stop the whole Soft Techniques n “I feel” statements n Don’t encourage disruption n Stop the whole class and teach n No discipline bombs Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Bad management n Don’t nag q q q “I’m going to write you up. Bad management n Don’t nag q q q “I’m going to write you up. ” “Do you want me to call your parents? ” “Don’t make me send you to the office. ” n Until you actually carry out your threats, you are nothing but a windy bag of bluster. Don’t threaten to do something unless you are prepared to do it. n Don’t threaten… warn Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

six Cs chain of classroom discipline n n Correct the student verbally Conference with six Cs chain of classroom discipline n n Correct the student verbally Conference with the student (away from other students) n n Calendar- Begin to keep documentation Call the students parents and enlist their help Charge the student with a disciplinary referral Conference with the student, parents, and administration Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Rewards (Youngers) n n n Piggy banks – children can earn money to buy Rewards (Youngers) n n n Piggy banks – children can earn money to buy items, by exhibiting appropriate behavior. Cheer Charts- Students earn stickers for exceptional behavior. Lunch Bunch- Students can eat lunch with the teacher. Reading to Another Classroom Free-choice Friday- children may select a free choice activity during a selected time. Extra Recess Time Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com

Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com Order your copy of CAN YOU SEE THE COW @ canyouseethecow. com