- Количество слайдов: 6
Campaign Website Content Seth Maheu
3 -Tiered Analysis l Tier 1 – – – l Tier 2 – – l News Biography Contact Information Online Donations Volunteer Forms Multimedia Blogs RSS Downloads Tier 3 – – – En Español Fundraising Campaigns Team Tools House Parties Podcasts
Presentation l Building a sense of community through making users feel they are part of a larger project – National/Insider – Local/Outsider – Neutral
Benefits l Issue Promotion l Campaign Donations – Bush: 5% ($14 mil) – Kerry: 33% ($89 mil) l Team Tools l Blog/RSS
Knowing the Facts l Obama’s “Know the Facts” l Mc. Cain’s “Debate Central: Debate Facts”
References Benoit, W. J. , & Benoit, P. J. (2000). The virtual campaign: Presidential primary websites in campaign 2000: American Communication Journal, 3, http: //acjournal. org/holdings/vol 3/Iss 3/curtain. html#4 l Gulati, G. J. (2004). Members of congress and the presentation of self on the World Wide Web. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 9, 22 -40. l Postelnicu, M. , martin, J. D. , & Landreville, K. D. (2006). The role of campaign web sites in promoting candidates and attracting campaign resources. In A. P. Williams and J. C. Tedesco. The Internet election: Perspectives on the web in campaign 2004 (pp. 99 -110). Lanham, MD: l Rowman & Littlefield Publishing. l Trammell, K. D. , Williams, A. P. , Postelnicu, M. , & Landreville, K. D. (2006). Evolution of online campaigning: Increasing interactivity in candidate web sites and blogs through text and technical features. Mass Communication & Society, 9, 21 -44.